mailIdea to fix systemtest?

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Posted by Troels Emtekær Linnet on June 15, 2014 - 23:03:
Hi Ed.

This now fails:

line 1863, in plot_disp_curves
    point = cpmg_frqs_new[ei][mi][oi][di]
IndexError: list index out of range

Do you have an idea?


- The 'R2eff' model -

relax> pipe.copy(pipe_from='origin - relax_disp (Thu Jan  2 13:46:44
2014)', pipe_to='R2eff - relax_disp (Thu Jan  2 13:46:44 2014)',
bundle_to='relax_disp (Thu Jan  2 13:46:44 2014)')

relax> pipe.switch(pipe_name='R2eff - relax_disp (Thu Jan  2 13:46:44

relax> relax_disp.select_model(model='R2eff')
The model for determining the R2eff/R1rho values from peak intensities.

relax> calc(verbosity=1)
Calculating the R2eff/R1rho values for fixed relaxation time period data.
Spin ':459@N'.

Results writing

num_points=1000, extend=500.0, force=True)
Opening the file
for writing.
Opening the file
for writing.

Opening the file
for writing.

relax> value.write(param='r2eff', file='r2eff.out',
scaling=1.0, comment=None, bc=False, force=True)
Opening the file
for writing.

relax> grace.write(x_data_type='res_num', y_data_type='r2eff',
spin_id=None, plot_data='value', file='r2eff.agr',
force=True, norm=False)
Opening the file
for writing.

relax> results.write(file='results',
compress_type=1, force=True)
Opening the file
for writing.

- The 'No Rex' model -

relax> pipe.copy(pipe_from='origin - relax_disp (Thu Jan  2 13:46:44
2014)', pipe_to='No Rex - relax_disp (Thu Jan  2 13:46:44 2014)',
bundle_to='relax_disp (Thu Jan  2 13:46:44 2014)')

relax> pipe.switch(pipe_name='No Rex - relax_disp (Thu Jan  2 13:46:44

relax> relax_disp.select_model(model='No Rex')
The model for no chemical exchange relaxation.

relax> value.copy(pipe_from='R2eff - relax_disp (Thu Jan  2 13:46:44
2014)', pipe_to='No Rex - relax_disp (Thu Jan  2 13:46:44 2014)',


Nesting and model equivalence checks

No model nesting or model equivalence detected.

relax> grid_search(lower=None, upper=None, inc=3, constraints=True,

Fitting to the spin block [':459@N']

Unconstrained grid search size: 9 (constraints may decrease this size).

Grid search

Searching through 9 grid nodes.
k: 0        xk: [            0.5,             0.5]    fk: 436.862516468

k: 3        xk: [            0.5,            1.25]    fk: 406.49758716

Optimised parameter values:
r2 (SQ CPMG - 0.00059977 MHz)         5.000000000000000
r2 (SQ CPMG - 599.77212354 MHz)        12.500000000000000

relax> minimise(min_algor='simplex', line_search=None, hessian_mod=None,
hessian_type=None, func_tol=1e-05, grad_tol=None, max_iter=1000,
constraints=True, scaling=True, verbosity=1)

Fitting to the spin block [':459@N']

Logarithmic barrier function
k: 0        xk: [            0.5,            1.25]    fk: 406.49758716

Entering sub-algorithm.
 Simplex minimisation

k: 0        xk: [            0.5,            1.25]    fk: 406.443271114

Parameter values: [0.0021207261241890383, 0.89458126560725759]
Function value:   1.2065517126305849
 Iterations:       43
Function calls:   83
Gradient calls:   0
 Hessian calls:    0
Warning:          None

k: 1        xk: [ 0.002120726124,    0.8945812656]    fk: 1.20356618386

Entering sub-algorithm.
 Simplex minimisation

k: 0        xk: [ 0.002120726124,    0.8945812656]    fk: 1.20336591206

Parameter values: [0.00022841489930163758, 0.89459438262210345]
 Function value:   1.1986979999438134
Iterations:       23
Function calls:   48
 Gradient calls:   0
Hessian calls:    0
Warning:          None

k: 2        xk: [0.0002284148993,    0.8945943826]    fk: 1.19844299599

Entering sub-algorithm.
 Simplex minimisation

k: 0        xk: [0.0002284148993,    0.8945943826]    fk: 1.19844554603

Parameter values: [0.00022841489930163758, 0.89459438262210345]
Function value:   1.1984455460281873
 Iterations:       9
Function calls:   21
Gradient calls:   0
 Hessian calls:    0
Warning:          None

k: 3        xk: [0.0002284148993,    0.8945943826]    fk: 1.19844895966

Entering sub-algorithm.
 Simplex minimisation

k: 0        xk: [0.0002284148993,    0.8945943826]    fk: 1.19844302149

Parameter values: [0.00022841489930163758, 0.89459438262210345]
 Function value:   1.1984430214890309
Iterations:       9
Function calls:   21
 Gradient calls:   0
Hessian calls:    0
Warning:          None

Parameter values: [0.00022841489930163758, 0.89459438262210345]
Function value:   1.1984429959886356
Iterations:       84
Function calls:   173
Gradient calls:   0
Hessian calls:    0
Warning:          None

Optimised parameter values:
r2 (SQ CPMG - 0.00059977 MHz)         0.002284148993016
r2 (SQ CPMG - 599.77212354 MHz)         8.945943826221034

relax> eliminate(function=None, args=None)

Results writing

Rex', num_points=1000, extend=500.0, force=True)
Opening the file
Rex/disp_459_N.agr' for writing.
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 926, in test_bug_21460_disp_cluster_fail
    relax_disp.Relax_disp(pipe_name="origin - relax_disp (Thu Jan  2
13:46:44 2014)", pipe_bundle="relax_disp (Thu Jan  2 13:46:44 2014)",
results_dir=self.tmpdir, models=['R2eff', 'No Rex', 'CR72', 'NS CPMG 2-site
expanded'], grid_inc=3, mc_sim_num=5, modsel='AIC', pre_run_dir=None,
insignificance=1.0, numeric_only=False, mc_sim_all_models=False,
"/Users/tlinnet/software/disp_spin_speed/auto_analyses/", line
124, in __init__
"/Users/tlinnet/software/disp_spin_speed/auto_analyses/", line
494, in run
    self.write_results(path=path, model=model)
"/Users/tlinnet/software/disp_spin_speed/auto_analyses/", line
541, in write_results
    self.interpreter.relax_disp.plot_disp_curves(dir=path, force=True)
  File "/Users/tlinnet/software/disp_spin_speed/prompt/", line
223, in __call__
    self._backend(*new_args, **uf_kargs)
line 1863, in plot_disp_curves
    point = cpmg_frqs_new[ei][mi][oi][di]
IndexError: list index out of range

Ran 1 test in 0.121s

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