Module usr_param
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Source Code for Module usr_param

  1  #          v0.1                  10 November 2001        Edward d'Auvergne 
  2  # 
  3  # Class containing all the user specified parameters.  Used by the program Modelfree. 
  4  # Make sure the version numbers between the program and this class are identical. 
7 -class usr_param:
8 - def __init__(self):
9 "Class containing parameters specified by the user" 10 11 self.init_method_param() 12 self.init_run_param() 13 self.init_mfin_param() 14 self.init_mfpar_param() 15 self.init_mfmodel_param()
16 17
18 - def init_method_param(self):
19 """Model-free analysis method info. 20 21 self.method can be set to the following strings: 22 Palmer - The method given by Mandel et al., 1995. 23 AIC - method of model-free analysis based on model selection using the 24 Akaike Information Criteria. 25 BIC - method of model-free analysis based on model selection using the 26 Schwartz Information Criteria. 27 """ 28 self.method = 'Bootstrap' 29 30 # The following three values are only used in Palmer's method and won't affect the others. 31 self.sse_lim = '0.90' # Set the SSE limit (1 - alpha critical value). 32 self.ftest_lim = '0.80' # Set the F-test limit (1 - alpha critical value). 33 self.large_sse = '20' # Set the SSE limit for when much greater than the SSE limit.
34 35
36 - def init_run_param(self):
37 "Run file parameters" 38 39 self.pdb_file = 'Ap4Aase_new_3.pdb' 40 self.pdb_path = './' 41 self.pdb_full = self.pdb_path + self.pdb_file
42 43
44 - def init_mfin_param(self):
45 "mfin file parameters" 46 47 self.diff = 'isotropic' 48 #self.diff = 'axial' 49 self.no_sim = '200' 50 self.trim = '0' # Trim unconverged simulations. 51 52 # tm 53 = {} 54['val'] = '11.09' 55['flag'] = '1' 56['bound'] = '2' 57['lower'] = '9.0' 58['upper'] = '13.0' 59['steps'] = '100' 60 61 # dratio 62 self.dratio = {} 63 self.dratio['val'] = '1.123' 64 self.dratio['flag'] = '1' 65 self.dratio['bound'] = '0' 66 self.dratio['lower'] = '0.6' 67 self.dratio['upper'] = '1.5' 68 self.dratio['steps'] = '5' 69 70 # theta 71 self.theta = {} 72 self.theta['val'] = '87.493' 73 self.theta['flag'] = '1' 74 self.theta['bound'] = '0' 75 self.theta['lower'] = '-90' 76 self.theta['upper'] = '90' 77 self.theta['steps'] = '10' 78 79 # phi 80 self.phi = {} 81 self.phi['val'] = '-52.470' 82 self.phi['flag'] = '1' 83 self.phi['bound'] = '0' 84 self.phi['lower'] = '-90' 85 self.phi['upper'] = '90' 86 self.phi['steps'] = '10'
87 88
89 - def init_mfpar_param(self):
90 "mfpar file parameters" 91 92 self.const = {} 93 self.const['nucleus'] = 'N15' 94 self.const['gamma'] = '-2.710' 95 self.const['rxh'] = '1.020' 96 self.const['csa'] = '-170.00' 97 98 self.vector = {} 99 self.vector['atom1'] = 'N' 100 self.vector['atom2'] = 'H'
101 102
103 - def init_mfmodel_param(self):
104 "mfmodel file parameters" 105 106 self.md1 = {} 107 self.md1['tloc'] = {} 108 self.md1['tloc']['start'] = '0.0' 109 self.md1['tloc']['flag'] = '0' 110 self.md1['tloc']['bound'] = '2' 111 self.md1['tloc']['lower'] = '0.000' 112 self.md1['tloc']['upper'] = '20.000' 113 self.md1['tloc']['steps'] = '20' 114 115 self.md1['theta'] = {} 116 self.md1['theta']['start'] = '0.0' 117 self.md1['theta']['flag'] = '0' 118 self.md1['theta']['bound'] = '2' 119 self.md1['theta']['lower'] = '0.000' 120 self.md1['theta']['upper'] = '90.000' 121 self.md1['theta']['steps'] = '20' 122 123 self.md1['sf2'] = {} 124 self.md1['sf2']['start'] = '1.0' 125 self.md1['sf2']['flag'] = '0' 126 self.md1['sf2']['bound'] = '2' 127 self.md1['sf2']['lower'] = '0.000' 128 self.md1['sf2']['upper'] = '1.000' 129 self.md1['sf2']['steps'] = '20' 130 131 self.md1['ss2'] = {} 132 self.md1['ss2']['start'] = '1.0' 133 self.md1['ss2']['flag'] = '0' 134 self.md1['ss2']['bound'] = '2' 135 self.md1['ss2']['lower'] = '0.000' 136 self.md1['ss2']['upper'] = '1.000' 137 self.md1['ss2']['steps'] = '20' 138 139 self.md1['te'] = {} 140 self.md1['te']['start'] = '0.0' 141 self.md1['te']['flag'] = '0' 142 self.md1['te']['bound'] = '2' 143 self.md1['te']['lower'] = '0.000' 144 self.md1['te']['upper'] = '10000.000' 145 self.md1['te']['steps'] = '20' 146 147 self.md1['rex'] = {} 148 self.md1['rex']['start'] = '0.0' 149 self.md1['rex']['flag'] = '0' 150 self.md1['rex']['bound'] = '-1' 151 self.md1['rex']['lower'] = '0.000' 152 self.md1['rex']['upper'] = '20.000' 153 self.md1['rex']['steps'] = '20' 154 155 self.md2 = {} 156 for param in self.md1.keys(): 157 self.md2[param] = {} 158 for value in self.md1[param].keys(): 159 self.md2[param][value] = self.md1[param][value]