Package functions :: Module dchi2 :: Class dchi2
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Class dchi2

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Instance Methods [hide private]
Function to create the chi-squared gradient.
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dchi2(self, params, diff_type, diff_params, model, relax_data, errors, print_flag=0)
Function to create the chi-squared gradient.
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Method Details [hide private]

dchi2(self, params, diff_type, diff_params, model, relax_data, errors, print_flag=0)

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Function to create the chi-squared gradient.

Function arguments

1:  params - a list containing the parameter values specific for the given model.
The order of parameters must be as follows:
        m1 - {S2}
        m2 - {S2, te}
        m3 - {S2, Rex}
        m4 - {S2, te, Rex}
        m5 - {S2f, S2s, ts}
2:  diff_type - string.  The diffusion tensor, ie 'iso', 'axial', 'aniso'
3:  diff_params - array.  An array with the diffusion parameters
4:  model - string.  The model
5:  relax_data - array.  An array containing the experimental relaxation values.
6:  errors - array.  An array containing the experimental errors.

The chi-sqared gradient

Data structure:
Dimension:  1D, (parameters)
Type:  Numeric array, Float64
Required by:  None

 dChi2         \   /  Ri - Ri()      dRi()  \ 
-------  =  -2  >  | ----------  .  ------- |
dthetaj        /__ \ sigma_i**2     dthetaj /

        Ri are the values of the measured relaxation data set.
        Ri() are the values of the back calculated relaxation data set.
        sigma_i are the values of the error set.