Package minimise :: Module grid
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Module grid

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Functions [hide private]
grid(func, grid_ops, args=(), print_flag=0)
Grid search function.
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Imports: sys, Float64, ones, copy, zeros, match

Function Details [hide private]

grid(func, grid_ops, args=(), print_flag=0)

source code 
Grid search function.

Function options

func            - The function to minimise.
grid_ops        - Matrix of options for the grid search.
args            - The tuple of arguments to supply to the function func.

The first dimension of grid_ops corresponds to the parameters of the function func, and the second dimension corresponds to:
        0 - The number of increments.
        1 - Lower limit.
        2 - Upper limit.

Returned objects

The parameter vector corresponding to the minimum function value.
The minimum function value.