Package specific_fns :: Module model_free :: Class Model_free
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Class Model_free

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Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, relax)
Class containing functions specific to model-free analysis.
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are_mf_params_set(self, index=None)
Function for testing if the model-free parameter values are set.
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assemble_param_names(self, index=None)
Function for assembling various pieces of data into a Numeric parameter array.
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assemble_param_vector(self, index=None, sim_index=None, param_set=None)
Function for assembling various pieces of data into a Numeric parameter array.
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assemble_scaling_matrix(self, index=None, scaling=1)
Function for creating the scaling matrix.
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back_calc(self, run=None, index=None, ri_label=None, frq_label=None, frq=None)
Back-calculation of relaxation data from the model-free parameter values.
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calculate(self, run=None, res_num=None, print_flag=1, sim_index=None)
Calculation of the model-free chi-squared value.
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copy(self, run1=None, run2=None, sim=None)
Function for copying all model-free data from run1 to run2.
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create_mc_data(self, run, i)
Function for creating the Monte Carlo Ri data.
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create_model(self, run=None, model=None, equation=None, params=None, res_num=None)
Function to create a model-free model.
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data_init(self, data)
Function for initialising the data structures.
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data_names(self, set='all')
Function for returning a list of names of data structures.
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default_value(self, param)
Model-free default values ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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delete(self, run)
Function for deleting all model-free data.
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determine_param_set_type(self, run=None)
Determine the type of parameter set.
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disassemble_param_vector(self, index=None, sim_index=None)
Function for disassembling the parameter vector.
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duplicate_data(self, new_run=None, old_run=None, instance=None, global_stats=0)
Function for duplicating data.
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eliminate(self, name, value, run, i, args)
Local tm model elimination rule ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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get_param_names(self, run, i)
Function for returning a vector of parameter names.
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get_param_values(self, run, i, sim_index=None)
Function for returning a vector of parameter values.
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grid_search(self, run, lower, upper, inc, constraints, print_flag, sim_index=None)
The grid search function.
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grid_search_setup(self, index=None)
The grid search setup function.
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linear_constraints(self, index=None)
Function for setting up the model-free linear constraint matrices A and b.
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map_bounds(self, run, param)
The function for creating bounds for the mapping function.
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minimise(self, run=None, min_algor=None, min_options=None, func_tol=None, grad_tol=None, max_iterations=None, constraints=0, scaling=1, print_flag=0, sim_index=None)
Model-free minimisation.
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model_setup(self, run=None, model=None, equation=None, params=None, res_num=None)
Function for updating various data structures depending on the model selected.
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model_statistics(self, run=None, instance=None, global_stats=None)
Function for returning k, n, and chi2.
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num_instances(self, run=None)
Function for returning the number of instances.
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overfit_deselect(self, run)
Function for deselecting residues without sufficient data to support minimisation
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read_columnar_col_numbers(self, header)
Function for sorting the column numbers from the columnar formatted results file.
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Function for setting up the diffusion tensor from the columnar formatted results file.
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Function for generating the sequence and or returning the residue index.
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Function for reading the model-free data.
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Function for reading the parameter set.
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read_columnar_pdb(self, print_flag=1)
Function for reading the PDB file.
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Function for reading the relaxation data.
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read_columnar_results(self, run, file_data, print_flag=1)
Function for reading the results file.
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Function for generating the sequence.
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Function for reading the XH unit vectors.
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remove_tm(self, run, res_num)
Function for removing the local tm parameter from the model-free parameters.
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return_conversion_factor(self, param)
Function for returning the factor of conversion between different parameter units.
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return_data_name(self, name)
Model-free data type string matching patterns ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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return_grace_string(self, param)
Function for returning the Grace string representing the parameter for axis labelling.
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return_units(self, param)
Function for returning a string representing the parameters units.
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select_model(self, run=None, model=None, res_num=None)
Function for the selection of a preset model-free model.
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Model-free set details ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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set_error(self, run, instance, index, error)
Function for setting parameter errors.
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set_selected_sim(self, run, instance, select_sim)
Function for returning the array of selected simulation flags.
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set_update(self, run, param, index)
Function to update the other model-free parameters.
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sim_init_values(self, run)
Function for initialising Monte Carlo parameter values.
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sim_pack_data(self, run, i, sim_data)
Function for packing Monte Carlo simulation data.
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sim_return_chi2(self, run, instance)
Function for returning the array of simulation chi-squared values.
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sim_return_param(self, run, instance, index)
Function for returning the array of simulation parameter values.
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sim_return_selected(self, run, instance)
Function for returning the array of selected simulation flags.
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skip_function(self, run=None, instance=None, min_instances=None, num_instances=None)
Function for skiping certain data.
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unselect(self, run, i, sim_index=None)
Function for unselecting models or simulations.
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write_columnar_line(self, file=None, num=None, name=None, select=None, select_sim=None, data_set=None, nucleus=None, model=None, equation=None, params=None, param_set=None, s2=None, s2f=None, s2s=None, local_tm=None, te=None, tf=None, ts=None, rex=None, r=None, csa=None, chi2=None, i=None, f=None, g=None, h=None, warn=None, diff_type=None, diff_params=None, pdb=None, pdb_model=None, pdb_heteronuc=None, pdb_proton=None, xh_vect=None, ri_labels=None, remap_table=None, frq_labels=None, frq=None, ri=None, ri_error=None)
Function for printing a single line of the columnar formatted results.
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write_columnar_results(self, file, run)
Function for printing the results into a file.
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Inherited from base_class.Common_functions: has_errors, return_data, return_error, return_value, set

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, relax)

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Class containing functions specific to model-free analysis.

Overrides: base_class.Common_functions.__init__

data_names(self, set='all')

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Function for returning a list of names of data structures.


The names are as follows:

model:  The model-free model name.

equation:  The model-free equation type.

params:  An array of the model-free parameter names associated with the model.

s2:  S2.

s2f:  S2f.

s2s:  S2s.

local_tm:  local tm.

te:  te.

tf:  tf.

ts:  ts.

rex:  Rex.

r:  Bond length.

csa:  CSA value.

chi2:  Chi-squared value.

iter:  Iterations.

f_count:  Function count.

g_count:  Gradient count.

h_count:  Hessian count.

warning:  Minimisation warning.

default_value(self, param)

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Model-free default values

|                                       |                    |                        |
| Data type                             | Object name        | Value                  |
|                                       |                    |                        |
| Local tm                              | 'local_tm'         | 10 * 1e-9              |
|                                       |                    |                        |
| Order parameters S2, S2f, and S2s     | 's2', 's2f', 's2s' | 0.8                    |
|                                       |                    |                        |
| Correlation time te                   | 'te'               | 100 * 1e-12            |
|                                       |                    |                        |
| Correlation time tf                   | 'tf'               | 10 * 1e-12             |
|                                       |                    |                        |
| Correlation time ts                   | 'ts'               | 1000 * 1e-12           |
|                                       |                    |                        |
| Chemical exchange relaxation          | 'rex'              | 0.0                    |
|                                       |                    |                        |
| Bond length                           | 'r'                | 1.02 * 1e-10           |
|                                       |                    |                        |
| CSA                                   | 'csa'              | -172 * 1e-6            |

eliminate(self, name, value, run, i, args)

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Local tm model elimination rule

The local tm, in some cases, may exceed the value expected for a global correlation time.
Generally the tm value will be stuck at the upper limit defined for the parameter.  These
models are eliminated using the rule:

    tm >= c

The default value of c is 50 ns, although this can be overridden by supplying the value (in
seconds) as the first element of the args tuple.

Internal correlation times {te, tf, ts} model elimination rules

These parameters may experience the same problem as the local tm in that the model fails and
the parameter value is stuck at the upper limit.  These parameters are constrained using the
formula (te, tf, ts <= 2tm).  These failed models are eliminated using the rule:

    te, tf, ts >= c . tm

The default value of c is 1.5.  Because of round-off errors and the constraint algorithm,
setting c to 2 will result in no models being eliminated as the minimised parameters will
always be less than 2tm.  The value can be changed by supplying the value as the second
element of the tuple.


The 'args' argument must be a tuple of length 2, the elements of which must be numbers.  For
example, to eliminate models which have a local tm value greater than 25 ns and models with
internal correlation times greater than 1.5 times tm, set 'args' to (25 * 1e-9, 1.5).

linear_constraints(self, index=None)

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Function for setting up the model-free linear constraint matrices A and b.

Standard notation

The order parameter constraints are:

    0 <= S2 <= 1
    0 <= S2f <= 1
    0 <= S2s <= 1

By substituting the formula S2 = S2f.S2s into the above inequalities, the additional two
inequalities can be derived:

    S2 <= S2f
    S2 <= S2s

Correlation time constraints are:

    te >= 0
    tf >= 0
    ts >= 0

    tf <= ts

    te, tf, ts <= 2 * tm

Additional constraints used include:

    Rex >= 0
    0.9e-10 <= r <= 2e-10
    -300e-6 <= CSA <= 0

Rearranged notation
The above ineqality constraints can be rearranged into:

    S2 >= 0
    -S2 >= -1
    S2f >= 0
    -S2f >= -1
    S2s >= 0
    -S2s >= -1
    S2f - S2 >= 0
    S2s - S2 >= 0
    te >= 0
    tf >= 0
    ts >= 0
    ts - tf >= 0
    Rex >= 0
    r >= 0.9e-10
    -r >= -2e-10
    CSA >= -300e-6
    -CSA >= 0

Matrix notation

In the notation A.x >= b, where A is an matrix of coefficients, x is an array of parameter
values, and b is a vector of scalars, these inequality constraints are:

    | 1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 |                  |    0    |
    |                           |                  |         |
    |-1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 |                  |   -1    |
    |                           |                  |         |
    | 0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 |                  |    0    |
    |                           |                  |         |
    | 0 -1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 |                  |   -1    |
    |                           |                  |         |
    | 0  0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0 |     | S2  |      |    0    |
    |                           |     |     |      |         |
    | 0  0 -1  0  0  0  0  0  0 |     | S2f |      |   -1    |
    |                           |     |     |      |         |
    |-1  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 |     | S2s |      |    0    |
    |                           |     |     |      |         |
    |-1  0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0 |     | te  |      |    0    |
    |                           |     |     |      |         |
    | 0  0  0  1  0  0  0  0  0 |  .  | tf  |  >=  |    0    |
    |                           |     |     |      |         |
    | 0  0  0  0  1  0  0  0  0 |     | ts  |      |    0    |
    |                           |     |     |      |         |
    | 0  0  0  0  0  1  0  0  0 |     | Rex |      |    0    |
    |                           |     |     |      |         |
    | 0  0  0  0 -1  1  0  0  0 |     |  r  |      |    0    |
    |                           |     |     |      |         |
    | 0  0  0  0  0  0  1  0  0 |     | CSA |      |    0    |
    |                           |                  |         |
    | 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  0 |                  | 0.9e-10 |
    |                           |                  |         |
    | 0  0  0  0  0  0  0 -1  0 |                  | -2e-10  |
    |                           |                  |         |
    | 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1 |                  | -300e-6 |
    |                           |                  |         |
    | 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 -1 |                  |    0    |

minimise(self, run=None, min_algor=None, min_options=None, func_tol=None, grad_tol=None, max_iterations=None, constraints=0, scaling=1, print_flag=0, sim_index=None)

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Model-free minimisation.

Three types of parameter sets exist for which minimisation is different.  These are:
    'mf' - Model-free parameters for single residues.
    'diff' - Diffusion tensor parameters.
    'all' - All model-free and all diffusion tensor parameters.

model_statistics(self, run=None, instance=None, global_stats=None)

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Function for returning k, n, and chi2.

k - number of parameters. n - number of data points. chi2 - the chi-squared value.

return_conversion_factor(self, param)

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Function for returning the factor of conversion between different parameter units.

For example, the internal representation of te is in seconds, whereas the external representation is in picoseconds, therefore this function will return 1e-12 for te.

return_data_name(self, name)

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Model-free data type string matching patterns

|                        |              |                                                  |
| Data type              | Object name  | Patterns                                         |
|                        |              |                                                  |
| Local tm               | 'local_tm'   | '[Ll]ocal[ -_]tm'                                |
|                        |              |                                                  |
| Order parameter S2     | 's2'         | '^[Ss]2$'                                        |
|                        |              |                                                  |
| Order parameter S2f    | 's2f'        | '^[Ss]2f$'                                       |
|                        |              |                                                  |
| Order parameter S2s    | 's2s'        | '^[Ss]2s$'                                       |
|                        |              |                                                  |
| Correlation time te    | 'te'         | '^te$'                                           |
|                        |              |                                                  |
| Correlation time tf    | 'tf'         | '^tf$'                                           |
|                        |              |                                                  |
| Correlation time ts    | 'ts'         | '^ts$'                                           |
|                        |              |                                                  |
| Chemical exchange      | 'rex'        | '^[Rr]ex$' or '[Cc]emical[ -_][Ee]xchange'       |
|                        |              |                                                  |
| Bond length            | 'r'          | '^r$' or '[Bb]ond[ -_][Ll]ength'                 |
|                        |              |                                                  |
| CSA                    | 'csa'        | '^[Cc][Ss][Aa]$'                                 |

return_units(self, param)

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Function for returning a string representing the parameters units.

For example, the internal representation of te is in seconds, whereas the external representation is in picoseconds, therefore this function will return the string 'picoseconds' for te.


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Model-free set details

Setting a parameter value may have no effect depending on which model-free model is chosen,
for example if S2f values and S2s values are set but the run corresponds to model-free model
'm4' then, because these data values are not parameters of the model, they will have no

Note that the Rex values are scaled quadratically with field strength and should be supplied
as a field strength independent value.  Use the following formula to get the correct value:

    value = Rex / (2.0 * pi * frequency) ** 2

    Rex is the chemical exchange value for the current frequency.
    pi is in the namespace of relax, ie just type 'pi'.
    frequency is the proton frequency corresponding to the data.

set_error(self, run, instance, index, error)

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Function for setting parameter errors.

Overrides: base_class.Common_functions.set_error

set_update(self, run, param, index)

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Function to update the other model-free parameters.

Overrides: base_class.Common_functions.set_update

sim_init_values(self, run)

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Function for initialising Monte Carlo parameter values.

Overrides: base_class.Common_functions.sim_init_values

sim_return_param(self, run, instance, index)

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Function for returning the array of simulation parameter values.

Overrides: base_class.Common_functions.sim_return_param

sim_return_selected(self, run, instance)

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Function for returning the array of selected simulation flags.

Overrides: base_class.Common_functions.sim_return_selected