Module float
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Source Code for Module float

  1  ############################################################################### 
  2  #                                                                             # 
  3  # Copyright (C) 2006  Gary S Thompson (see for contact  # 
  4  #                                      details)                               # 
  5  # Copyright (C) 2008 Edward d'Auvergne                                        # 
  6  #                                                                             # 
  7  # This file is part of the program relax.                                     # 
  8  #                                                                             # 
  9  # relax is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify               # 
 10  # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by        # 
 11  # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or           # 
 12  # (at your option) any later version.                                         # 
 13  #                                                                             # 
 14  # relax is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                    # 
 15  # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              # 
 17  # GNU General Public License for more details.                                # 
 18  #                                                                             # 
 19  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License           # 
 20  # along with relax; if not, write to the Free Software                        # 
 21  # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA   # 
 22  #                                                                             # 
 23  ############################################################################### 
 25  # Module docstring. 
 26  """ieeefloat a set of functions for dealing with IEEE-754 float objects. 
 28  On most platforms Python uses IEEE-754 double objects of length 64 bits to represent floats (some 
 29  architectures such as older Crays and Vaxes don't).  Thus an IEEE-754 double is the implementation 
 30  of a python float object on most platforms. 
 32  IEEE-74 uses special bit patterns to represent the following states or classes of IEEE floating 
 33  point numbers (IEEE-class): 
 34      - +/- NaN:    Not a number (e.g. 0.0/0.0). 
 35      - inf:        Positive or negative infinity (1.0/0.0). 
 36      - +/- zero:   Zero maybe positive or negative under IEEE-754. 
 38  This module provides functions for working with python floats and their special values, if they 
 39  contain IEEE-754 formatted values.  Specifically: 
 40      - Pack and unpack a list of bytes representing an IEEE-754 double to a python float (takes care 
 41        of little endian/big endian issues). 
 42      - Get the sign bit of a python float. 
 43      - Check the ordering of python floats allowing for NaNs (NaNs cannot normally be compared). 
 44      - Check if a value is finite (as opposed to NaN or inf). 
 45      - Copy the sign of one float to another irrespective of if it's IEEE-class. 
 46      - Check if a float is denormalised (and might be about to underflow). 
 47      - Check the IEEE-class of a python float (NaN, pos-inf, neg-inf, pos-zero, neg-zero, ...). 
 48      - Check that the current python float implementations uses IEEE-754 doubles. 
 50  It also provides constants containg specific bit patterns for NaN and +-inf as these values cannot 
 51  be generated from strings via the constructor float(x) with some compiler implementations (typically 
 52  older Microsoft Windows compilers). 
 54  As a convenience the names of functions and constants conform to those defined in the draft python 
 55  PEP 754 'IEEE 754 Floating Point Special Values'. 
 57  Notes: 
 58      1.  Binary data is documented as binary strings e.g. 0xF0 = 0b11110000. 
 59      2.  The module doesn't support all the functions recommended by IEEE-754, the following features 
 60          are missing: 
 61              - Control of exception and rounding modes. 
 62              - scalb(y, N). 
 63              - logb(x). 
 64              - nextafter(x,y). 
 65              - Next towards. 
 66      3.  Division by zero currently (python 2.5) raises exception and the resulting inf/NaN cannot be 
 67          propogated. 
 68      4.  A second module ieeefloatcapabilities (currently incomplete) provides tests of the 
 69          capabilities of a floating point implementation on a specific python platform. 
 70      5.  Development and conventions on byte order come from a little endian (Intel) platform. 
 71      6.  To reduce overheads all functions that take python float arguments do _no type_ conversion 
 72          thus if other numeric types are passed the functions will raise exceptions, (I am not sure 
 73          this is the best behaviour however, as python functions should be polymorphic...). 
 74      7.  In most cases conversion to C code for performance reasons would be trivial. 
 76  IEEE-754 double format: 
 77      - 63 sign bit. 
 78      - 62-52 exponent (offset by 1023 value - field-1023). 
 79      - 51-0 mantissa each bit n counts as 1/2^n, running from 1/2 which is the most significant bit 
 80        to 1/2^51, The 1/0 bit is defined by the exponent field if it has any bits set if it has bits 
 81        set then precede the mantissa with a 1 (normalised otherwise precede it by a 0 (denormalised). 
 84  Todo: 
 85      - Unit test suite. 
 86      - Test under Windows. 
 87      - Test under a Solaris Sparc box (big endian). 
 88      - Add example IEEE double. 
 89      - Check byte/nibble attributions. 
 90  """ 
 91  from struct import pack, unpack 
 92  import sys 
 95  SIGNBIT = 0x80 
 96  """Bit pattern for the sign bit in byte 8 0b00000001 of a IEEE-754 double.""" 
100  """Value of the first byte (byte 8) in the mantissa of a IEEE-754 double that is all ones 
101  (0b11111110).""" 
103  EXPONENT_ALL_ONES_BYTE_0 = 0xF << 4 
104  """Value of the second byte (byte 7) in the mantissa of a IEEE-754 double that is all ones 
105  (0b00001111).""" 
109  """Mask to select the bits from the first nibble of  byte 7 of an IEEE-754 which is part of the 
110  mantissa (0b00001111).""" 
113  """Mask to select the bits from the second nibble of  byte 7 of an IEEE-754 which is part of the 
114  exponent (0b11110000).""" 
118  """Mask to select only bits from byte 8 of an IEEE-754 double that are not part of the sign bit 
119  (0b11111110).""" 
121  """Classes of floating point numbers.""" 
122  CLASS_POS_INF = 1 
123  CLASS_NEG_INF = 2 
128  CLASS_QUIET_NAN =  64 
129  CLASS_SIGNAL_NAN = 128 
130  CLASS_POS_ZERO =  256 
131  CLASS_NEG_ZERO = 512 
134 -def isZero(float):
135 return isMantissaAllZeros(float) and isExpAllZeros(float)
136 137
138 -def getFloatClass(float):
139 """Get the IEEE-class (NaN, inf etc) of a python float. 140 141 @param float: Python float object. 142 @type float: float 143 @return: An IEEE class value. 144 @rtype: int 145 @raise TypeError: If float is not a python float object. 146 """ 147 148 result = None 149 150 # check finite 151 if isFinite(float): 152 # check and store is positive 153 positive = isPositive(float) 154 if isZero(float): 155 if positive: 156 result = CLASS_POS_ZERO 157 else: 158 result = CLASS_NEG_ZERO 159 elif isDenormalised(float): 160 if positive: 161 result = CLASS_POS_DENORMAL 162 else: 163 result = CLASS_NEG_DENORMAL 164 else: 165 if positive: 166 result = CLASS_POS_NORMAL 167 else: 168 result = CLASS_NEG_NORMAL 169 else: 170 if isNaN(float): 171 # we don't currently test the type of NaN signalling vs quiet 172 # so we always assume a quiet NaN 173 result = CLASS_QUIET_NAN 174 elif isPosInf(float): 175 result = CLASS_POS_INF 176 elif isNegInf(float): 177 result = CLASS_NEG_INF 178 return result
179 180
181 -def packBytesAsPyFloat(bytes):
182 """Pack 8 bytes into a python float. 183 184 The function is endian aware and the data should be input in little endian format. Thus byte 8 185 contains the most significant bit of the exponent and the sign bit. 186 187 @param bytes: 8 bytes to pack into a python (IEEE 754 double) float. 188 @type bytes: float 189 @return: A python float 190 @rtype: float 191 @raise TypeError: If bytes contains < 8 bytes type of exception not determined. 192 """ 193 194 # pack bytes into binary string 195 doubleString=pack('8B',*bytes) 196 197 #change byte order to little endian by reversing string 198 if sys.byteorder == 'big': 199 doubleString = doubleString[::-1] 200 201 # unpack binary string to a python float 202 return unpack('d', doubleString)[0]
203 204 205 NAN_BYTES = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF8, 0x7F] 206 """Bytes for an arbitary IEEE-754 not a number (NaN) in little endian format 207 0b00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00011111 11111110.""" 208 209 210 INF_BYTES = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x7F] 211 """Bytes for IEEE-754 positive infinity (inf) in little endian format 212 0b00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00001111 11111110.""" 213 214 215 nan = packBytesAsPyFloat(NAN_BYTES) 216 """One of a number of possible bit patterns used to represent an IEEE-754 double as a python float. 217 Do not use this value for comparisons of the form x==NaN as it will fail on some platforms use 218 function isNaN instead.""" 219 220 221 pos_inf = packBytesAsPyFloat(INF_BYTES) 222 """The value of a positive IEEE-754 double infinity as a python float.""" 223 224 225 neg_inf = -1 * pos_inf 226 """The value of a negative IEEE-754 double infinity as a python float.""" 227 228
229 -def floatToBinaryString(obj):
230 """Pack a python float into a binary string. 231 232 This function assumes that the python type float it represents a 64bit double of 8 bytes. This 233 function reverses the resulting string if the current architecture is big endian. 234 235 @param obj: A python float to pack. 236 @type obj: float 237 @return: A string of 8 bytes. 238 @rtype: str 239 @raise TypeError: If the input object isn't a python float. 240 """ 241 242 if not isinstance(obj, float): 243 raise TypeError('the object recieved wasn\'t a float, type was: %s' % type(obj)) 244 245 # pack float into binary string 246 packed =pack('d', obj) 247 248 #change byte order to little endian by reversing string 249 if sys.byteorder == 'big': 250 packed = packed[::-1] 251 252 return packed
253 254
255 -def floatAsByteArray(obj):
256 """Unpack a python float as a list of 8 bytes. 257 258 This function assumes that the python type float it represents a 64bit double of 8 bytes. 259 260 @param obj: A python float to unpack. 261 @type obj: float 262 @return: A list of 7 bytes. 263 @rtype: list of str 264 @raise TypeError: If obj is not composed of 8 bytes. 265 """ 266 267 # unpack bytes to a binary string (takes care of byte order) 268 binaryString = floatToBinaryString(obj) 269 270 # convert the binary string to an array of 8 bytes 271 bytes = unpack('8B', binaryString) 272 273 #convert bytes to a list for ease of editing 274 return list(bytes)
275 276
277 -def getSignBit(obj):
278 """Get the sign bit from a python float. 279 280 @param obj: A python float object. 281 @type obj: float 282 @return: The float's sign bit, this has the value 1 if the float is negative 283 otherwise 0 (positive). 284 @rtype: bit 285 @raise TypeError: If the input object isn't a python float. 286 """ 287 288 # unpack float to bytes 289 unpacked = floatAsByteArray(obj) 290 291 # grab last byte and check if sign bit is set 292 return unpacked[7] & SIGNBIT
293 294
295 -def isPositive(obj):
296 """Test if a python float is positive. 297 298 @param obj: A python float object. 299 @type obj: float 300 @return: True if the float is positive otherwise False. 301 @rtype: bool 302 @raise TypeError: If the input object isn't a python float. 303 """ 304 305 if getSignBit(obj): 306 return False 307 else: 308 return True
309 310
311 -def isNegative(obj):
312 """Test if a python float 64 bit IEEE-74 double is negative. 313 314 @param obj: A python float object. 315 @type obj: float 316 @return: True if the float is negative. 317 @rtype: bool 318 @raise TypeError: If the input object isn't a python float. 319 """ 320 321 return not isPositive(obj)
322 323
324 -def areUnordered(obj1, obj2):
325 """Test to see if two python float are unordered. 326 327 Float comparison is unordered if either or both of the objects is 'not a number' (NaN). 328 329 @param obj1: A python float object 330 @type obj1: float 331 @param obj2: A python float object 332 @type obj2: float 333 @return: True if one of the args is a NaN. 334 @rtype: bool 335 @raise TypeError: If the input objects aren't python floats. 336 """ 337 338 # check to see if objects are NaNs 339 nanTest1 = isNaN(obj1) 340 nanTest2 = isNaN(obj2) 341 342 # if either object is a NaN we are unordered 343 if nanTest1 or nanTest2: 344 return True 345 else: 346 return False
347 348
349 -def isFinite(obj):
350 """Test to see if a python float is finite. 351 352 To be finite a number mustn't be a NaN or +/- inf. A result of True guarantees that the number 353 is bounded by +/- inf, -inf < x < inf. 354 355 @param obj: A python float object. 356 @type obj: float 357 @return: True if the float is finite. 358 @rtype: bool 359 @raise TypeError: If the input object isn't a python float. 360 """ 361 362 result = True 363 if isNaN(obj): 364 result = False 365 if isInf(obj): 366 result = False 367 368 369 return result
370 371
372 -def copySign(fromNumber, toDouble):
373 """Copy the sign bit from one python float to another. 374 375 This function is class agnostic the sign bit can be copied freely between ordinary floats, NaNs 376 and +/- inf. 377 378 @param fromNumber: The python float to copy the sign bit from. 379 @type fromNumber: float 380 @param toDouble: The python float to copy the sign bit to. 381 @type toDouble: float 382 @raise TypeError: If toDouble isn't a python float or if fromNumber can't be converted to a 383 float. 384 """ 385 386 #convert first number to a float so as to use facilities 387 fromNumber = float(fromNumber) 388 389 # check signs of numbers 390 fromIsPositive = isPositive(fromNumber) 391 toIsPositive = isPositive(toDouble) 392 393 # convert the float to an array of 8 bytes 394 toBytes = floatAsByteArray(toDouble) 395 396 if not toIsPositive and fromIsPositive: 397 # unset the sign bit of the number 398 toBytes[7] &= EXPONENT_SIGN_MASK 399 400 elif toIsPositive and not fromIsPositive: 401 # set the sign bit 402 toBytes[7] = toBytes[7] + 0x80 403 404 #repack bytes to float 405 return packBytesAsPyFloat(toBytes)
406 407
408 -def isDenormalised(obj):
409 """Check to see if a python float is denormalised. 410 411 Denormalisation indicates that the number has no exponent set and all the precision is in the 412 mantissa, this is an indication that the number is tending to towards underflow. 413 414 @param obj: Python float object to check. 415 @type obj: float 416 @return: True if the number is denormalised. 417 @rtype: bool 418 @raise TypeError: If toDouble isn't a python float or if obj isn't a float. 419 """ 420 421 result = True 422 # check to see if the exponent is all zeros (a denorm doesn't have a 423 # finite exponent) Note we ignore the sign of the float 424 if not isExpAllZeros(obj): 425 result = False 426 427 # check to see if this is zero (which is in some ways a special 428 # class of denorm... but isn't counted in this case) 429 # if it isn't zero it must be a 'general' denorm 430 if isZero(obj): 431 result = False 432 433 return result
434 435
436 -def getMantissaBytes(obj):
437 """Get the 7 bytes that makeup the mantissa of float. 438 439 The mantissa is returned as the 7 bytes in the mantissa in little endian order in the 7th byte 440 the 2nd nibble of the byte is masked off as it contains part of the exponent. The second nibble 441 of the 7th byte is therefore always has the value 0x0. 442 443 @param obj: Float object to extract the mantissa from. 444 @type obj: float 445 @return: A list of 7 bytes in little endian order. 446 @rtype: list of 7 bytes 447 @raise TypeError: If obj isn't a python float. 448 """ 449 450 # unpack float to bytes 451 bytes = floatAsByteArray(obj) 452 453 # mask out overlap from exponent 454 bytes[6] = bytes[6] & MANTISSA_NIBBLE_MASK 455 456 # remove the exponent bytes that can be removed 457 return bytes[:7]
458 459
460 -def getExponentBytes(obj):
461 """Get the 2 bytes that makeup the exponent of a float. 462 463 The exponent is returned as the 2 bytes in the exponent in little endian order in the 2nd byte 464 the last bit is masked off as this is the sign bit. Therefore all values have the last bit set 465 to zero. In the first byte the first nibble of the byte is also masked off as it contains part 466 of the mantissa and thus always has the value 0x0. 467 468 @param obj: Float object to extract the exponent from. 469 @type obj: float 470 @return: A list of 2 bytes in little endian order. 471 @rtype: list of 2 bytes 472 @raise TypeError: If obj isn't a python float. 473 """ 474 475 # unpack float to bytes 476 bytes = floatAsByteArray(obj) 477 478 # mask out the ovberlap with the mantissa 479 bytes[6] = bytes[6] & EXPONENT_NIBBLE_MASK 480 481 # mask out the sign bit 482 bytes[7] = bytes[7] & EXPONENT_SIGN_MASK 483 484 # remove the mantissa bytes that can be removed 485 return bytes[6:]
486 487
488 -def isExpAllZeros(obj):
489 """Check if the bits of the exponent of a float is zero. 490 491 @param obj: Float object to check exponent for zero value. 492 @type obj: float 493 @return: True if the exponent is zero. 494 @rtype: bool 495 @raise TypeError: If obj isn't a python float. 496 """ 497 498 result = True 499 500 # get the exponent as a byte array porperly masked 501 expBytes = getExponentBytes(obj) 502 503 # check to see if any of the bytes in the exponent are not zero 504 if expBytes[0] > 0 or expBytes[1] > 0: 505 result = False 506 507 return result
508 509
510 -def isMantissaAllZeros(obj):
511 """Check if the bits of the mantissa of a float is zero. 512 513 @param obj: Float object to check mantissa for zero value. 514 @type obj: float 515 @return: True if the mantissa is zero. 516 @rtype: bool 517 @raise TypeError: If obj isn't a python float. 518 """ 519 520 result = True 521 522 # get the mantissa as a byte array properly masked 523 mantissaBytes = getMantissaBytes(obj) 524 525 # check if any of the mantissa bytes are greater than zero 526 for byte in mantissaBytes: 527 if byte != 0: 528 result = False 529 break 530 531 return result
532 533
534 -def isExpAllOnes(obj):
535 """Check if the bits of the exponent of a float is all 1 bits. 536 537 @param obj: Float object to check exponent for 1 bits. 538 @type obj: float 539 @return: True if all the bits in the exponent are one. 540 @rtype: bool 541 @raise TypeError: If obj isn't a python float. 542 """ 543 544 result = False 545 546 # get the exponent as a byte array properly masked 547 expBytes = getExponentBytes(obj) 548 549 # check against masks to see if all the correct bits are set 550 if expBytes[0] == EXPONENT_ALL_ONES_BYTE_0 and expBytes[1] == EXPONENT_ALL_ONES_BYTE_1: 551 result = True 552 553 return result
554 555
556 -def isNaN(obj):
557 """Check to see if a python float is an IEEE-754 double not a number (NaN). 558 559 @param obj: Float object to check for not a number. 560 @type obj: float 561 @return: True if object is not a number. 562 @rtype: bool 563 @raise TypeError: If obj isn't a python float. 564 """ 565 566 # bad result for code checking 567 result = None 568 569 # check to see if exponent is all ones (excluding sign bit) 570 # if exponent is not all ones this can't be a NaN 571 if not isExpAllOnes(obj): 572 result = False 573 else: 574 # get the mantissa as a byte array properly masked 575 manBytes = getMantissaBytes(obj) 576 577 # check if any of the unmasked mantissa bytes are not zero 578 # to be a NaN the mantissa must be non zero 579 for byte in manBytes: 580 if byte > 0: 581 result = True 582 break 583 # todo NOT NEEDED, UNITTEST!!!! 584 # check to see if the mantissa nibble that overlaps with the 585 #if (manBytes[6] & MANTISSA_NIBBLE_MASK) > 0: 586 # result = True 587 return result
588 589
590 -def isInf(obj):
591 """Check to see if a python float is an infinity. 592 593 The check returns true for either positive or negative infinities. 594 595 @param obj: Float object to check for infinity. 596 @type obj: float 597 @return: True if object is an infinity. 598 @rtype: bool 599 @raise TypeError: If obj isn't a python float. 600 """ 601 602 # bad result for code checking 603 result = None 604 605 # check to see if exponent is all ones (excluding sign bit) 606 # if exponent is not all ones this can't be a Inf 607 if not isExpAllOnes(obj): 608 result = False 609 else: 610 # get the mantissa as a byte array properly masked 611 manBytes = getMantissaBytes(obj) 612 613 for byte in manBytes: 614 #check if any of the unmasked mantissa bytes are zero 615 # to be a NaN the mantissa must be zero 616 if byte > 0: 617 result = False 618 break 619 result = True 620 621 return result
622 623
624 -def isPosInf(obj):
625 """Check to see if a python float is positive infinity. 626 627 @param obj: Float object to check for positive infinity. 628 @type obj: float 629 @return: True if object is a positive infinity. 630 @rtype: bool 631 @raise TypeError: If obj isn't a python float. 632 """ 633 634 return isInf(obj) and isPositive(obj)
635 636
637 -def isNegInf(obj):
638 """Check to see if a python float is negative infinity. 639 640 @param obj: Float object to check for negative infinity. 641 @type obj: float 642 @return: True if object is a negative infinity. 643 @rtype: bool 644 @raise TypeError: If obj isn't a python float. 645 """ 646 647 return isInf(obj) and not isPositive(obj)
648 649
650 -def bitpatternToFloat(string, endian='big'):
651 """Convert a 64 bit IEEE-754 ascii bit pattern into a 64 bit Python float. 652 653 @param string: The ascii bit pattern repesenting the IEEE-754 float. 654 @type string: str 655 @param endian: The endianness of the bit pattern (can be 'big' or 'little'). 656 @type endian: str 657 @return: The 64 bit float corresponding to the IEEE-754 bit pattern. 658 @returntype: float 659 @raise TypeError: If 'string' is not a string, the length of the 'string' is not 64, or if 660 'string' does not consist solely of the characters '0' and '1'. 661 """ 662 663 # Test that the bit pattern is a string. 664 if not isinstance(string, str): 665 raise TypeError("The string argument '%s' is not a string." % string) 666 667 # Test the length of the bit pattern. 668 if len(string) != 64: 669 raise TypeError("The string '%s' is not 64 characters long." % string) 670 671 # Test that the string consists solely of zeros and ones. 672 for char in string: 673 if char not in ['0', '1']: 674 raise TypeError("The string '%s' should be composed solely of the characters '0' and '1'." % string) 675 676 # Reverse the byte order as neccessary. 677 if endian == 'big' and sys.byteorder == 'little': 678 string = string[::-1] 679 elif endian == 'little' and sys.byteorder == 'big': 680 string = string[::-1] 681 682 # Convert the bit pattern into a byte array (of integers). 683 bytes = [] 684 for i in xrange(8): 685 bytes.append(bitpatternToInt(string[i*8:i*8+8], endian=sys.byteorder)) 686 687 # Pack the byte array into a float and return it. 688 return packBytesAsPyFloat(bytes)
689 690
691 -def bitpatternToInt(string, endian='big'):
692 """Convert a bit pattern into its integer representation. 693 694 @param string: The ascii string repesenting binary data. 695 @type string: str 696 @param endian: The endianness of the bit pattern (can be 'big' or 'little'). 697 @type endian: str 698 @return: The integer value. 699 @returntype: int 700 """ 701 702 # Test that the bit pattern is a string. 703 if not isinstance(string, str): 704 raise TypeError("The string argument '%s' is not a string." % string) 705 706 # Test that the string consists solely of zeros and ones. 707 for char in string: 708 if char not in ['0', '1']: 709 raise TypeError("The string '%s' should be composed solely of the characters '0' and '1'." % string) 710 711 # Reverse the byte order as neccessary. 712 if endian == 'big' and sys.byteorder == 'little': 713 string = string[::-1] 714 elif endian == 'little' and sys.byteorder == 'big': 715 string = string[::-1] 716 717 # Calculate the integer corresponding to the string. 718 int_val = 0 719 for i in xrange(len(string)): 720 if int(string[i]): 721 int_val = int_val + 2**i 722 723 # Return the integer value. 724 return int_val
725 726 727 # IEEE-754 Constants. 728 ##################### 729 730 # The following bit patterns are to be read from right to left (big-endian). 731 # Hence bit positions 0 and 63 are to the far right and far left respectively. 732 PosZero = bitpatternToFloat('0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', endian='big') 733 NegZero = bitpatternToFloat('1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', endian='big') 734 PosEpsilonDenorm = bitpatternToFloat('0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001', endian='big') 735 NegEpsilonDenorm = bitpatternToFloat('1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001', endian='big') 736 PosEpsilonNorm = bitpatternToFloat('0000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001', endian='big') 737 NegEpsilonNorm = bitpatternToFloat('1000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001', endian='big') 738 PosMax = bitpatternToFloat('0111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111', endian='big') 739 NegMin = bitpatternToFloat('1111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111', endian='big') 740 PosInf = bitpatternToFloat('0111111111110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', endian='big') 741 NegInf = bitpatternToFloat('1111111111110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', endian='big') 742 PosNaN_A = bitpatternToFloat('0111111111110000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000', endian='big') 743 NegNaN_A = bitpatternToFloat('1111111111110000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000', endian='big') 744 PosNaN_B = bitpatternToFloat('0111111111110000000000000000011111111111111111111110000000000000', endian='big') 745 NegNaN_B = bitpatternToFloat('1111111111110000000000000000011111111111111111111110000000000000', endian='big') 746 PosNaN_C = bitpatternToFloat('0111111111110101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101', endian='big') 747 NegNaN_C = bitpatternToFloat('1111111111110101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101', endian='big') 748 PosNaN = PosNaN_C 749 NegNaN = NegNaN_C 750 751 #print "%-30s%-20.40g" % ("Pos zero: ", PosZero) 752 #print "%-30s%-20.40g" % ("Neg zero: ", NegZero) 753 #print "%-30s%-20.40g" % ("Pos epsilon denorm: ", PosEpsilonDenorm) 754 #print "%-30s%-20.40g" % ("Neg epsilon denorm: ", NegEpsilonDenorm) 755 #print "%-30s%-20.40g" % ("Pos epsilon norm: ", PosEpsilonNorm) 756 #print "%-30s%-20.40g" % ("Neg epsilon norm: ", NegEpsilonNorm) 757 #print "%-30s%-20.40g" % ("Max: ", PosMax) 758 #print "%-30s%-20.40g" % ("Min: ", NegMin) 759 #print "%-30s%-20.40g" % ("Pos inf: ", PosInf) 760 #print "%-30s%-20.40g" % ("Neg inf: ", NegInf) 761 #print "%-30s%-20.40g" % ("Pos NaN (A): ", PosNaN_A) 762 #print "%-30s%-20.40g" % ("Neg NaN (A): ", NegNaN_A) 763 #print "%-30s%-20.40g" % ("Pos NaN (B): ", PosNaN_B) 764 #print "%-30s%-20.40g" % ("Neg NaN (B): ", NegNaN_B) 765 #print "%-30s%-20.40g" % ("Pos NaN (C): ", PosNaN_C) 766 #print "%-30s%-20.40g" % ("Neg NaN (C): ", NegNaN_C) 767