Package multi
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Package multi

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The multi-processor package.

1 Introduction

This package is an abstraction of specific multi-processor implementations or fabrics such as MPI via mpi4py. It is designed to be extended for use on other fabrics such as grid computing via SSH tunnelling, threading, etc. It also has a uni-processor mode as the default fabric.


The public API is available via the __init__ module. It consists of a number of functions and classes. Using this basic interface, code can be parallelised and executed via an MPI implementation, or default back to a single CPU when needed. The choice of processor fabric is up to the calling program (via multi.load_multiprocessor).

2.1 Program initialisation

The function multi.load_multiprocessor() is the interface for how a program can load and set up a specific processor fabric. This function returns the set up processor, which itself provides a run() method which is used to execute your application.

2.2 Access to the processor instance

The multi.Processor_box class is a special singleton object which provides access to the processor object. This is required for a number of actions:

2.3 Slaves

Slave processors are created via the multi.Slave_command class. This is special base class which must be subclassed. The run() function should be overridden, this provides the code to execute on the slave processors.

2.4 Results handling

The multi.Result_command class is a special base class which must be subclassed. The run() function should be overridden, this provides the code for the master to process the results from the slaves.

In addition, the multi.Memo should also be used. This is a special base class which must be subclassed. This is a data store used by the Results_command to help process the results from the slave on the master processor.

3 Parallelisation

The following are the steps required to parallelise a calculation via the multi-processor package API. It is assumed that the multi.load_multiprocessor() function has been set up at the highest level so that the entire program will be executed by the returned processor's run() method.

3.1 Subclassing command and memo objects

The first step is that the Slave_command, Result_command, and Memo classes need to be subclassed. The method must be provided and is used for running the calculations on the slave processors. The Result_command is used to unpack the results from the slave. It is initialised by the Slave_command itself with the results from the calculation as arguments of __init__(). Its run() method processes the results on the master processor. The Memo object holds data other than the calculation results required by the method to process the results.

3.2 Initialisation and queuing

The second step is to initialise the Slave_command and Memo and add these to the processor queue. But first access to the processor is required. The singleton multi.Processor_box should be imported, and the processor accessed with code such as:

   # Initialise the Processor box singleton.
   processor_box = Processor_box() 

The slave command is then initialised and all required data by the slave for the calculation (via its run() method) is stored within the class instance. The memo is also initialised with its data required for the result command for processing on the master of the results from the slave. These are then queued on the processor:

   # Queue the slave command and memo.
   processor_box.processor.add_to_queue(command, memo)

3.3 Calculation

To execute the calculations, the final part of the calculation code on the master must feature a call to:


4 Example

See the script '' for a basic example of a reference, and full, implementation of the multi-processor package.

5 Issues

For multi-core systems and Linux 2.6, the following might be required to prevent the master processor from taking 100% of one CPU core while waiting for the slaves:

# echo "1" > /proc/sys/kernel/sched_compat_yield

This appears to be an OpenMPI problem with late 2.6 Linux kernels.

Submodules [hide private]

Classes [hide private]
Call backs provided to the host application by the multi processor framework.
A storage class for the Processor instance and its attributes.
Functions [hide private]
multi.processor.Processor instance
load_multiprocessor(processor_name, callback, processor_size, verbosity=1)
Load a multi processor given its name.
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API function for obtaining data from the Processor instance's data store.
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class instance
API function for obtaining the data store object from the Processor instance.
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send_data_to_slaves(name=None, value=None)
API function for sending data from the master to all slaves processors.
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Variables [hide private]
  _verbosity = Verbosity()
  __package__ = 'multi'

Imports: _sys, _traceback, Memo, _import_module, _Verbosity, Result_command, Slave_command

Function Details [hide private]

load_multiprocessor(processor_name, callback, processor_size, verbosity=1)

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Load a multi processor given its name.

Dynamically load a multi processor, the current algorithm is to search in module multi for a module called <processor_name>.<Processor_name> (note capitalisation).

  • processor_name (str) - Name of the processor module/class to load.
  • verbosity (int) - The verbosity level at initialisation. This can be changed during program execution. A value of 0 suppresses all output. A value of 1 causes the basic multi-processor information to be printed. A value of 2 will switch on a number of debugging print outs. Values greater than 2 currently do nothing, though this might change in the future.
Returns: multi.processor.Processor instance
A loaded processor object or None to indicate failure.
To Do:
  • This algorithm needs to be improved to allow users to load processors without altering the relax source code.
  • Remove non-essential parameters.


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API function for obtaining data from the Processor instance's data store.

This is for fetching data from the data store of the Processor instance. If run on the master, then the master's data store will be accessed. If run on the slave, then the slave's data store will be accessed.

  • name (str) - The name of the data structure to fetch.
Returns: anything
The value of the associated data structure.

Attention: No inter-processor communications are performed.


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API function for obtaining the data store object from the Processor instance.

If run on the master, then the master's data store will be returned. If run on the slave, then the slave's data store will be returned.

Returns: class instance
The data store of the processor (of the same rank as the calling code).

Attention: No inter-processor communications are performed.

send_data_to_slaves(name=None, value=None)

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API function for sending data from the master to all slaves processors.

  • name (str) - The name of the data structure to store.
  • value (anything) - The data structure.

Attention: Inter-processor communications are performed.