Package prompt :: Module align_tensor :: Class Align_tensor
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Class Align_tensor

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Class for manipulating the alignment tensor.

Instance Methods [hide private]
copy(self, tensor_from=None, pipe_from=None, tensor_to=None, pipe_to=None)
Function for copying alignment tensor data.
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delete(self, tensor=None)
Function for deleting alignment tensor data.
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display(self, tensor=None)
Function for displaying the alignment tensor information.
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fix(self, id=None, fixed=True)
Fix all alignment tensors so that they do not change during optimisation.
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init(self, tensor=None, params=None, scale=1.0, angle_units='deg', param_types=0, errors=False)
Function for initialising the alignment tensor.
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matrix_angles(self, basis_set=0, tensors=None)
Function for calculating the 5D angles between all alignment tensors.
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reduction(self, full_tensor=None, red_tensor=None)
Specify that one tensor is a reduction of another.
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set_domain(self, tensor=None, domain=None)
Set the domain label for the alignment tensor.
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svd(self, basis_set=0, tensors=None)
Function for calculating the singular values for all tensors and the condition number.
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Inherited from base_class.User_fn_class: __init__

Method Details [hide private]

copy(self, tensor_from=None, pipe_from=None, tensor_to=None, pipe_to=None)

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Function for copying alignment tensor data.

Keyword Arguments

tensor_from:  The identification string of the alignment tensor to copy the data from.

pipe_from:  The name of the data pipe to copy the alignment tensor data from.

tensor_to:  The identification string of the alignment tensor to copy the data to.

pipe_to:  The name of the data pipe to copy the alignment tensor data to.


This function will copy the alignment tensor data to a new tensor or a new data pipe.  The
destination data pipe must not contain any alignment tensor data corresponding to the
tensor_to label.  If the pipe_from or pipe_to arguments are not supplied, then both will
default to the current data pipe.  Both the tensor_from and tensor_to arguments must be


To copy the alignment tensor data corresponding to 'Pf1' from the data pipe 'old' to the
current data pipe, type one of:

relax> align_tensor.copy('Pf1', 'old')
relax> align_tensor.copy(tensor_from='Pf1', pipe_from='old')

To copy the alignment tensor data corresponding to 'Otting' from the current data pipe to
the data pipe new, type one of:

relax> align_tensor.copy('Otting', pipe_to='new')
relax> align_tensor.copy(tensor_from='Otting', pipe_to='new')

To copy the alignment tensor data of 'Otting' to that of 'Otting new', type one of:

relax> align_tensor.copy('Otting', tensor_to='Otting new')
relax> align_tensor.copy(tensor_from='Pf1', tensor_to='Otting new')

delete(self, tensor=None)

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Function for deleting alignment tensor data.

Keyword Arguments

tensor:  The alignment tensor identification string.


This function will delete the specified alignment tensor data from the current data pipe.

display(self, tensor=None)

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Function for displaying the alignment tensor information.

Keyword Arguments

tensor:  The alignment tensor identification string.

fix(self, id=None, fixed=True)

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Fix all alignment tensors so that they do not change during optimisation.

Keyword Arguments

id:  The alignment tensor identification string.

fixed:  The flag specifying if the tensors should be fixed or variable.


If the ID string is left unset, then all alignment tensors will be fixed.

init(self, tensor=None, params=None, scale=1.0, angle_units='deg', param_types=0, errors=False)

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Function for initialising the alignment tensor.

Keyword Arguments

tensor:  The alignment tensor identification string.

params:  The alignment tensor data.

scale:  The alignment tensor eigenvalue scaling value.

angle_units:  The units for the angle parameters.

param_types:  A flag to select different parameter combinations.

errors:  A flag which determines if the alignment tensor data or its errors are being input.


Using this function, the alignment tensor data can be set up.  The params argument should be
a tuple of floating point numbers (a list surrounded by round brakets).  These correspond to
the parameters of the tensor, which can be specified by the param_types argument, where the
values correspond to

    0:  {Sxx, Syy, Sxy, Sxz, Syz}  (unitless),
    1:  {Szz, Sxx-yy, Sxy, Sxz, Syz}  (Pales default format),
    2:  {Axx, Ayy, Axy, Axz, Ayz}  (unitless),
    3:  {Azz, Axx-yy, Axy, Axz, Ayz}  (unitless),
    4:  {Axx, Ayy, Axy, Axz, Ayz}  (units of Hertz),
    5:  {Azz, Axx-yy, Axy, Axz, Ayz}  (units of Hertz),
    6:  {Pxx, Pyy, Pxy, Pxz, Pyz}  (unitless),
    7:  {Pzz, Pxx-yy, Pxy, Pxz, Pyz}  (unitless),

Other formats may be added later.  The relationship between the Saupe order matrix S and the
alignment tensor A is

    S = 3/2 A.

The probability matrix P is related to the alignment tensor A by

    A = P - 1/3 I,

where I is the identity matrix.  For the alignment tensor to be supplied in Hertz, the bond
vectors must all be of equal length.


To set a rhombic tensor to the run 'CaM', type one of:

relax> align_tensor.init('super media', (-8.6322e-05, -5.5786e-04, -3.1732e-05, 2.2927e-05,
                         2.8599e-04), param_types=1)
relax> align_tensor.init(tensor='super media', params=(-8.6322e-05, -5.5786e-04,
                         -3.1732e-05, 2.2927e-05, 2.8599e-04), param_types=1)

matrix_angles(self, basis_set=0, tensors=None)

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Function for calculating the 5D angles between all alignment tensors.

Keyword Arguments

basis_set:  The basis set to operate with.

tensors:  A list of the tensors to apply the calculation to.  If None, all tensors are used.


This function will calculate the angles between all loaded alignment tensors for the current
data pipe.  The matrices are first converted to a 5D vector form and then then angles are
calculated.  The angles are dependent on the basis set.  If the basis_set argument is set to
the default of 0, the vectors {Sxx, Syy, Sxy, Sxz, Syz} are used.  If the basis_set argument
is set to 1, the vectors {Szz, Sxxyy, Sxy, Sxz, Syz} are used instead.

reduction(self, full_tensor=None, red_tensor=None)

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Specify that one tensor is a reduction of another.

Keyword Arguments

full_tensor:  The full alignment tensor.

red_tensor:  The reduce alignment tensor.


Prior to optimisation of the N-state model and Frame Order theories using alignment tensors,
which tensor is a reduction of which other tensor must be specified through this user


To state that the alignment tensor loaded as 'chi3 C-dom' is a reduction of 'chi3 N-dom', type:

relax> align_tensor.reduction(full_tensor='chi3 N-dom', red_tensor='chi3 C-dom')

set_domain(self, tensor=None, domain=None)

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Set the domain label for the alignment tensor.

Keyword Arguments

tensor:  The alignment tensor to assign the domain label to.

domain:  The domain label.


Prior to optimisation of the N-state model or Frame Order theories, the domain to which each
alignment tensor belongs must be specified.


To link the alignment tensor loaded as 'chi3 C-dom' to the C-terminal domain 'C', type:

relax> align_tensor.set_domain(tensor='chi3 C-dom', domain='C')

svd(self, basis_set=0, tensors=None)

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Function for calculating the singular values for all tensors and the condition number.

Keyword Arguments

basis_set:  The basis set to operate with.

tensors:  A list of the tensors to apply the calculation to.  If None, all tensors are used.


This function will, using SVD, calculate the singular values of all tensors loaded for the
current data pipe.  If the basis_set argument is set to the default of 0, the matrix on
which SVD will be performed is composed of the unitary basis set {Sxx, Syy, Sxy, Sxz, Syz}
layed out as:


    | Sxx1 Syy1 Sxy1 Sxz1 Syz1 |
    | Sxx2 Syy2 Sxy2 Sxz2 Syz2 |
    | Sxx3 Syy3 Sxy3 Sxz3 Syz3 |
    |  .    .    .    .    .   |
    |  .    .    .    .    .   |
    |  .    .    .    .    .   |
    | SxxN SyyN SxyN SxzN SyzN |


If basis_set is set to 1, the geometric basis set consisting of the stretching and skewing
parameters Szz and Sxx-yy respectively {Szz, Sxxyy, Sxy, Sxz, Syz} will be used instead.
The matrix is:


    | Szz1 Sxxyy1 Sxy1 Sxz1 Syz1 |
    | Szz2 Sxxyy2 Sxy2 Sxz2 Syz2 |
    | Szz3 Sxxyy3 Sxy3 Sxz3 Syz3 |
    |  .     .     .    .    .   |
    |  .     .     .    .    .   |
    |  .     .     .    .    .   |
    | SzzN SxxyyN SxyN SxzN SyzN |


The relationships between the geometric and unitary basis sets are:


    Szz = - Sxx - Syy,
    Sxxyy = Sxx - Syy,


The SVD values and condition number are dependendent upon the basis set chosen.