Package gui :: Module misc
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Module misc

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Miscellaneous functions used throughout the GUI.

Functions [hide private]
wx.BoxSizer instance
add_border(box, border=0, packing=wx.VERTICAL, debug=False)
Create the main part of the frame, returning the central sizer.
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Format the text by stripping whitespace.
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open_file(file, force_text=False)
Open the file in the platform's native editor/viewer.
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protected_exec(fn, *args, **kargs)
Apply the given function, catching all RelaxErrors.
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table_line(text=None, widths=None, bottom=False)
Format a line of a table.
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Variables [hide private]
  status = Status()

Imports: deepcopy, os, platform, wrap, wx, AllRelaxErrors, Status, gui_raise

Function Details [hide private]

add_border(box, border=0, packing=wx.VERTICAL, debug=False)

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Create the main part of the frame, returning the central sizer.

  • box (wx.BoxSizer instance) - The box sizer element to pack the borders into.
  • border (int) - The size of the border in pixels.
  • packing (wx.VERTICAL or wx.HORIZONTAL) - Specify if the central sizer should be vertically or horizontally packed.
  • debug (bool) - A flag which if true will make colourful borders.
Returns: wx.BoxSizer instance
The central sizer.


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Format the text by stripping whitespace.

  • table (lists of lists of str) - The table.
Returns: str
The formatted table.

open_file(file, force_text=False)

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Open the file in the platform's native editor/viewer.

  • file (str) - The path of the file to open.
  • force_text (bool) - A flag which if True will cause a text editor to be launched.

protected_exec(fn, *args, **kargs)

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Apply the given function, catching all RelaxErrors.

All args and keyword args supplied will be directly applied to the given function.

  • fn (func) - The function to apply.
Returns: bool
The status of execution.

table_line(text=None, widths=None, bottom=False)

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Format a line of a table.

  • text (list of str or None) - The list of table elements. If not given, an empty line will be be produced.
  • widths (list of int) - The list of column widths for the table.
  • botton - A flag which if True will cause a table bottom line to be produced.
  • bottom (bool)
Returns: str
The table line.