Package minfx :: Module newton
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Source Code for Module minfx.newton

  1  ############################################################################### 
  2  #                                                                             # 
  3  # Copyright (C) 2003-2013 Edward d'Auvergne                                   # 
  4  #                                                                             # 
  5  # This file is part of the minfx optimisation library,                        # 
  6  #                                      # 
  7  #                                                                             # 
  8  # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify        # 
  9  # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by        # 
 10  # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or           # 
 11  # (at your option) any later version.                                         # 
 12  #                                                                             # 
 13  # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,             # 
 14  # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              # 
 16  # GNU General Public License for more details.                                # 
 17  #                                                                             # 
 18  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License           # 
 19  # along with this program.  If not, see <>.       # 
 20  #                                                                             # 
 21  ############################################################################### 
 23  # Module docstring. 
 24  """Newton (or Newton-Raphson - NR) optimization. 
 26  This file is part of the minfx optimisation library at U{}. 
 27  """ 
 29  # Python module imports. 
 30  from math import acos 
 31  from numpy import dot, float64, identity, sqrt, zeros 
 32  from re import match 
 34  # Minfx module imports. 
 35  from minfx.base_classes import Hessian_mods, Line_search, Min 
38 -def newton(func=None, dfunc=None, d2func=None, args=(), x0=None, min_options=(), func_tol=1e-25, grad_tol=None, maxiter=1e6, a0=1.0, mu=0.0001, eta=0.9, mach_acc=1e-16, full_output=0, print_flag=0, print_prefix=""):
39 """Newton minimisation.""" 40 41 if print_flag: 42 if print_flag >= 2: 43 print(print_prefix) 44 print(print_prefix) 45 print(print_prefix + "Newton minimisation") 46 print(print_prefix + "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~") 47 min = Newton(func, dfunc, d2func, args, x0, min_options, func_tol, grad_tol, maxiter, a0, mu, eta, mach_acc, full_output, print_flag, print_prefix) 48 if min.init_failure: 49 print(print_prefix + "Initialisation of minimisation has failed.") 50 return None 51 results = min.minimise() 52 return results
53 54
55 -class Newton(Hessian_mods, Line_search, Min):
56 - def __init__(self, func, dfunc, d2func, args, x0, min_options, func_tol, grad_tol, maxiter, a0, mu, eta, mach_acc, full_output, print_flag, print_prefix):
57 """Class for Newton minimisation specific functions. 58 59 Unless you know what you are doing, you should call the function 'newton' rather than using this class. 60 """ 61 62 # Function arguments. 63 self.func = func 64 self.dfunc = dfunc 65 self.d2func = d2func 66 self.args = args 67 self.xk = x0 68 self.func_tol = func_tol 69 self.grad_tol = grad_tol 70 self.maxiter = maxiter 71 self.mach_acc = mach_acc 72 self.full_output = full_output 73 self.print_flag = print_flag 74 self.print_prefix = print_prefix 75 76 # Set a0. 77 self.a0 = a0 78 79 # Line search constants for the Wolfe conditions. 80 = mu 81 self.eta = eta 82 83 # Initialisation failure flag. 84 self.init_failure = 0 85 86 # Setup the line search and Hessian modification algorithms. 87 self.line_search_algor = None 88 self.hessian_mod = None 89 90 # Test if the options are a tuple. 91 if not isinstance(min_options, tuple): 92 print(self.print_prefix + "The minimisation options " + repr(min_options) + " is not a tuple.") 93 self.init_failure = 1; return 94 95 # Test that no more thant 2 options are given. 96 if len(min_options) > 2: 97 print(self.print_prefix + "A maximum of two minimisation options is allowed (the line search algorithm and the Hessian modification).") 98 self.init_failure = 1; return 99 100 # Sort out the minimisation options. 101 none_option = None 102 for opt in min_options: 103 if match('[Nn]one', opt): 104 none_option = opt 105 continue 106 if self.line_search_algor == None and self.valid_line_search(opt): 107 self.line_search_algor = opt 108 elif self.hessian_mod == None and self.valid_hessian_mod(opt): 109 self.hessian_mod = opt 110 else: 111 if self.line_search_algor: 112 print(self.print_prefix + "The minimisation option " + repr(opt) + " from " + repr(min_options) + " is not a valid Hessian modification.") 113 elif self.hessian_mod: 114 print(self.print_prefix + "The minimisation option " + repr(opt) + " from " + repr(min_options) + " is not a valid line search algorithm.") 115 else: 116 print(self.print_prefix + "The minimisation option " + repr(opt) + " from " + repr(min_options) + " is neither a valid line search algorithm or Hessian modification.") 117 self.init_failure = 1; return 118 if none_option and not self.hessian_mod: 119 if self.valid_hessian_mod(none_option): 120 self.hessian_mod = none_option 121 elif none_option and not self.line_search_algor: 122 if self.valid_line_search(none_option): 123 self.line_search_algor = none_option 124 elif none_option: 125 print(self.print_prefix + "Invalid combination of options " + repr(min_options) + ".") 126 self.init_failure = 1; return 127 128 # Default line search algorithm. 129 if self.line_search_algor == None: 130 self.line_search_algor = 'Back' 131 132 # Default Hessian modification. 133 if self.hessian_mod == None: 134 self.hessian_mod = 'GMW' 135 136 # Line search and Hessian modification initialisation. 137 self.setup_line_search() 138 self.setup_hessian_mod() 139 140 # Initialise the function, gradient, and Hessian evaluation counters. 141 self.f_count = 0 142 self.g_count = 0 143 self.h_count = 0 144 145 # Initialise the warning string. 146 self.warning = None 147 148 # Constants. 149 self.n = len(self.xk) 150 self.I = identity(len(self.xk)) 151 152 # Set the convergence test function. 153 self.setup_conv_tests() 154 155 # Newton setup function. 156 self.setup_newton() 157 158 # Set the update function. 159 self.update = self.update_newton
160 161
162 - def new_param_func(self):
163 """The new parameter function. 164 165 Find the search direction, do a line search, and get xk+1 and fk+1. 166 """ 167 168 # Calculate the Newton direction. 169 = self.get_pk() 170 171 # Line search. 172 self.line_search() 173 174 # Find the new parameter vector and function value at that point. 175 self.xk_new = self.xk + self.alpha * 176 self.fk_new, self.f_count = self.func(*(self.xk_new,)+self.args), self.f_count + 1 177 self.dfk_new, self.g_count = self.dfunc(*(self.xk_new,)+self.args), self.g_count + 1 178 179 # Debugging. 180 if self.print_flag >= 2: 181 print("\n" + self.print_prefix + "New param function.") 182 print(self.print_prefix + "pk: " + repr( 183 print(self.print_prefix + "alpha: " + repr(self.alpha)) 184 print(self.print_prefix + "xk: " + repr(self.xk)) 185 print(self.print_prefix + "xk+1: " + repr(self.xk_new)) 186 print(self.print_prefix + "fk: " + repr( 187 print(self.print_prefix + "fk+1: " + repr(self.fk_new)) 188 print(self.print_prefix + "dfk: " + repr(self.dfk)) 189 print(self.print_prefix + "dfk+1: " + repr(self.dfk_new)) 190 print(self.print_prefix + "d2fk:\n" + repr(self.d2fk)) 191 192 #eigen = eigenvectors(self.d2fk) 193 #print(self.print_prefix + "Eigenvalues: " + repr(eigen[0])) 194 195 print(self.print_prefix + "Angle to the unit vector pointing along the first dimension.") 196 unit_vect = zeros(self.n, float64) 197 unit_vect[0] = 1.0 198 dfk_angle = acos(dot(self.dfk, unit_vect) / sqrt(dot(self.dfk, self.dfk))) 199 pk_angle = acos(dot(, unit_vect) / sqrt(dot(, 200 print(self.print_prefix + "steepest descent: " + repr(dfk_angle)) 201 print(self.print_prefix + "Newton step: " + repr(pk_angle))
202 203
204 - def setup_newton(self):
205 """Setup function. 206 207 The initial Newton function value, gradient vector, and Hessian matrix are calculated. 208 """ 209 210, self.f_count = self.func(*(self.xk,)+self.args), self.f_count + 1 211 self.dfk, self.g_count = self.dfunc(*(self.xk,)+self.args), self.g_count + 1 212 self.d2fk, self.h_count = self.d2func(*(self.xk,)+self.args), self.h_count + 1
213 214
215 - def update_newton(self):
216 """Function to update the function value, gradient vector, and Hessian matrix.""" 217 218 self.xk = self.xk_new * 1.0 219 = self.fk_new 220 self.dfk = self.dfk_new * 1.0 221 self.d2fk, self.h_count = self.d2func(*(self.xk,)+self.args), self.h_count + 1