Module physical_constants
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Source Code for Module physical_constants

  1  ############################################################################### 
  2  #                                                                             # 
  3  # Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Edward d'Auvergne                                   # 
  4  #                                                                             # 
  5  # This file is part of the program relax.                                     # 
  6  #                                                                             # 
  7  # relax is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify               # 
  8  # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by        # 
  9  # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or           # 
 10  # (at your option) any later version.                                         # 
 11  #                                                                             # 
 12  # relax is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                    # 
 13  # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              # 
 15  # GNU General Public License for more details.                                # 
 16  #                                                                             # 
 17  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License           # 
 18  # along with relax; if not, write to the Free Software                        # 
 19  # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA   # 
 20  #                                                                             # 
 21  ############################################################################### 
 23  # Module docstring. 
 24  """Module containing all physical constants used in relax, as well as all associated functions.""" 
 27  # Python module imports. 
 28  from math import pi 
 29  from string import ascii_letters, digits, upper 
 31  # relax module imports. 
 32  from float import nan 
 33  from relax_errors import RelaxError 
 36  # Misc. constants. 
 37  ################## 
 39  h = 6.62606876 * 1e-34 
 40  """Planck's constant.""" 
 42  h_bar = h / (2.0 * pi) 
 43  """Dirac's constant.""" 
 45  mu0 = 4.0 * pi * 1e-7 
 46  """The magnetic constant or the permeability of vacuum.""" 
 48  kB = 1.380650424 * 1e-23 
 49  """Boltzmann's constant in SI units of J.K^-1 (the last 2 digits of '24' are within the measured error limits).""" 
 52  # CSA and bond lengths. 
 53  ####################### 
 55  N15_CSA = -172 * 1e-6 
 56  """The 15N CSA in the NH bond (default value).""" 
 58  NH_BOND_LENGTH = 1.02 * 1e-10 
 59  """The length of the NH bond (default value).""" 
 61  NH_BOND_LENGTH_RDC = 1.041 * 1e-10 
 62  """The length of the NH bond for RDCs (from Ottiger, M. and Bax A., J. Am. Chem. Soc. (1998), 120, 12334-12341).""" 
 64  CA_HA_BOND_LENGTH_RDC = 1.118 * 1e-10 
 65  """The length of the C_alpha-H_alpha bond for RDCs (from Ottiger, M. and Bax A., J. Am. Chem. Soc. (1998), 120, 12334-12341).""" 
 67  CA_C_BOND_LENGTH_RDC = 1.526 * 1e-10 
 68  """The length of the C_alpha-C_prime bond for RDCs (from Ottiger, M. and Bax A., J. Am. Chem. Soc. (1998), 120, 12334-12341).""" 
 70  C_N_BOND_LENGTH_RDC = 1.329 * 1e-10 
 71  """The length of the C_prime-N bond for RDCs (from Ottiger, M. and Bax A., J. Am. Chem. Soc. (1998), 120, 12334-12341).""" 
 73  C_HN_BOND_LENGTH_RDC = 2.067 * 1e-10 
 74  """The length of the C_prime-HN bond for RDCs (from Ottiger, M. and Bax A., J. Am. Chem. Soc. (1998), 120, 12334-12341).""" 
 78  # The dipolar constant. 
 79  ####################### 
81 -def dipolar_constant(gx, gh, r):
82 """Calculate the dipolar constant. 83 84 The dipolar constant is defined as:: 85 86 mu0 gI.gS.h_bar 87 d = - --- ----------- , 88 4pi r**3 89 90 where: 91 - mu0 is the permeability of free space, 92 - gI and gS are the gyromagnetic ratios of the I and S spins, 93 - h_bar is Dirac's constant which is equal to Planck's constant divided by 2pi, 94 - r is the distance between the two spins. 95 96 97 @param gx: The gyromagnetic ratio of the heteronucleus (or first spin). 98 @type gx: float 99 @param gh: The gyromagnetic ratio of the proton (or second spin). 100 @type gh: float 101 @param r: The distance between the two nuclei. 102 @type r: float 103 """ 104 105 # Catch zero bond lengths, returning NaN. 106 if r == 0: 107 return nan 108 109 # Calculate and return the value. 110 return - mu0 / (4.0*pi) * gx * gh * h_bar / r**3
111 112 113 # The pseudocontact shift constant. 114 ################################### 115
116 -def pcs_constant(T, Bo, r):
117 """Calculate the pseudocontact shift constant. 118 119 The pseudocontact shift constant is defined as:: 120 121 mu0 15kT 1 122 d = --- ----- ---- , 123 4pi Bo**2 r**3 124 125 where: 126 - mu0 is the permeability of free space, 127 - k is Boltzmann's constant, 128 - T is the absolute temperature, 129 - Bo is the magnetic field strength, 130 - r is the distance between the paramagnetic centre (electron spin) and the nuclear spin. 131 132 133 @param T: The temperature in kelvin. 134 @type T: float 135 @param Bo: The magnetic field strength. 136 @type Bo: float 137 @param r: The distance between the two nuclei. 138 @type r: float 139 """ 140 141 # Catch zero bond lengths, returning NaN. 142 if r == 0: 143 return nan 144 145 # Calculate and return the value. 146 return mu0 / (4.0*pi) * 15.0 * kB * T / Bo**2 / r**3
147 148 149 150 # Gyromagnetic ratios. 151 ###################### 152 153 g13C = 6.728 * 1e7 154 """The 13C gyromagnetic ratio.""" 155 156 g1H = 26.7522212 * 1e7 157 """The 1H gyromagnetic ratio.""" 158 # Pales: 2.675198e+8 159 160 g15N = -2.7126 * 1e7 161 """The 15N gyromagnetic ratio.""" 162 # Pales: -2.7116e+7 163 164 g17O = -3.628 * 1e7 165 """The 17O gyromagnetic ratio.""" 166 167 g31P = 10.841 * 1e7 168 """The 31P gyromagnetic ratio.""" 169 170 # Function for returning the desired gyromagnetic ratio.
171 -def return_gyromagnetic_ratio(nucleus=None):
172 """Return the gyromagnetic ratio for the given nucleus type. 173 174 @keyword nucleus: The nucleus type. 175 @type nucleus: str 176 @raises RelaxError: If the nucleus type is unknown. 177 @returns: The desired gyromagnetic ratio. 178 @rtype: float 179 """ 180 181 # Matching loop. 182 if nucleus == '13C': 183 return g13C 184 elif nucleus == '1H': 185 return g1H 186 elif nucleus == '15N': 187 return g15N 188 elif nucleus == '17O': 189 return g17O 190 elif nucleus == '31P': 191 return g31P 192 else: 193 raise RelaxError("The nucleus type " + repr(nucleus) + " is unknown.")
194 195 196 # Relative atomic masses. 197 ######################### 198 199 ArH = 1.00794 200 """Proton atomic mass.""" 201 202 ArC = 12.0107 203 """Carbon atomic mass.""" 204 205 ArN = 14.0067 206 """Nitrogen atomic mass.""" 207 208 ArO = 15.9994 209 """Oxygen atomic mass.""" 210 211 ArS = 32.065 212 """Sulphur atomic mass.""" 213 214 ArCa = 40.078 215 """Calcium atomic mass.""" 216 217 218 # Function for returning the desired atomic mass.
219 -def return_atomic_mass(element=None):
220 """Return the atomic mass for the given element type. 221 222 @keyword element: The element type. 223 @type element: str 224 @raises RelaxError: If the element type is unknown. 225 @returns: The desired atomic mass. 226 @rtype: float 227 """ 228 229 # Protons, deuterons. 230 if element == 'H': 231 return ArH 232 if element == '1H': 233 return 1.0 234 if element == '2H': 235 return 2.0 236 237 # Carbons. 238 if element == 'C': 239 return ArC 240 if element == '12C': 241 return 12.0 242 if element == '13C': 243 return 13.0 244 245 # Nitrogens. 246 if element == 'N': 247 return ArN 248 if element == '14N': 249 return 14.0 250 if element == '15N': 251 return 15.0 252 253 # Oxygens. 254 if element == 'O': 255 return ArO 256 if element == '16O': 257 return 16.0 258 if element == '17O': 259 return 17.0 260 261 # Sulphurs. 262 if element == 'S': 263 return ArS 264 265 # Calcium. 266 if upper(element) == 'CA': 267 return ArCa 268 269 # Unknown mass. 270 raise RelaxError("The mass of the element " + repr(element) + " has not yet been programmed into relax.")
271 272 273 274 # Element info. 275 ############### 276
277 -def element_from_isotope(isotope):
278 """Determine and return the element name for the given isotope. 279 280 @param isotope: The isotope name, such as '1H', '15N'. 281 @type isotope: str 282 @return: The element name. 283 @rtype: str 284 """ 285 286 # Remove the digit characters. 287 return isotope.strip(digits)
288 289
290 -def number_from_isotope(isotope):
291 """Determine and return the isotope number for the given isotope. 292 293 @param isotope: The isotope name, such as '1H', '15N'. 294 @type isotope: str 295 @return: The isotope number. 296 @rtype: int 297 """ 298 299 # Remove the digit characters. 300 return int(isotope.strip(ascii_letters))