Package user_functions :: Module bmrb'
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Source Code for Module user_functions.bmrb'

  1  ############################################################################### 
  2  #                                                                             # 
  3  # Copyright (C) 2003-2012 Edward d'Auvergne                                   # 
  4  #                                                                             # 
  5  # This file is part of the program relax.                                     # 
  6  #                                                                             # 
  7  # relax is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify               # 
  8  # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by        # 
  9  # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or           # 
 10  # (at your option) any later version.                                         # 
 11  #                                                                             # 
 12  # relax is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                    # 
 13  # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              # 
 15  # GNU General Public License for more details.                                # 
 16  #                                                                             # 
 17  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License           # 
 18  # along with relax; if not, write to the Free Software                        # 
 19  # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA   # 
 20  #                                                                             # 
 21  ############################################################################### 
 23  # Module docstring. 
 24  """The bmrb user function definitions.""" 
 26  # Python module imports. 
 27  import wx 
 29  # relax module imports. 
 30  from graphics import WIZARD_IMAGE_PATH 
 31  from generic_fns import bmrb, exp_info, pipes 
 32  from import Uf_info; uf_info = Uf_info() 
 33  from user_functions.objects import Desc_container 
 36  # The user function class. 
 37  uf_class = uf_info.add_class('bmrb') 
 38  uf_class.title = "Class for interfacing with the BMRB (" 
 39  uf_class.menu_text = "&bmrb" 
 40  uf_class.gui_icon = "relax.bmrb" 
 42  # The bmrb.citation user function. 
 43  uf = uf_info.add_uf('bmrb.citation') 
 44  uf.title = "Specify a citation to be added the BMRB data file." 
 45  uf.title_short = "Add a citation." 
 46  uf.add_keyarg( 
 47      name = "cite_id", 
 48      py_type = "str", 
 49      desc_short = "citation ID", 
 50      desc = "The citation ID string." 
 51  ) 
 52  uf.add_keyarg( 
 53      name = "authors", 
 54      py_type = "str_list_of_lists", 
 55      desc_short = "author list", 
 56      desc = "The list of authors.  Each author element is a list of four elements (the first name, last name, first initial, and middle initials).", 
 57      list_titles = ["First name", "Last name", "First initial", "Middle initials"] 
 58  ) 
 59  uf.add_keyarg( 
 60      name = "doi", 
 61      py_type = "str", 
 62      desc_short = "DOI number", 
 63      desc = "The DOI number, e.g. '10.1000/182'.", 
 64      can_be_none = True 
 65  ) 
 66  uf.add_keyarg( 
 67      name = "pubmed_id", 
 68      py_type = "str", 
 69      desc_short = "Pubmed ID number", 
 70      desc = "The identification code assigned to the publication by PubMed.", 
 71      can_be_none = True 
 72  ) 
 73  uf.add_keyarg( 
 74      name = "full_citation", 
 75      py_type = "str", 
 76      desc_short = "full citation", 
 77      desc = "The full citation as given in a reference list." 
 78  ) 
 79  uf.add_keyarg( 
 80      name = "title", 
 81      py_type = "str", 
 82      desc_short = "publication title", 
 83      desc = "The title of the publication." 
 84  ) 
 85  uf.add_keyarg( 
 86      name = "status", 
 87      default = "published", 
 88      py_type = "str", 
 89      desc_short = "publication status", 
 90      desc = "The status of the publication.  This can be a value such as 'published', 'submitted', etc." 
 91  ) 
 92  uf.add_keyarg( 
 93      name = "type", 
 94      default = "journal", 
 95      py_type = "str", 
 96      desc_short = "publication type", 
 97      desc = "The type of publication, for example 'journal'." 
 98  ) 
 99  uf.add_keyarg( 
100      name = "journal_abbrev", 
101      py_type = "str", 
102      desc_short = "journal abbreviation", 
103      desc = "The standard journal abbreviation.", 
104      can_be_none = True 
105  ) 
106  uf.add_keyarg( 
107      name = "journal_full", 
108      py_type = "str", 
109      desc_short = "full journal name", 
110      desc = "The full journal name.", 
111      can_be_none = True 
112  ) 
113  uf.add_keyarg( 
114      name = "volume", 
115      py_type = "int", 
116      desc_short = "volume", 
117      desc = "The volume number.", 
118      can_be_none = True 
119  ) 
120  uf.add_keyarg( 
121      name = "issue", 
122      py_type = "int", 
123      desc_short = "issue", 
124      desc = "The issue number.", 
125      can_be_none = True 
126  ) 
127  uf.add_keyarg( 
128      name = "page_first", 
129      py_type = "int", 
130      desc_short = "first page number", 
131      desc = "The first page number.", 
132      can_be_none = True 
133  ) 
134  uf.add_keyarg( 
135      name = "page_last", 
136      py_type = "int", 
137      desc_short = "last page number", 
138      desc = "The last page number.", 
139      can_be_none = True 
140  ) 
141  uf.add_keyarg( 
142      name = "year", 
143      py_type = "int", 
144      max = 3000, 
145      desc_short = "publication year", 
146      desc = "The publication year." 
147  ) 
148  # Description. 
149  uf.desc.append(Desc_container()) 
150  uf.desc[-1].add_paragraph("The full_citation should be in a format similar to that used in a journal article by either cutting and pasting from another document or by typing. Please include author names, title, journal, page numbers, and year or equivalent information for the type of publication given.") 
151  uf.desc[-1].add_paragraph("The journal status can only be one of:") 
152  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'preparation',") 
153  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'in press',") 
154  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'published',") 
155  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'retracted',") 
156  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'submitted'.") 
157  uf.desc[-1].add_paragraph("The citation type can only be one of:") 
158  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'abstract',") 
159  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'BMRB only',") 
160  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'book',") 
161  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'book chapter',") 
162  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'internet',") 
163  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'journal',") 
164  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'personal communication',") 
165  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'thesis'.") 
166  uf.desc[-1].add_paragraph("The standard journal abbreviation is that defined by the Chemical Abstract Services for the journal where the data are or will be published.  If the data in the deposition are related to a J. Biomol. NMR paper, the value must be 'J. Biomol. NMR' to alert the BMRB annotators so that the deposition is properly processed.  If the depositor truly does not know the journal, a value of 'not known' or 'na' is acceptable.") 
167  # Prompt examples. 
168  uf.desc.append(Desc_container("Prompt examples")) 
169  uf.desc[-1].add_paragraph("To add the citation \"d'Auvergne E. J., Gooley P. R. (2007). Set theory formulation of the model-free problem and the diffusion seeded model-free paradigm. Mol. Biosyst., 3(7), 483-494.\", type:") 
170  uf.desc[-1].add_prompt("relax> bmrb.citation(authors=[[\"Edward\", \"d'Auvergne\", \"E.\", \"J.\"], [\"Paul\", \"Gooley\", \"P.\", \"R.\"]], doi=\"10.1039/b702202f\", pubmed_id=\"17579774\", full_citation=\"d'Auvergne E. J., Gooley P. R. (2007). Set theory formulation of the model-free problem and the diffusion seeded model-free paradigm. Mol. Biosyst., 3(7), 483-494.\", title=\"Set theory formulation of the model-free problem and the diffusion seeded model-free paradigm.\", status=\"published\", type=\"journal\", journal_abbrev=\"Mol. Biosyst.\", journal_full=\"Molecular Biosystems\", volume=3, issue=7, page_first=483, page_last=498, year=2007)") 
171  uf.backend = exp_info.citation 
172  uf.menu_text = "&citation" 
173  uf.gui_icon = "oxygen.actions.documentation" 
174  uf.wizard_height_desc = 180 
175  uf.wizard_size = (1000, 750) 
176  uf.wizard_image = WIZARD_IMAGE_PATH + 'bmrb.png' 
179  # The bmrb.display user function. 
180  uf = uf_info.add_uf('bmrb.display') 
181  uf.title = "Display the BMRB data in NMR-STAR format." 
182  uf.title_short = "Display the BMRB data." 
183  uf.display = True 
184  uf.add_keyarg( 
185      name = "version", 
186      default = "3.1", 
187      py_type = "str", 
188      desc_short = "NMR-STAR dictionary version", 
189      desc = "The version of the BMRB NMR-STAR format to display.", 
190      wiz_element_type = "combo", 
191      wiz_combo_choices = [ 
192          "2.1", 
193          "3.0", 
194          "3.1" 
195      ], 
196      wiz_read_only = True 
197  ) 
198  # Description. 
199  uf.desc.append(Desc_container()) 
200  uf.desc[-1].add_paragraph("This will print the BMRB NMR-STAR formatted data to STDOUT.") 
201  uf.backend = bmrb.display 
202  uf.menu_text = "&display" 
203  uf.gui_icon = "oxygen.actions.document-preview" 
204  uf.wizard_size = (700, 500) 
205  uf.wizard_apply_button = False 
206  uf.wizard_image = WIZARD_IMAGE_PATH + 'bmrb.png' 
209  # The user function. 
210  uf = uf_info.add_uf('') 
211  uf.title = "Read BMRB files in the NMR-STAR format." 
212  uf.title_short = "Reading of BMRB files." 
213  uf.add_keyarg( 
214      name = "file", 
215      py_type = "str", 
216      arg_type = "file sel", 
217      desc_short = "file name", 
218      desc = "The name of the BMRB NMR-STAR formatted file to read.", 
219      wiz_filesel_style = wx.FD_OPEN 
220  ) 
221  uf.add_keyarg( 
222      name = "dir", 
223      py_type = "str", 
224      arg_type = "dir", 
225      desc_short = "directory name", 
226      desc = "The directory where the file is located.", 
227      can_be_none = True 
228  ) 
229  uf.add_keyarg( 
230      name = "version", 
231      py_type = "str", 
232      desc_short = "NMR-STAR dictionary version", 
233      desc = "The version of the BMRB NMR-STAR format to read.  This is not necessary as the version is normally auto-detected.", 
234      can_be_none = True 
235  ) 
236  uf.add_keyarg( 
237      name = "sample_conditions", 
238      py_type = "str", 
239      desc_short = "sample conditions label", 
240      desc = "The sample conditions label in the NMR-STAR file to restrict loading to.", 
241      can_be_none = True 
242  ) 
243  # Description. 
244  uf.desc.append(Desc_container()) 
245  uf.desc[-1].add_paragraph("This will allow most of the data from a BMRB NMR-STAR formatted file to be loaded into the relax data store.  Note that a data pipe should be created for storing the data, and that currently only model-free data pipes can be used.  Also, only one sample condition can be read per relax data pipe.  Therefore if one of the sample conditions is not specified and multiple conditions exist in the NMR-STAR file, an error will be raised.") 
246  uf.backend = 
247  uf.menu_text = "&read" 
248  uf.gui_icon = "oxygen.actions.document-open" 
249  uf.wizard_height_desc = 300 
250  uf.wizard_size = (800, 600) 
251  uf.wizard_image = WIZARD_IMAGE_PATH + 'bmrb.png' 
254  # The bmrb.script user function. 
255  uf = uf_info.add_uf('bmrb.script') 
256  uf.title = "Specify the scripts used in the analysis." 
257  uf.title_short = "Analysis scripts." 
258  uf.add_keyarg( 
259      name = "file", 
260      py_type = "str", 
261      arg_type = "file sel", 
262      desc_short = "script file", 
263      desc = "The name of the script file.", 
264      wiz_filesel_style = wx.FD_OPEN 
265  ) 
266  uf.add_keyarg( 
267      name = "dir", 
268      py_type = "str", 
269      arg_type = "dir", 
270      desc_short = "directory name", 
271      desc = "The directory where the file is located.", 
272      can_be_none = True 
273  ) 
274  uf.add_keyarg( 
275      name = "analysis_type", 
276      py_type = "str", 
277      desc_short = "analysis type", 
278      desc = "The type of analysis performed.", 
279      wiz_element_type = "combo", 
280      wiz_combo_choices = pipes.PIPE_DESC_LIST, 
281      wiz_combo_data = pipes.VALID_TYPES 
282  ) 
283  uf.add_keyarg( 
284      name = "model_selection", 
285      py_type = "str", 
286      desc_short = "model selection", 
287      desc = "The model selection technique used, if relevant.  For example 'AIC' model selection.", 
288      wiz_element_type = "combo", 
289      wiz_combo_choices = [ 
290          "AIC - Akaike's Information Criteria.", 
291          "AICc - Small sample size corrected AIC.", 
292          "BIC - Bayesian or Schwarz Information Criteria.", 
293          "Bootstrap - Bootstrap model selection.", 
294          "CV - Single-item-out cross-validation.", 
295          "Expect - The expected overall discrepancy (the true values of the parameters are required).", 
296          "Farrow - Old model-free method by Farrow et al., 1994.", 
297          "Palmer - Old model-free method by Mandel et al., 1995.", 
298          "Overall - The realised overall discrepancy (the true values of the parameters are required)." 
299      ], 
300      wiz_combo_data = ["AIC", "AICc", "BIC", "BIC", "Bootstrap", "CV", "Expect", "Farrow", "Palmer", "Overall"], 
301      wiz_read_only = False, 
302      can_be_none = True 
303  ) 
304  uf.add_keyarg( 
305      name = "engine", 
306      default = "relax", 
307      py_type = "str", 
308      desc_short = "software engine", 
309      desc = "The software engine used in the analysis.", 
310      wiz_element_type = "combo", 
311      wiz_combo_choices = ["relax", "modelfree4", "dasha", "curvefit"], 
312      wiz_read_only = False 
313  ) 
314  uf.add_keyarg( 
315      name = "model_elim", 
316      default = False, 
317      py_type = "bool", 
318      desc_short = "model elimination flag", 
319      desc = "A model-free specific flag specifying if model elimination was performed." 
320  ) 
321  uf.add_keyarg( 
322      name = "universal_solution", 
323      default = False, 
324      py_type = "bool", 
325      desc_short = "universal solution flag", 
326      desc = "A model-free specific flag specifying if the universal solution was sought after." 
327  ) 
328  # Description. 
329  uf.desc.append(Desc_container()) 
330  uf.desc[-1].add_paragraph("This user function allows scripts used in the analysis to be included in the BMRB deposition.  The following addition information may need to be specified with the script.") 
331  uf.desc[-1].add_paragraph("The analysis type must be set.  Allowable values include all the data pipe types used in relax, ie:") 
332  uf.desc[-1].add_item_list_element("'frame order'", "The Frame Order theories,") 
333  uf.desc[-1].add_item_list_element("'jw'", "Reduced spectral density mapping,") 
334  uf.desc[-1].add_item_list_element("'mf'", "Model-free analysis,") 
335  uf.desc[-1].add_item_list_element("'N-state'", "N-state model of domain motions,") 
336  uf.desc[-1].add_item_list_element("'noe'", "Steady state NOE calculation,") 
337  uf.desc[-1].add_item_list_element("'relax_fit'", "Relaxation curve fitting,") 
338  uf.desc[-1].add_paragraph("The model selection technique only needs to be set if the script selects between different mathematical models.  This can be anything, but the following are recommended:") 
339  uf.desc[-1].add_item_list_element("'AIC'", "Akaike's Information Criteria.") 
340  uf.desc[-1].add_item_list_element("'AICc'", "Small sample size corrected AIC.") 
341  uf.desc[-1].add_item_list_element("'BIC'", "Bayesian or Schwarz Information Criteria.") 
342  uf.desc[-1].add_item_list_element("'Bootstrap'", "Bootstrap model selection.") 
343  uf.desc[-1].add_item_list_element("'CV'", "Single-item-out cross-validation.") 
344  uf.desc[-1].add_item_list_element("'Expect'", "The expected overall discrepancy (the true values of the parameters are required).") 
345  uf.desc[-1].add_item_list_element("'Farrow'", "Old model-free method by Farrow et al., 1994.") 
346  uf.desc[-1].add_item_list_element("'Palmer'", "Old model-free method by Mandel et al., 1995.") 
347  uf.desc[-1].add_item_list_element("'Overall'", "The realised overall discrepancy (the true values of the parameters are required).") 
348  uf.desc[-1].add_paragraph("The engine is the software used in the calculation, optimisation, etc.  This can be anything, but those recognised by relax (automatic program info, citations, etc. added) include:") 
349  uf.desc[-1].add_item_list_element("'relax'", "hence relax was used for the full analysis.") 
350  uf.desc[-1].add_item_list_element("'modelfree4'", "Art Palmer's Modelfree4 program was used for optimising the model-free parameter values.") 
351  uf.desc[-1].add_item_list_element("'dasha'", "The Dasha program was used for optimising the model-free parameter values.") 
352  uf.desc[-1].add_item_list_element("'curvefit'", "Art Palmer's curvefit program was used to determine the R1 or R2 values.") 
353  uf.desc[-1].add_paragraph("The model_elim flag is model-free specific and should be set if the methods from \"d'Auvergne, E. J. and Gooley, P. R. (2006). Model-free model elimination: A new step in the model-free dynamic analysis of NMR relaxation data. J. Biomol. NMR, 35(2), 117-135.\" were used.  This should be set to True for the script.") 
354  uf.desc[-1].add_paragraph("The universal_solution flag is model-free specific and should be set if the methods from \"d'Auvergne E. J., Gooley P. R. (2007). Set theory formulation of the model-free problem and the diffusion seeded model-free paradigm. Mol. Biosyst., 3(7), 483-494.\" were used.  This should be set to True for the script.") 
355  # Prompt examples. 
356  uf.desc.append(Desc_container("Prompt examples")) 
357  uf.desc[-1].add_paragraph("For BMRB deposition, to specify that the script was used, type one of:") 
358  uf.desc[-1].add_prompt("relax> bmrb.script('', 'model-free', 'AIC', 'relax', True, True)") 
359  uf.desc[-1].add_prompt("relax> bmrb.script(file='', dir=None, analysis_type='model-free', model_selection='AIC', engine='relax', model_elim=True, universal_solution=True)") 
360  uf.backend = exp_info.script 
361  uf.menu_text = "&script" 
362  uf.gui_icon = "oxygen.mimetypes.application-x-desktop" 
363  uf.wizard_height_desc = 400 
364  uf.wizard_size = (1000, 750) 
365  uf.wizard_image = WIZARD_IMAGE_PATH + 'bmrb.png' 
368  # The user function. 
369  uf = uf_info.add_uf('') 
370  uf.title = "Specify the software used in the analysis." 
371  uf.title_short = "Analysis software." 
372  uf.add_keyarg( 
373      name = "name", 
374      py_type = "str", 
375      desc_short = "program name", 
376      desc = "The name of the software program utilised." 
377  ) 
378  uf.add_keyarg( 
379      name = "version", 
380      py_type = "str", 
381      desc_short = "version", 
382      desc = "The version of the software, if applicable.", 
383      can_be_none = True 
384  ) 
385  uf.add_keyarg( 
386      name = "url", 
387      py_type = "str", 
388      desc_short = "URL", 
389      desc = "The web address of the software.", 
390      can_be_none = True 
391  ) 
392  uf.add_keyarg( 
393      name = "vendor_name", 
394      py_type = "str", 
395      desc_short = "vendor name", 
396      desc = "The name of the company or person behind the program.", 
397      can_be_none = True 
398  ) 
399  uf.add_keyarg( 
400      name = "cite_ids", 
401      py_type = "str_list", 
402      desc_short = "citation ID numbers", 
403      desc = "A list of the BMRB citation ID numbers.", 
404      can_be_none = True 
405  ) 
406  uf.add_keyarg( 
407      name = "tasks", 
408      py_type = "str_list", 
409      desc_short = "tasks", 
410      desc = "A list of all the tasks performed by the software.", 
411      wiz_element_type = "combo_list", 
412      wiz_combo_choices = [ 
413          'chemical shift assignment', 
414          'chemical shift calculation', 
415          'collection', 
416          'data analysis', 
417          'geometry optimization', 
418          'peak picking', 
419          'processing', 
420          'refinement', 
421          'structure solution' 
422      ], 
423      wiz_read_only = False, 
424      can_be_none = True 
425  ) 
426  # Description. 
427  uf.desc.append(Desc_container()) 
428  uf.desc[-1].add_paragraph("This user function allows the software used in the analysis to be specified in full detail.") 
429  uf.desc[-1].add_paragraph("For the tasks list, this should be a python list of strings (eg. ['spectral processing']).  Although not restricted to these, the values suggested by the BMRB are:") 
430  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'chemical shift assignment',") 
431  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'chemical shift calculation',") 
432  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'collection',") 
433  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'data analysis',") 
434  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'geometry optimization',") 
435  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'peak picking',") 
436  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'processing',") 
437  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'refinement',") 
438  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'structure solution'") 
439  # Prompt examples. 
440  uf.desc.append(Desc_container("Prompt examples")) 
441  uf.desc[-1].add_paragraph("For BMRB deposition, to say that Sparky was used in the analysis, type:") 
442  uf.desc[-1].add_prompt("relax> cite_id = bmrb.citation(authors=[[\"Tom\", \"Goddard\", \"T.\", \"D.\"], [\"D\", \"Kneller\", \"D.\", \"G.\"]], title=\"Goddard, T. D. and Kneller, D. G., SPARKY 3, University of California, San Francisco.\"") 
443  uf.desc[-1].add_prompt("relax>\"Sparky\", version=\"3.110\", url=\"\", vendor_name=\"Goddard, T. D.\", cite_ids=[cite_id], tasks=[\"spectral analysis\"])") 
444  uf.backend = 
445  uf.menu_text = "soft&ware" 
446  uf.gui_icon = "oxygen.apps.utilities-terminal" 
447  uf.wizard_height_desc = 450 
448  uf.wizard_size = (900, 750) 
449  uf.wizard_image = WIZARD_IMAGE_PATH + 'bmrb.png' 
452  # The bmrb.software_select user function. 
453  uf = uf_info.add_uf('bmrb.software_select') 
454  uf.title = "Select the software used in the analysis." 
455  uf.title_short = "Utilised software selection." 
456  uf.add_keyarg( 
457      name = "name", 
458      py_type = "str", 
459      desc_short = "program name", 
460      desc = "The name of the software program utilised.", 
461      wiz_element_type = "combo", 
462      wiz_combo_choices = ['NMRPipe', 'Sparky'], 
463      wiz_read_only = True 
464  ) 
465  uf.add_keyarg( 
466      name = "version", 
467      py_type = "str", 
468      desc_short = "version", 
469      desc = "The version of the software, if applicable.", 
470      can_be_none = True 
471  ) 
472  # Description. 
473  uf.desc.append(Desc_container()) 
474  uf.desc[-1].add_paragraph("Rather than specifying all the information directly, this user function allows the software packaged used in the analysis to be selected by name.  The programs currently supported are:") 
475  uf.desc[-1].add_item_list_element("'NMRPipe'", "") 
476  uf.desc[-1].add_item_list_element("'Sparky'", "") 
477  uf.desc[-1].add_paragraph("More can be added if all relevant information (program name, description, website, original citation, purpose, etc.) is emailed to") 
478  uf.desc[-1].add_paragraph("Note that relax is automatically added to the BMRB file.") 
479  # Prompt examples. 
480  uf.desc.append(Desc_container("Prompt examples")) 
481  uf.desc[-1].add_paragraph("For BMRB deposition, to say that both NMRPipe and Sparky were used prior to relax, type:") 
482  uf.desc[-1].add_prompt("relax> bmrb.software_select('NMRPipe')") 
483  uf.desc[-1].add_prompt("relax> bmrb.software_select('Sparky', version='3.113')") 
484  uf.backend = exp_info.software_select 
485  uf.menu_text = "software_se&lect" 
486  uf.gui_icon = "oxygen.apps.utilities-terminal" 
487  uf.wizard_height_desc = 550 
488  uf.wizard_size = (800, 700) 
489  uf.wizard_image = WIZARD_IMAGE_PATH + 'bmrb.png' 
492  # The bmrb.thiol_state user function. 
493  uf = uf_info.add_uf('bmrb.thiol_state') 
494  uf.title = "Select the thiol state of the system." 
495  uf.title_short = "Thiol state selection." 
496  uf.add_keyarg( 
497      name = "state", 
498      py_type = "str", 
499      desc_short = "thiol state", 
500      desc = "The thiol state.", 
501      wiz_element_type = "combo", 
502      wiz_combo_choices = [ 
503          'all disulfide bound', 
504          'all free', 
505          'all other bound', 
506          'disulfide and other bound', 
507          'free and disulfide bound', 
508          'free and other bound', 
509          'free disulfide and other bound', 
510          'not available', 
511          'not present', 
512          'not reported', 
513          'unknown' 
514      ], 
515      wiz_read_only = False 
516  ) 
517  # Description. 
518  uf.desc.append(Desc_container()) 
519  uf.desc[-1].add_paragraph("The thiol state can be any text, thought the BMRB suggests the following:") 
520  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'all disulfide bound',") 
521  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'all free',") 
522  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'all other bound',") 
523  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'disulfide and other bound',") 
524  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'free and disulfide bound',") 
525  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'free and other bound',") 
526  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'free disulfide and other bound',") 
527  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'not available',") 
528  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'not present',") 
529  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'not reported',") 
530  uf.desc[-1].add_list_element("'unknown'.") 
531  uf.desc[-1].add_paragraph("Alternatively the pure states 'reduced' or 'oxidised' could be specified.") 
532  # Prompt examples. 
533  uf.desc.append(Desc_container("Prompt examples")) 
534  uf.desc[-1].add_paragraph("For BMRB deposition, to say that the protein studied is in the oxidised state, tyype one of:") 
535  uf.desc[-1].add_prompt("relax> bmrb.thiol_state('oxidised')") 
536  uf.desc[-1].add_prompt("relax> bmrb.thiol_state(state='oxidised')") 
537  uf.backend = exp_info.thiol_state 
538  uf.menu_text = "&thiol_state" 
539  uf.wizard_height_desc = 400 
540  uf.wizard_size = (900, 600) 
541  uf.wizard_apply_button = False 
542  uf.wizard_image = WIZARD_IMAGE_PATH + 'bmrb.png' 
545  # The bmrb.write user function. 
546  uf = uf_info.add_uf('bmrb.write') 
547  uf.title = "Write the results to a BMRB NMR-STAR formatted file." 
548  uf.title_short = "BMRB file writing." 
549  uf.add_keyarg( 
550      name = "file", 
551      py_type = "str", 
552      arg_type = "file sel", 
553      desc_short = "file name", 
554      desc = "The name of the BMRB file to output results to.  Optionally this can be a file object, or any object with a write() method.", 
555      wiz_filesel_style = wx.FD_SAVE 
556  ) 
557  uf.add_keyarg( 
558      name = "dir", 
559      default = "pipe_name", 
560      py_type = "str", 
561      arg_type = "dir", 
562      desc_short = "directory name", 
563      desc = "The directory name.", 
564      can_be_none = True 
565  ) 
566  uf.add_keyarg( 
567      name = "version", 
568      default = "3.1", 
569      py_type = "str", 
570      desc_short = "NMR-STAR dictionary version", 
571      desc = "The NMR-STAR dictionary format version to create.", 
572      wiz_element_type = "combo", 
573      wiz_combo_choices = [ 
574          "2.1", 
575          "3.0", 
576          "3.1" 
577      ], 
578      wiz_read_only = True 
579  ) 
580  uf.add_keyarg( 
581      name = "force", 
582      default = False, 
583      py_type = "bool", 
584      arg_type = "force flag", 
585      desc_short = "force flag", 
586      desc = "A flag which if True will cause the any pre-existing file to be overwritten." 
587  ) 
588  # Description. 
589  uf.desc.append(Desc_container()) 
590  uf.desc[-1].add_paragraph("This will create a NMR-STAR formatted file of the data in the current data pipe for BMRB deposition.") 
591  uf.desc[-1].add_paragraph("In the prompt/script UI modes, to place the BMRB file in the current working directory, set dir to None.  If dir is set to the special name 'pipe_name', then the results file will be placed into a directory with the same name as the current data pipe.") 
592  uf.backend = bmrb.write 
593  uf.menu_text = "&write" 
594  uf.gui_icon = "oxygen.actions.document-save" 
595  uf.wizard_height_desc = 300 
596  uf.wizard_size = (800, 600) 
597  uf.wizard_apply_button = False 
598  uf.wizard_image = WIZARD_IMAGE_PATH + 'bmrb.png'