Package gui :: Module misc
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Module misc

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Miscellaneous functions used throughout the GUI.

Functions [hide private]
wx.BoxSizer instance
add_border(box, border=0, packing=8, debug=False)
Create the main part of the frame, returning the central sizer.
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wx.Bitmap instance
Build and return the bitmap, handling transparency for all operating systems.
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Format the text by stripping whitespace.
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open_file(file, force_text=False)
Open the file in the platform's native editor/viewer.
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protected_exec(fn, *args, **kargs)
Apply the given function, catching all RelaxErrors.
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table_line(text=None, widths=None, bottom=False)
Format a line of a table.
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Variables [hide private]
  status = Status()
  __package__ = 'gui'

Imports: deepcopy, os, platform, sys, wrap, wx, AllRelaxErrors, Status, gui_raise

Function Details [hide private]

add_border(box, border=0, packing=8, debug=False)

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Create the main part of the frame, returning the central sizer.

  • box (wx.BoxSizer instance) - The box sizer element to pack the borders into.
  • border (int) - The size of the border in pixels.
  • packing (wx.VERTICAL or wx.HORIZONTAL) - Specify if the central sizer should be vertically or horizontally packed.
  • debug (bool) - A flag which if true will make colourful borders.
Returns: wx.BoxSizer instance
The central sizer.


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Build and return the bitmap, handling transparency for all operating systems.

This function is required to handle alpha in bitmap on MS Windows so that regions with partial transparency are not blended into the default dark grey colour of Windows' windows.

  • path (str) - The absolute path to the bitmap image.
Returns: wx.Bitmap instance
The processed bitmap object.


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Format the text by stripping whitespace.

  • table (lists of lists of str) - The table.
Returns: str
The formatted table.

open_file(file, force_text=False)

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Open the file in the platform's native editor/viewer.

  • file (str) - The path of the file to open.
  • force_text (bool) - A flag which if True will cause a text editor to be launched.

protected_exec(fn, *args, **kargs)

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Apply the given function, catching all RelaxErrors.

All args and keyword args supplied will be directly applied to the given function.

  • fn (func) - The function to apply.
Returns: bool
The status of execution.

table_line(text=None, widths=None, bottom=False)

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Format a line of a table.

  • text (list of str or None) - The list of table elements. If not given, an empty line will be be produced.
  • widths (list of int) - The list of column widths for the table.
  • botton - A flag which if True will cause a table bottom line to be produced.
  • bottom (bool)
Returns: str
The table line.