Package specific_fns :: Module consistency_tests
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Module consistency_tests

source code

Analysis specific code for the consistency testing of multi-field relaxation data.

Classes [hide private]
Class containing functions specific to consistency testing.
Variables [hide private]
  uf_tables = Uf_tables()
  __package__ = 'specific_fns'

Imports: search, warn, return_interatom_list, exists_mol_res_spin_data, return_spin, spin_loop, pipes, Consistency, N15_CSA, NH_BOND_LENGTH, h_bar, mu0, return_gyromagnetic_ratio, RelaxError, RelaxFuncSetupError, RelaxNoSequenceError, RelaxNoValueError, RelaxSpinTypeError, RelaxDeselectWarning, specific_fns, API_base, API_common, Uf_tables, Desc_container