Package specific_analyses :: Package n_state_model :: Module parameters
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Module parameters

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Module for handling the parameters of the N-state model or structural ensemble analysis.

Functions [hide private]
numpy array
Assemble all the parameters of the model into a single array.
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numpy rank-2 array
assemble_scaling_matrix(data_types=None, scaling=True)
Create and return the scaling matrix.
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disassemble_param_vector(param_vector=None, data_types=None, sim_index=None)
Disassemble the parameter vector and place the values into the relevant variables.
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Remove all structures or states which have no probability.
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tuple of len 2 of a numpy rank-2, size NxM matrix and numpy rank-1, size N array
linear_constraints(data_types=None, scaling_matrix=None)
Function for setting up the linear constraint matrices A and b.
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Set the number of states in the N-state model.
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Return the N-state model index for the given parameter.
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Determine the number of parameters in the model.
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Set the reference domain for the '2-domain' N-state model.
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Select the N-state model type.
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Update the model parameters as necessary.
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Variables [hide private]
  __package__ = 'specific_analyses.n_state_model'

Imports: array, float64, identity, zeros, search, warn, RelaxNoModelError, RelaxWarning, align_tensor, pipes, opt_uses_align_data, opt_uses_tensor, base_data_types

Function Details [hide private]


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Assemble all the parameters of the model into a single array.

  • sim_index (None or int) - The index of the simulation to optimise. This should be None if normal optimisation is desired.
Returns: numpy array
The parameter vector used for optimisation.

assemble_scaling_matrix(data_types=None, scaling=True)

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Create and return the scaling matrix.

  • data_types (list of str) - The base data types used in the optimisation. This list can contain the elements 'rdc', 'pcs' or 'tensor'.
  • scaling (bool) - If False, then the identity matrix will be returned.
Returns: numpy rank-2 array
The square and diagonal scaling matrix.

disassemble_param_vector(param_vector=None, data_types=None, sim_index=None)

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Disassemble the parameter vector and place the values into the relevant variables.

For the 2-domain N-state model, the parameters are stored in the probability and Euler angle data structures. For the population N-state model, only the probabilities are stored. If RDCs are present and alignment tensors are optimised, then these are stored as well.

  • data_types (list of str) - The base data types used in the optimisation. This list can contain the elements 'rdc', 'pcs' or 'tensor'.
  • param_vector (numpy array) - The parameter vector returned from optimisation.
  • sim_index (None or int) - The index of the simulation to optimise. This should be None if normal optimisation is desired.

linear_constraints(data_types=None, scaling_matrix=None)

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Function for setting up the linear constraint matrices A and b.

Standard notation

The N-state model constraints are:

   0 <= pc <= 1,

where p is the probability and c corresponds to state c.

Matrix notation

In the notation A.x >= b, where A is an matrix of coefficients, x is an array of parameter values, and b is a vector of scalars, these inequality constraints are:

   | 1  0  0 |                   |    0    |
   |         |                   |         |
   |-1  0  0 |                   |   -1    |
   |         |                   |         |
   | 0  1  0 |                   |    0    |
   |         |     |  p0  |      |         |
   | 0 -1  0 |     |      |      |   -1    |
   |         |  .  |  p1  |  >=  |         |
   | 0  0  1 |     |      |      |    0    |
   |         |     |  p2  |      |         |
   | 0  0 -1 |                   |   -1    |
   |         |                   |         |
   |-1 -1 -1 |                   |   -1    |
   |         |                   |         |
   | 1  1  1 |                   |    0    |

This example is for a 4-state model, the last probability pn is not included as this parameter does not exist (because the sum of pc is equal to 1). The Euler angle parameters have been excluded here but will be included in the returned A and b objects. These parameters simply add columns of zero to the A matrix and have no effect on b. The last two rows correspond to the inequality:

   0 <= pN <= 1.


                   pN = 1 - >  pc,


   -p1 - p2 - ... - p(N-1) >= -1,

    p1 + p2 + ... + p(N-1) >= 0.
  • data_types (list of str) - The base data types used in the optimisation. This list can contain the elements 'rdc', 'pcs' or 'tensor'.
  • scaling_matrix (numpy rank-2 square matrix) - The diagonal scaling matrix.
Returns: tuple of len 2 of a numpy rank-2, size NxM matrix and numpy rank-1, size N array
The matrices A and b.


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Set the number of states in the N-state model.

  • N (int) - The number of states.


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Return the N-state model index for the given parameter.

  • param (str) - The N-state model parameter.
Returns: str
The N-state model index.


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Determine the number of parameters in the model.

Returns: int
The number of model parameters.


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Set the reference domain for the '2-domain' N-state model.

  • ref (str) - The reference domain.


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Select the N-state model type.

  • model (str) - The N-state model type. Can be one of '2-domain', 'population', or 'fixed'.