Package specific_analyses :: Package relax_disp :: Module parameters
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Module parameters

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Functions relating to the parameters of the relaxation dispersion models.

Functions [hide private]
numpy float array
assemble_param_vector(spins=None, key=None, sim_index=None)
Assemble the dispersion relaxation dispersion curve fitting parameter vector.
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numpy diagonal matrix
assemble_scaling_matrix(spins=None, key=None, scaling=True)
Create and return the scaling matrix.
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copy(pipe_from=None, pipe_to=None)
Copy dispersion parameters from one data pipe to another, averaging values for clusters.
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disassemble_param_vector(param_vector=None, key=None, spins=None, sim_index=None)
Disassemble the parameter vector.
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Generate a list of dispersion parameter names for the given spins.
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get_value(key=None, spins=None, sim_index=None, param_name=None, spin_index=None, r20_key=None)
Return the value for the given parameter.
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linear_constraints(spins=None, scaling_matrix=None)
Set up the relaxation dispersion curve fitting linear constraint matrices A and b.
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str, int, int, str
Generator function for looping of the parameters of the cluster.
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param_conversion(key=None, spins=None, sim_index=None)
Convert Disassemble the parameter vector.
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str, int, int
param_index_to_param_info(index=None, spins=None)
Convert the given parameter array index to parameter identifying information.
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Determine the number of parameters in the model.
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set_value(value=None, key=None, spins=None, sim_index=None, param_name=None, spin_index=None, r20_key=None)
Return the value for the given parameter.
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Variables [hide private]
  __package__ = 'specific_analyses.relax_disp'

Imports: deepcopy, array, float64, identity, zeros, sys, RelaxError, RelaxNoSequenceError, subsection, pipes, exists_mol_res_spin_data, return_spin, count_spins, generate_r20_key, has_exponential_exp_type, loop_cluster, loop_exp_frq, return_value_from_frq_index, MODEL_LIST_MMQ, MODEL_M61B, MODEL_NS_MMQ_3SITE, MODEL_NS_MMQ_3SITE_LINEAR, MODEL_NS_R1RHO_3SITE, MODEL_NS_R1RHO_3SITE_LINEAR

Function Details [hide private]

assemble_param_vector(spins=None, key=None, sim_index=None)

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Assemble the dispersion relaxation dispersion curve fitting parameter vector.

  • spins (list of SpinContainer instances) - The list of spin data containers for the block.
  • key (str or None) - The key for the R2eff and I0 parameters.
  • sim_index (int) - The optional MC simulation index.
Returns: numpy float array
An array of the parameter values of the dispersion relaxation model.

assemble_scaling_matrix(spins=None, key=None, scaling=True)

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Create and return the scaling matrix.

  • spins (list of SpinContainer instances) - The list of spin data containers for the block.
  • key (str or None) - The key for the R2eff and I0 parameters.
  • scaling (bool) - A flag which if False will cause the identity matrix to be returned.
Returns: numpy diagonal matrix
The diagonal and square scaling matrix.

copy(pipe_from=None, pipe_to=None)

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Copy dispersion parameters from one data pipe to another, averaging values for clusters.

  • pipe_from (str) - The data pipe to copy the value from. This defaults to the current data pipe.
  • pipe_to (str) - The data pipe to copy the value to. This defaults to the current data pipe.

disassemble_param_vector(param_vector=None, key=None, spins=None, sim_index=None)

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Disassemble the parameter vector.

  • param_vector (numpy array) - The parameter vector.
  • key (str or None) - The key for the R2eff and I0 parameters.
  • spins (list of SpinContainer instances) - The list of spin data containers for the block.
  • sim_index (int) - The optional MC simulation index.


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Generate a list of dispersion parameter names for the given spins.

  • spins (list of SpinContainer instances) - The list of spin data containers for the block.

get_value(key=None, spins=None, sim_index=None, param_name=None, spin_index=None, r20_key=None)

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Return the value for the given parameter.

  • key (str or None) - The key for the R2eff and I0 parameters.
  • spins (list of SpinContainer instances) - The list of spin data containers for the block.
  • sim_index (int) - The optional MC simulation index.
  • param_name (str) - The parameter name.
  • spin_index (int) - The spin index (for the cluster).
  • r20_key (str) - The unique R20 parameter key.
Returns: float
The parameter value.

linear_constraints(spins=None, scaling_matrix=None)

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Set up the relaxation dispersion curve fitting linear constraint matrices A and b.

Standard notation

The different constraints used within different models are:

   0 <= R2 <= 200
   0 <= R2A <= 200
   0 <= R2B <= 200
   pC <= pB <= pA <= 1
   pA >= 0.85 (the skewed condition, pA >> pB)
   pB >= 0
   pC >= 0
   phi_ex >= 0
   phi_ex_B >= 0
   phi_ex_C >= 0
   padw2 >= 0
   dw >= 0
   0 <= kex <= 2e6
   0 <= k_AB <= 2e6
   0 <= kB <= 2e6
   0 <= kC <= 2e6
   tex >= 0
   k_AB >= 0

Matrix notation

In the notation A.x >= b, where A is a matrix of coefficients, x is an array of parameter values, and b is a vector of scalars, these inequality constraints are:

   | 1  0  0 |     |    R2    |      |    0    |
   |         |     |          |      |         |
   |-1  0  0 |     |    R2    |      |  -200   |
   |         |     |          |      |         |
   | 1  0  0 |     |   R2A    |      |    0    |
   |         |     |          |      |         |
   |-1  0  0 |     |   R2A    |      |  -200   |
   |         |     |          |      |         |
   | 1  0  0 |     |   R2B    |      |    0    |
   |         |     |          |      |         |
   |-1  0  0 |     |   R2B    |      |  -200   |
   |         |     |          |      |         |
   | 1  0  0 |     |    pA    |      |   0.5   |
   |         |     |          |      |         |
   |-1  0  0 |     |    pA    |      |   -1    |
   |         |     |          |      |         |
   | 1  0  0 |     |    pA    |      |   0.85  |
   |         |     |          |      |         |
   | 1  0  0 |     |    pB    |      |    0    |
   |         |     |          |      |         |
   | 1  0  0 |     |  phi_ex  |      |    0    |
   |         |     |          |      |         |
   | 1  0  0 |  .  | phi_ex_B |  >=  |    0    |
   |         |     |          |      |         |
   | 1  0  0 |     | phi_ex_C |      |    0    |
   |         |     |          |      |         |
   | 1  0  0 |     |  padw2   |      |    0    |
   |         |     |          |      |         |
   | 1  0  0 |     |    dw    |      |    0    |
   |         |     |          |      |         |
   | 1  0  0 |     |   kex    |      |    0    |
   |         |     |          |      |         |
   |-1  0  0 |     |   kex    |      |  -2e6   |
   |         |     |          |      |         |
   | 1  0  0 |     |    kB    |      |    0    |
   |         |     |          |      |         |
   |-1  0  0 |     |    kB    |      |  -2e6   |
   |         |     |          |      |         |
   | 1  0  0 |     |    kC    |      |    0    |
   |         |     |          |      |         |
   |-1  0  0 |     |    kC    |      |  -2e6   |
   |         |     |          |      |         |
   | 1  0  0 |     |   tex    |      |    0    |
   |         |     |          |      |         |
   | 1  0  0 |     |   k_AB   |      |    0    |
  • spins (list of SpinContainer instances) - The list of spin data containers for the block.
  • scaling_matrix (numpy diagonal matrix) - The diagonal, square scaling matrix.


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Generator function for looping of the parameters of the cluster.

  • spins (list of SpinContainer instances) - The list of spin data containers for the block.
Returns: str, int, int, str
The parameter name, the parameter index (for the parameter vector), the spin index (for the cluster), and the R20 parameter key (for R20, R20A, and R20B parameters stored as dictionaries).

param_conversion(key=None, spins=None, sim_index=None)

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Convert Disassemble the parameter vector.

  • key (str or None) - The key for the R2eff and I0 parameters.
  • spins (list of SpinContainer instances) - The list of spin data containers for the block.
  • sim_index (int) - The optional MC simulation index.

param_index_to_param_info(index=None, spins=None)

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Convert the given parameter array index to parameter identifying information.

The parameter index will be converted to the parameter name, the relevant spin index in the cluster, and relevant exponential curve key.

  • index (int) - The index of the parameter array.
  • spins (list of SpinContainer instances) - The list of spin data containers for the block.
Returns: str, int, int
The parameter name, the spin index (for the cluster), and the frequency index (for parameters with different values per spectrometer field strength).


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Determine the number of parameters in the model.

  • spins (list of SpinContainer instances) - The list of spin data containers for the block.
Returns: int
The number of model parameters.

set_value(value=None, key=None, spins=None, sim_index=None, param_name=None, spin_index=None, r20_key=None)

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Return the value for the given parameter.

  • value (float) - The parameter value to set.
  • key (str or None) - The key for the R2eff and I0 parameters.
  • spins (list of SpinContainer instances) - The list of spin data containers for the block.
  • sim_index (int) - The optional MC simulation index.
  • param_name (str) - The parameter name.
  • spin_index (int) - The spin index (for the cluster).
  • r20_key (str) - The unique R20 parameter key.