Package pipe_control :: Module align_tensor
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Module align_tensor

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Module containing functions for the handling of alignment tensors.

Functions [hide private]
align_data_exists(tensor, pipe=None)
Function for determining if alignment data exists in the current data pipe.
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Determine if all alignment tensors are fixed.
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copy(tensor_from=None, pipe_from=None, tensor_to=None, pipe_to=None)
Function for copying alignment tensor data from one data pipe to another.
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Function for deleting alignment tensor data.
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Function for displaying the alignment tensor.
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fix(id=None, fixed=True)
Fix the alignment tensor during optimisation.
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Wrap the Euler angles and remove the glide reflection and translational symmetries.
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Calculate the generalized degree of order (GDO) for the given alignment tensor.
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list of str
Return the list of all alignment IDs.
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list of str
Return the list of all tensor IDs.
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get_tensor_index(tensor=None, align_id=None, pipe=None)
Function for returning the index corresponding to the 'tensor' argument.
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AlignTensorData instance
get_tensor_object(tensor, pipe=None)
Return the AlignTensorData instance corresponding to the tensor ID.
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AlignTensorData instance
get_tensor_object_from_align(align_id, pipe=None)
Return the unique AlignTensorData instance corresponding to the alignment ID.
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init(tensor=None, align_id=None, params=None, scale=1.0, angle_units='deg', param_types=0, domain=None, errors=False)
Function for initialising the alignment tensor.
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matrix_angles(basis_set=0, tensors=None)
Function for calculating the 5D angles between the alignment tensors.
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Count the number of tensors.
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Determine if the PCS or RDC data for the given alignment ID is needed for optimisation.
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Determine if the given tensor is to be optimised.
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reduction(full_tensor=None, red_tensor=None)
Specify which tensor is a reduction of which other tensor.
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data.align_tensor.AlignTensorData instance
return_tensor(index, skip_fixed=True)
Return the tensor container for the given index, skipping fixed tensors if required.
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set(tensor=None, value=None, param=None, errors=False)
Set the tensor.
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set_align_id(tensor=None, align_id=None)
Set the align ID string for the given tensor.
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set_domain(tensor=None, domain=None)
Set the domain label for the given tensor.
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svd(basis_set=0, tensors=None)
Function for calculating the singular values of all the loaded tensors.
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Variables [hide private]
  __package__ = 'pipe_control'

Imports: deepcopy, pi, sqrt, arccos, dot, float64, linalg, zeros, norm, sys, warn, AlignTensorList, calc_chi_tensor, kappa, RelaxError, RelaxNoTensorError, RelaxTensorError, RelaxUnknownParamCombError, RelaxUnknownParamError, wrap_angles, write_data, RelaxWarning, pipe_control, pipes

Function Details [hide private]

align_data_exists(tensor, pipe=None)

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Function for determining if alignment data exists in the current data pipe.

  • tensor (str) - The alignment tensor identification string.
  • pipe (str) - The data pipe to search for data in.
Returns: bool
The answer to the question.


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Determine if all alignment tensors are fixed.

Returns: bool
True if all tensors are fixed, False otherwise.

copy(tensor_from=None, pipe_from=None, tensor_to=None, pipe_to=None)

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Function for copying alignment tensor data from one data pipe to another.

  • tensor_from (str) - The identification string of the alignment tensor to copy the data from.
  • pipe_from (str) - The data pipe to copy the alignment tensor data from. This defaults to the current data pipe.
  • tensor_to (str or None) - The identification string of the alignment tensor to copy the data to. If set to None, then the ID string will be set to the value of tensor_from.
  • pipe_to (str) - The data pipe to copy the alignment tensor data to. This defaults to the current data pipe.


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Function for deleting alignment tensor data.

  • tensor (str or None) - The alignment tensor identification string.


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Function for displaying the alignment tensor.

  • tensor (str or None) - The alignment tensor identification string.

fix(id=None, fixed=True)

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Fix the alignment tensor during optimisation.

  • id (str or None) - The alignment tensor ID string. If set to None, then all alignment tensors will be fixed.
  • fixed (bool) - If True, the alignment tensor will be fixed during optimisation. If False, the alignment tensors will be optimised.


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Wrap the Euler angles and remove the glide reflection and translational symmetries.

Wrap the angles such that:

   0 <= alpha <= 2pi,
   0 <= beta <= pi,
   0 <= gamma <= 2pi.

For the simulated values, the angles are wrapped as:

   alpha - pi <= alpha_sim <= alpha + pi
   beta - pi/2 <= beta_sim <= beta + pi/2
   gamma - pi <= gamma_sim <= gamma + pi
  • sim_index (int or None) - The simulation index. If set to None then the actual values will be folded rather than the simulation values.


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Calculate the generalized degree of order (GDO) for the given alignment tensor.

  • A (rank-2, 3D numpy array) - The alignment tensor.
Returns: float
The GDO value.


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Return the list of all alignment IDs.

Returns: list of str
The list of all alignment IDs.


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Return the list of all tensor IDs.

Returns: list of str
The list of all tensor IDs.

get_tensor_index(tensor=None, align_id=None, pipe=None)

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Function for returning the index corresponding to the 'tensor' argument.

  • tensor (str or None) - The alignment tensor identification string.
  • align_id (str or None) - Alternative to the tensor argument, used to return the tensor index for the tensors corresponding to the alignment ID string. If more than one tensor exists, then this will fail.
  • pipe (str) - The data pipe to search for data in.
Returns: int
The index corresponding to the 'tensor' arg.

get_tensor_object(tensor, pipe=None)

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Return the AlignTensorData instance corresponding to the tensor ID.

  • tensor (str) - The alignment tensor identification string.
  • pipe (str) - The data pipe to search for data in.
Returns: AlignTensorData instance
The alignment tensor object corresponding to the 'tensor' arg.

get_tensor_object_from_align(align_id, pipe=None)

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Return the unique AlignTensorData instance corresponding to the alignment ID.

  • align_id (str) - The alignment ID for the unique tensor.
Returns: AlignTensorData instance
The alignment tensor object corresponding to the 'tensor' arg.

init(tensor=None, align_id=None, params=None, scale=1.0, angle_units='deg', param_types=0, domain=None, errors=False)

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Function for initialising the alignment tensor.

  • tensor (str) - The alignment tensor identification string.
  • align_id (str or None) - The alignment ID string that the tensor corresponds to.
  • params (float) - The alignment tensor parameters.
  • scale (float) - The alignment tensor eigenvalue scaling value.
  • angle_units (str) - The units for the angle parameters (either 'deg' or 'rad').
  • param_types (int) - The type of parameters supplied. The flag values correspond to, 0: {Axx, Ayy, Axy, Axz, Ayz}, and 1: {Azz, Axx-yy, Axy, Axz, Ayz}.
  • domain (str or None) - The domain label.
  • errors (bool) - A flag which determines if the alignment tensor data or its errors are being input.

matrix_angles(basis_set=0, tensors=None)

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Function for calculating the 5D angles between the alignment tensors.

The basis set used for the 5D vector construction changes the angles calculated.

  • basis_set (int) - The basis set to use for constructing the 5D vectors. If set to 0, the basis set is {Sxx, Syy, Sxy, Sxz, Syz}. If 1, then the basis set is {Szz, Sxxyy, Sxy, Sxz, Syz}.
  • tensors (None or array of str) - An array of tensors to apply SVD to. If None, all tensors will be used.


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Count the number of tensors.

  • skip_fixed (bool) - If set to True, then only the tensors without the fixed flag will be counted. If set to False, then all tensors will be counted.
Returns: int
The number of tensors (excluding fixed tensors by default).


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Determine if the PCS or RDC data for the given alignment ID is needed for optimisation.

  • align_id (str) - The optional alignment ID string.
Returns: bool
True if alignment data is to be used for optimisation, False otherwise.


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Determine if the given tensor is to be optimised.

  • tensor (AlignmentTensor object.) - The alignment tensor to check.
Returns: bool
True if the tensor is to be optimised, False otherwise.

reduction(full_tensor=None, red_tensor=None)

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Specify which tensor is a reduction of which other tensor.

  • full_tensor (str) - The full alignment tensor.
  • red_tensor (str) - The reduced alignment tensor.

return_tensor(index, skip_fixed=True)

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Return the tensor container for the given index, skipping fixed tensors if required.

  • index (int) - The index of the tensor (if skip_fixed is True, then fixed tensors are not included in the index count).
  • skip_fixed (bool) - A flag which if True will exclude fixed tensors from the indexation.
Returns: data.align_tensor.AlignTensorData instance
The tensor corresponding to the index.

set(tensor=None, value=None, param=None, errors=False)

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Set the tensor.

  • tensor (AlignTensorData instance) - The alignment tensor object.
  • value (list of float) - The list of values to set the parameters to.
  • param (list of str) - The list of parameter names.
  • errors (bool) - A flag which determines if the alignment tensor data or its errors are being input.

set_align_id(tensor=None, align_id=None)

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Set the align ID string for the given tensor.

  • tensor (str) - The alignment tensor label.
  • align_id (str) - The alignment ID string.

set_domain(tensor=None, domain=None)

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Set the domain label for the given tensor.

  • tensor (str) - The alignment tensor label.
  • domain (str) - The domain label.

svd(basis_set=0, tensors=None)

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Function for calculating the singular values of all the loaded tensors.

The matrix on which SVD will be performed is:

   | Sxx1 Syy1 Sxy1 Sxz1 Syz1 |
   | Sxx2 Syy2 Sxy2 Sxz2 Syz2 |
   | Sxx3 Syy3 Sxy3 Sxz3 Syz3 |
   |  .    .    .    .    .   |
   |  .    .    .    .    .   |
   |  .    .    .    .    .   |
   | SxxN SyyN SxyN SxzN SyzN |

This is the default unitary basis set (selected when basis_set is 0). Alternatively a geometric basis set consisting of the stretching and skewing parameters Szz and Sxx-yy respectively replacing Sxx and Syy can be chosen by setting basis_set to 1. The matrix in this case is:

   | Szz1 Sxxyy1 Sxy1 Sxz1 Syz1 |
   | Szz2 Sxxyy2 Sxy2 Sxz2 Syz2 |
   | Szz3 Sxxyy3 Sxy3 Sxz3 Syz3 |
   |  .     .     .    .    .   |
   |  .     .     .    .    .   |
   |  .     .     .    .    .   |
   | SzzN SxxyyN SxyN SxzN SyzN |

The relationships between the geometric and unitary basis sets are:

   Szz = - Sxx - Syy,
   Sxxyy = Sxx - Syy,

The SVD values and condition number are dependendent upon the basis set chosen.

  • basis_set (int) - The basis set to create the 5 by n matrix on which to perform SVD.
  • tensors (None or array of str) - An array of tensors to apply SVD to. If None, all tensors will be used.