Package pipe_control :: Module result_files
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Module result_files

source code

Module for handling result files.

Functions [hide private]
add_result_file(type=None, label=None, file=None)
Add a results file to the current data pipe.
source code
Variables [hide private]
  status = Status()
  __package__ = 'pipe_control'

Imports: Status

Function Details [hide private]

add_result_file(type=None, label=None, file=None)

source code 

Add a results file to the current data pipe.

  • type (str) - The mimetype of the result file, for example 'text', 'grace', 'molmol' or 'pymol'.
  • label (str) - The label to attach to the file. For example a BMRB file can have the label 'BMRB' and type 'text'.
  • file (str) - The path of the file.