Package test_suite :: Package gui_tests :: Module test_user_functions
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Module test_user_functions

source code

Module for testing the special features of the user function GUI windows.

Classes [hide private]
Class for testing special features of the user function GUI windows.
Variables [hide private]
  status = Status()
  interpreter = Interpreter()
  uf_store = {'pcs.display': <gui.uf_objects.Uf_object object at...
  __package__ = 'test_suite.gui_tests'

Imports: sep, sys, Status, GuiTestCase, Interpreter, float_to_gui, int_to_gui, str_to_gui, Uf_storage

Variables Details [hide private]


{'pcs.display': <gui.uf_objects.Uf_object object at 0x7f408d2dd6d0>, '\
pymol.command': <gui.uf_objects.Uf_object object at 0x7f408d2ddb10>, '\
molecule.copy': <gui.uf_objects.Uf_object object at 0x7f408d358d50>, '\
dasha.create': <gui.uf_objects.Uf_object object at 0x7f408d358150>, 's\
pectrum.replicated': <gui.uf_objects.Uf_object object at 0x7f408d2e915\
0>, 'noe.spectrum_type': <gui.uf_objects.Uf_object object at 0x7f408d2\
dd450>, 'frame_order.num_int_pts': <gui.uf_objects.Uf_object object at\
 0x7f408d358650>, 'monte_carlo.on': <gui.uf_objects.Uf_object object a\