Package auto_analyses :: Module frame_order
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Module frame_order

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The automated frame order analysis protocol.


To use this analysis, you should import the following into your script:

See the sample scripts for examples of how these are used. In addition, the following two functions provide summaries of the analysis:

Both these functions will be called at the end of the auto-analysis. However they can also be used in simple scripts to summarise the results as an analysis is progressing.

The nested model parameter copying protocol

To allow the analysis to complete in under 1,000,000 years, the trick of copying parameters from simpler nested models is used in this auto-analysis. The protocol is split into four categories for the average domain position, the pivot point, the motional eigenframe and the parameters of ordering. These use the fact that the free rotor and torsionless models are the two extrema of the models where the torsion angle is restricted, whereby sigma_max is pi and 0 respectively.

Classes [hide private]
The frame order auto-analysis protocol.
A special object for storing the settings for optimisation.
Functions [hide private]
count_sobol_points(file_name='sobol_point_count', dir=None, force=True)
Count the number of Sobol' points used for the PCS numerical integration.
source code
model_directory(model, base_dir=None)
Return the directory to be used for the model.
source code
summarise(file_name='summary', dir=None, force=True)
Summarise the frame order auto-analysis results.
source code
Variables [hide private]
  ds = The relax data storage obje...
  status = Status()
  __package__ = 'auto_analyses'

Imports: pi, float64, zeros, F_OK, access, getcwd, sep, sys, Relax_data_store, is_bool, is_float, is_int, is_str, RelaxError, convert_axis_alpha_to_spherical, MODEL_DOUBLE_ROTOR, MODEL_FREE_ROTOR, MODEL_ISO_CONE, MODEL_ISO_CONE_FREE_ROTOR, MODEL_ISO_CONE_TORSIONLESS, MODEL_LIST, MODEL_LIST_FREE_ROTORS, MODEL_LIST_ISO_CONE, MODEL_LIST_NONREDUNDANT, MODEL_LIST_PSEUDO_ELLIPSE, MODEL_PSEUDO_ELLIPSE, MODEL_PSEUDO_ELLIPSE_FREE_ROTOR, MODEL_PSEUDO_ELLIPSE_TORSIONLESS, MODEL_RIGID, MODEL_ROTOR, wrap_angles, spherical_to_cartesian, open_write_file, subtitle, subsubtitle, title, MULTI_COL, format_table, pipes, results, return_spin, spin_loop, pipe_centre_of_mass, Interpreter, generate_pivot, optimisation, Status

Function Details [hide private]

count_sobol_points(file_name='sobol_point_count', dir=None, force=True)

source code 

Count the number of Sobol' points used for the PCS numerical integration.

This function can be used while a frame order analysis is running to summarise the results. It will create a table of the number of Sobol' points used, which can then be used to judge the quality of the integration.

  • file_name (str) - The file to save the table into.
  • dir (None or str) - The optional directory to place the file into. If specified, the results files will also be searched for in this directory.
  • force (bool) - A flag which if True will cause any preexisting file to be overwritten.

model_directory(model, base_dir=None)

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Return the directory to be used for the model.

  • model (str) - The frame order model name.
  • base_dir (None or str) - The optional base directory to prepend to the file name.

summarise(file_name='summary', dir=None, force=True)

source code 

Summarise the frame order auto-analysis results.

This function can be used while a frame order analysis is running to summarise the results. It will create a table of the statistics and model parameters for all of the optimised frame order models for which results files currently exist.

  • file_name (str) - The file to save the table into.
  • dir (None or str) - The optional directory to place the file into. If specified, the results files will also be searched for in this directory.
  • force (bool) - A flag which if True will cause any preexisting file to be overwritten.

Variables Details [hide private]


The relax data storage object.

Data pipes:

Data store objects:
  __dict__ <type 'dict'>: dict() -> new empty dictionary
  __doc__ <type 'str'>: The relax data storage object.