Package lib :: Package geometry :: Module vectors
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Source Code for Module lib.geometry.vectors

  1  ############################################################################### 
  2  #                                                                             # 
  3  # Copyright (C) 2004-2014 Edward d'Auvergne                                   # 
  4  #                                                                             # 
  5  # This file is part of the program relax (          # 
  6  #                                                                             # 
  7  # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify        # 
  8  # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by        # 
  9  # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or           # 
 10  # (at your option) any later version.                                         # 
 11  #                                                                             # 
 12  # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,             # 
 13  # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              # 
 15  # GNU General Public License for more details.                                # 
 16  #                                                                             # 
 17  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License           # 
 18  # along with this program.  If not, see <>.       # 
 19  #                                                                             # 
 20  ############################################################################### 
 22  # Module docstring. 
 23  """Collection of functions for vector operations.""" 
 25  # Python module imports. 
 26  from math import acos, atan2, cos, pi, sin 
 27  from numpy import array, cross, dot, float64, sqrt 
 28  from numpy.linalg import norm 
 29  from random import uniform 
32 -def complex_inner_product(v1=None, v2_conj=None):
33 """Calculate the inner product <v1|v2> for the two complex vectors v1 and v2. 34 35 This is calculated as:: 36 ___ 37 \ 38 <v1|v2> = > v1i . v2i* , 39 /__ 40 i 41 42 where * is the complex conjugate. 43 44 45 @keyword v1: The first vector. 46 @type v1: numpy rank-1 complex array 47 @keyword v2_conj: The conjugate of the second vector. This is already in conjugate form to allow for non-standard definitions of the conjugate (for example Sm* = (-1)^m S-m). 48 @type v2_conj: numpy rank-1 complex array 49 @return: The value of the inner product <v1|v2>. 50 @rtype: float 51 """ 52 53 # Return the inner product. 54 return dot(v1, v2_conj)
55 56
57 -def random_unit_vector(vector):
58 """Generate a random rotation axis. 59 60 Uniform point sampling on a unit sphere is used to generate a random axis orientation. 61 62 @param vector: The 3D rotation axis. 63 @type vector: numpy 3D, rank-1 array 64 """ 65 66 # Random azimuthal angle. 67 u = uniform(0, 1) 68 theta = 2*pi*u 69 70 # Random polar angle. 71 v = uniform(0, 1) 72 phi = acos(2.0*v - 1) 73 74 # Random unit vector. 75 vector[0] = cos(theta) * sin(phi) 76 vector[1] = sin(theta) * sin(phi) 77 vector[2] = cos(phi)
78 79
80 -def unit_vector_from_2point(point1, point2):
81 """Generate the unit vector connecting point 1 to point 2. 82 83 @param point1: The first point. 84 @type point1: list of float or numpy array 85 @param point2: The second point. 86 @type point2: list of float or numpy array 87 @return: The unit vector. 88 @rtype: numpy float64 array 89 """ 90 91 # Convert to numpy data structures. 92 point1 = array(point1, float64) 93 point2 = array(point2, float64) 94 95 # The vector. 96 vect = point2 - point1 97 98 # Return the unit vector. 99 return vect / norm(vect)
100 101
102 -def vector_angle_acos(vector1, vector2):
103 """Calculate the angle between two N-dimensional vectors using the acos formula. 104 105 The formula is:: 106 107 angle = acos(dot(a / norm(a), b / norm(b))). 108 109 110 @param vector1: The first vector. 111 @type vector1: numpy rank-1 array 112 @param vector2: The second vector. 113 @type vector2: numpy rank-1 array 114 @return: The angle between 0 and pi. 115 @rtype: float 116 """ 117 118 # Calculate and return the angle. 119 return acos(dot(vector1 / norm(vector1), vector2 / norm(vector2)))
120 121
122 -def vector_angle_atan2(vector1, vector2):
123 """Calculate the angle between two N-dimensional vectors using the atan2 formula. 124 125 The formula is:: 126 127 angle = atan2(norm(cross(a, b)), dot(a, b)). 128 129 This is more numerically stable for angles close to 0 or pi than the acos() formula. 130 131 132 @param vector1: The first vector. 133 @type vector1: numpy rank-1 array 134 @param vector2: The second vector. 135 @type vector2: numpy rank-1 array 136 @return: The angle between 0 and pi. 137 @rtype: float 138 """ 139 140 # Calculate and return the angle. 141 return atan2(norm(cross(vector1, vector2)), dot(vector1, vector2))
142 143
144 -def vector_angle_complex_conjugate(v1=None, v2=None, v1_conj=None, v2_conj=None):
145 """Calculate the inter-vector angle between two complex vectors using the arccos formula. 146 147 The formula is:: 148 149 theta = arccos(Re(<v1|v2>) / (|v1|.|v2|)) , 150 151 where:: 152 ___ 153 \ 154 <v1|v2> = > v1i . v2i* , 155 /__ 156 i 157 158 and:: 159 160 |v1| = Re(<v1|v1>) . 161 162 163 @keyword v1: The first vector. 164 @type v1: numpy rank-1 complex array 165 @keyword v2: The second vector. 166 @type v2: numpy rank-1 complex array 167 @keyword v1_conj: The conjugate of the first vector. This is already in conjugate form to allow for non-standard definitions of the conjugate (for example Sm* = (-1)^m S-m). 168 @type v1_conj: numpy rank-1 complex array 169 @keyword v2_conj: The conjugate of the second vector. This is already in conjugate form to allow for non-standard definitions of the conjugate (for example Sm* = (-1)^m S-m). 170 @type v2_conj: numpy rank-1 complex array 171 @return: The angle between 0 and pi. 172 @rtype: float 173 """ 174 175 # The inner products. 176 inner_v1v2 = complex_inner_product(v1=v1, v2_conj=v2_conj) 177 inner_v1v1 = complex_inner_product(v1=v1, v2_conj=v1_conj) 178 inner_v2v2 = complex_inner_product(v1=v2, v2_conj=v2_conj) 179 180 # The normalised inner product, correcting for truncation errors creating ratios slightly above 1.0. 181 ratio = inner_v1v2.real / (sqrt(inner_v1v1).real * sqrt(inner_v2v2).real) 182 if ratio > 1.0: 183 ratio = 1.0 184 185 # Calculate and return the angle. 186 return acos(ratio)
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189 -def vector_angle_normal(vector1, vector2, normal):
190 """Calculate the directional angle between two N-dimensional vectors. 191 192 @param vector1: The first vector. 193 @type vector1: numpy rank-1 array 194 @param vector2: The second vector. 195 @type vector2: numpy rank-1 array 196 @param normal: The vector defining the plane, to determine the sign. 197 @type normal: numpy rank-1 array 198 @return: The angle between -pi and pi. 199 @rtype: float 200 """ 201 202 # Normalise the vectors (without changing the original vectors). 203 vector1 = vector1 / norm(vector1) 204 vector2 = vector2 / norm(vector2) 205 206 # The cross product. 207 cp = cross(vector1, vector2) 208 209 # The angle. 210 angle = acos(dot(vector1, vector2)) 211 if dot(cp, normal) < 0.0: 212 angle = -angle 213 214 # Return the signed angle. 215 return angle