Package lib :: Package structure :: Package represent :: Module diffusion_tensor
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Source Code for Module lib.structure.represent.diffusion_tensor

  1  ############################################################################### 
  2  #                                                                             # 
  3  # Copyright (C) 2003-2014 Edward d'Auvergne                                   # 
  4  #                                                                             # 
  5  # This file is part of the program relax (          # 
  6  #                                                                             # 
  7  # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify        # 
  8  # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by        # 
  9  # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or           # 
 10  # (at your option) any later version.                                         # 
 11  #                                                                             # 
 12  # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,             # 
 13  # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              # 
 15  # GNU General Public License for more details.                                # 
 16  #                                                                             # 
 17  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License           # 
 18  # along with this program.  If not, see <>.       # 
 19  #                                                                             # 
 20  ############################################################################### 
 22  # Python module imports. 
 23  from numpy import array, dot, float64, transpose 
 25  # relax module imports. 
 26  from lib.structure.geometric import generate_vector_dist, generate_vector_residues 
29 -def diffusion_tensor(mol=None, tensor=None, tensor_diag=None, diff_type=None, rotation=None, axes=None, sim_axes=None, com=None, scale=1.8e-6):
30 """Create the structural representation of the diffusion tensor. 31 32 @keyword mol: The molecule container. 33 @type mol: MolContainer instance 34 @keyword tensor: The diffusion tensor. 35 @type tensor: numpy rank-2, 3D array 36 @keyword tensor_diag: The diagonalised diffusion tensor in tensor frame. 37 @type tensor_diag: numpy rank-2, 3D array 38 @keyword diff_type: The type of diffusion tensor. This can be one of 'sphere', 'oblate', 'prolate', 'ellipsoid'. 39 @type diff_type: str 40 @keyword rotation: The diffusion tensor rotation matrix. 41 @type rotation: numpy rank-2, 3D array 42 @keyword axes: The axis system of the tensor. For the spheroids this is one vector, for the ellipsoid it should be three vectors. 43 @type axes: list of numpy rank-1, 3D arrays 44 @keyword sim_axes: The axis systems of the tensor for each simulation. For the spheroids this is one vector, for the ellipsoid it should be three vectors. The first dimension is the axis type (x, y, or z), the second is the simulation, and the third is the vector. 45 @type sim_axes: None or list of lists of numpy rank-1, 3D arrays 46 @keyword com: The centre of mass of the diffusion structure. 47 @type com: numpy rank-1, 3D array 48 @keyword scale: The scaling factor for the diffusion tensor. 49 @type scale: float 50 """ 51 52 # Initialise. 53 ############# 54 55 # Initialise the residue number. 56 res_num = 1 57 58 # Add the central atom. 59 mol.atom_add(pdb_record='HETATM', atom_num=1, atom_name='R', res_name='COM', res_num=res_num, pos=com, segment_id=None, element='C') 60 61 # Increment the residue number. 62 res_num = res_num + 1 63 64 65 # Vector distribution. 66 ###################### 67 68 # Print out. 69 print("\nGenerating the geometric object.") 70 71 # Swap the x and y axes for the prolate spheroid (the vector distributions are centred on the z-axis). 72 if diff_type == 'prolate': 73 # 90 deg rotation about the diffusion frame z-axis. 74 z_rot = array([[ 0, -1, 0], 75 [ 1, 0, 0], 76 [ 0, 0, 1]], float64) 77 78 # Rotate the tensor and rotation matrix. 79 rotation = dot(transpose(rotation), z_rot) 80 tensor = dot(z_rot, dot(tensor_diag, transpose(z_rot))) 81 tensor = dot(rotation, dot(tensor, transpose(rotation))) 82 83 # Swap the x and z axes for the oblate spheroid (the vector distributions are centred on the z-axis). 84 if diff_type == 'oblate': 85 # 90 deg rotation about the diffusion frame y-axis. 86 y_rot = array([[ 0, 0, 1], 87 [ 0, 1, 0], 88 [ -1, 0, 0]], float64) 89 90 # Rotate the tensor and rotation matrix. 91 rotation = dot(transpose(rotation), y_rot) 92 tensor = dot(y_rot, dot(tensor_diag, transpose(y_rot))) 93 tensor = dot(rotation, dot(tensor, transpose(rotation))) 94 95 # The distribution. 96 generate_vector_dist(mol=mol, res_name='TNS', res_num=res_num, centre=com, R=rotation, warp=tensor, scale=scale, inc=20) 97 98 # Increment the residue number. 99 res_num = res_num + 1 100 101 102 # Axes of the tensor. 103 ##################### 104 105 # Create the unique axis of the spheroid. 106 if diff_type in ['oblate', 'prolate']: 107 # Print out. 108 print("\nGenerating the unique axis of the diffusion tensor.") 109 print(" Scaling factor: " + repr(scale)) 110 111 # Generate the axes representation. 112 res_num = generate_vector_residues(mol=mol, vector=axes[0], atom_name='Dpar', res_name_vect='AXS', sim_vectors=sim_axes[0], res_num=res_num, origin=com, scale=scale, neg=True) 113 114 115 # Create the three axes of the ellipsoid. 116 if diff_type == 'ellipsoid': 117 # Print out. 118 print("Generating the three axes of the ellipsoid.") 119 print(" Scaling factor: " + repr(scale)) 120 121 # Generate the axes representation. 122 res_num = generate_vector_residues(mol=mol, vector=axes[0], atom_name='Dx', res_name_vect='AXS', sim_vectors=sim_axes[0], res_num=res_num, origin=com, scale=scale, neg=True) 123 res_num = generate_vector_residues(mol=mol, vector=axes[1], atom_name='Dy', res_name_vect='AXS', sim_vectors=sim_axes[1], res_num=res_num, origin=com, scale=scale, neg=True) 124 res_num = generate_vector_residues(mol=mol, vector=axes[2], atom_name='Dz', res_name_vect='AXS', sim_vectors=sim_axes[2], res_num=res_num, origin=com, scale=scale, neg=True)