Package test_suite :: Package gui_tests :: Module relax_disp :: Class Relax_disp
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Class Relax_disp

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GUI test case class for testing various aspects of the relaxation dispersion analyses.

Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from failureException

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, methodName='runTest')
Skip the tests if the C modules are non-functional or for wxPython bugs.
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Test catching bug #20889, the custom peak intensity reading with a list of spectrum_ids submitted by Troels E.
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Test catching bug #21076, loading a multi-spectra NMRPipe seriesTab file through the GUI, Error messages occur.
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Test catching bug #22501, 'Close all analyses' raises error.
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Test the GUI analysis with Flemming Hansen's CPMG data truncated to residues 70 and 71.
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This test truncated private data which was provided by Paul Schanda.
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Test the GUI load spins from a spectrum formatted file.
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Test task #7822:, Implement user function to estimate R2eff and associated errors for exponential curve fitting..
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Test the GUI analysis with the relaxation dispersion 'TP02' model fitting to the 'TP02' synthetic data.
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Inherited from base_classes.GuiTestCase: check_exceptions, clean_up_windows, new_analysis_wizard, script_exec, setUp, tearDown

Inherited from base_classes.GuiTestCase (private): _execute_uf

Inherited from __call__, __eq__, __hash__, __ne__, __repr__, __str__, addCleanup, addTypeEqualityFunc, assertAlmostEqual, assertAlmostEquals, assertDictContainsSubset, assertDictEqual, assertEqual, assertEquals, assertFalse, assertGreater, assertGreaterEqual, assertIn, assertIs, assertIsInstance, assertIsNone, assertIsNot, assertIsNotNone, assertItemsEqual, assertLess, assertLessEqual, assertListEqual, assertMultiLineEqual, assertNotAlmostEqual, assertNotAlmostEquals, assertNotEqual, assertNotEquals, assertNotIn, assertNotIsInstance, assertNotRegexpMatches, assertRaises, assertRaisesRegexp, assertRegexpMatches, assertSequenceEqual, assertSetEqual, assertTrue, assertTupleEqual, assert_, countTestCases, debug, defaultTestResult, doCleanups, fail, failIf, failIfAlmostEqual, failIfEqual, failUnless, failUnlessAlmostEqual, failUnlessEqual, failUnlessRaises, id, run, shortDescription, skipTest

Inherited from (private): _addSkip, _baseAssertEqual, _deprecate, _formatMessage, _getAssertEqualityFunc, _truncateMessage

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods [hide private]

Inherited from setUpClass, tearDownClass

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from longMessage, maxDiff

Inherited from (private): _classSetupFailed, _diffThreshold

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, methodName='runTest')

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Skip the tests if the C modules are non-functional or for wxPython bugs.

  • methodName (str) - The name of the test.
Overrides: object.__init__


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Test catching bug #20889, the custom peak intensity reading with a list of spectrum_ids submitted by Troels E. Linnet.


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This test truncated private data which was provided by Paul Schanda. This systemtest uncovers some unfortunate problems when running an analysis and reading points by the R2eff method.