Package specific_analyses :: Package n_state_model :: Module data
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Module data

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The N-state model or structural ensemble analysis base data handling.

Functions [hide private]
list of str
Determine all the base data types.
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calc_ave_dist(atom1, atom2, exp=1)
Calculate the average distances.
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Determine the number of data points used in the model.
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(int, AlignTensorData instance)
Generator method for looping over the full or reduced tensors.
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Variables [hide private]
  __package__ = 'specific_analyses.n_state_model'

Imports: norm, is_float, RelaxError, interatomic_loop, return_spin, spin_loop

Function Details [hide private]


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Determine all the base data types.

The base data types can include:

   - 'rdc', residual dipolar couplings.
   - 'pcs', pseudo-contact shifts.
   - 'noesy', NOE restraints.
   - 'tensor', alignment tensors.
Returns: list of str
A list of all the base data types.

calc_ave_dist(atom1, atom2, exp=1)

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Calculate the average distances.

The formula used is:

         / 1 \                  \ 1/exp
   <r> = | -  > |p1i - p2i|^exp |
         \ N /__                /

where i are the members of the ensemble, N is the total number of structural models, and p1 and p2 at the two atom positions.

  • atom1 (str) - The atom identification string of the first atom.
  • atom2 (str) - The atom identification string of the second atom.
  • exp (int) - The exponent used for the averaging, e.g. 1 for linear averaging and -6 for r^-6 NOE averaging.
Returns: float
The average distance between the two atoms.


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Determine the number of data points used in the model.

Returns: int
The number, n, of data points in the model.


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Generator method for looping over the full or reduced tensors.

  • red (bool) - A flag which if True causes the reduced tensors to be returned, and if False the full tensors are returned.
Returns: (int, AlignTensorData instance)
The tensor index and the tensor.