mailGUI for relax

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Posted by Michael Bieri on November 11, 2009 - 07:29:

I wrote a graphical user interface for relax and Edward suggested to discuss this in here. Attached are screen shots of the program.

It is designed to enable simple model-free analysis by drag-and-drop or browsing of the peak files. It works with up to three different magnetic fields. Results generated by relaxGUI are listed in a separate tab and can be observed. Furthermore, relaxGUI gives a feedback if the relax run was successful or not. Model-free calculation can be executed either active or in the background.

The program actually creates and runs scripts in relax. I tested it on Ubuntu 9.10 using relax 1.3.4. The program is written in python and uses wx.Python for the GUI.

As told by Edward, the program will be uploaded as a task.


Michael Bieri, PhD
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute
The University of Melbourne, 30 Flemington Road
Parkville, Victoria 3010, Australia

Tel.: +61 3 8334 2256

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