Module float
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Module float

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ieeefloat a set of functions for dealing with ieee-754 float objects

On most platforms Python uses ieee-754 double objects of length 64 bits to 
represent floats (some architectures such as older crays and vaxes don't). 
Thus an ieee-754 double is the implementation of a python float object on
most platforms.

ieee-74 uses special bit patterns to represent the following states or classes 
of ieee floating point numbers (ieee-class)
    +-nan  - not a number (e.g. 0.0/0.0)
    inf    - positive or negative infinity (1.0/0.0)
    +-zero - zero maybe positive or negative under ieee-754
this module provides functions for working with python floats and their 
special values, if they contain ieee-754 formatted values. Specifically
    - pack and unpack a list of bytes representing an ieee-754 double to a python 
    float (takes care of little endian/big endian issues)
    - get the sign bit of a python float
    - check the ordering of python floats allowing for nans (nans cannot normally 
    be compared)
    - check if a value is finite (as opposed to nan or inf)
    - copy the sign of one float to another irrespective of if it's ieee-class 
    - check if a float is denormalised (and might be about to underflow)
    - check the ieee-class of a python float (nan, pos-inf, neg-inf,pos-zero, 
    - check that the current python float implmentations uses ieee-754 doubles
It also provides constants containg specific bit patterns for nan and +-inf as 
these values cannot be generated from strings via the constructor float(x) 
with some compiler implementations (typically older microsoft windows compilers)

As a convenience the names of functions and constants conform to those defined 
in the draft python PEP 754 'IEEE 754 Floating Point Special Values'

    1. binary data is docuemented as binary strings e.g. 0xF0 = 0b11110000
    2. the module doesn't support all the functions recommened by ieee-754, 
        the following features are missing
        a. control of exception and rounding modes
        b. scalb (y, N)
        c. logb (x)
        d. nextafter(x,y)
        e. next towards
    3. division by zero currently (python 2.5) raises excaption and the 
        resulting inf/nan cannot be propogated
    4. a second module ieeefloatcapabilities (currently incomplete) 
        provides tests of the capabilites of a floating point implementation
        on a specific python platform 
    5. development and conventions on byte order come from a little endian
        (intel) platform
    6. to reduce overheads all functions that take python float arguments do 
        _no type_ conversion thus if other numeric types are passed the functions
        will raise exceptions, (I am not sure this is the best behaviour however,
        as python functions should be polymorphic...)
    7. in most cases conversion to c code for performance reasons would be trivial
ieee-754 double format:
    63 sign bit
    62-52 exponent (offset by 1023 value - field-1023
    51-0 mantissa each bit n counts as 1/2^n, running from 1/2 which is the
            most significant bit to 1/2^51, The 1/0 bit is defined by the 
            exponent field if it has any bits set if it has bits set then 
            precede the mantissa with a 1 (normalised otherwise procede it by 
            a 0 (denormalised)
    unit test suite
    test under windows
    test under a solaris sparc box (big endian)
    add example ieee double
    check byte/nibble atributions

Functions [hide private]
isZero(float) source code
get the ieee-class (nan,inf etc) of apython float
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pack 8 bytes into a python float
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pack a python float into a binary string.
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unpack a python float as a list of 8 bytes
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get the sign bit from a python float
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test if a a pyhton float is positive
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test if a a pyhton float 64 bit ieee-74 double is negative
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areUnordered(obj1, obj2)
test to see if two python float are unordered
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test to see if a python float is finite
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copySign(fromNumber, toDouble)
copy the sign bit from one python float to another
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check to see if a python float is denormalised
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get the 7 bytes that makeup the mantissa of float
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get the 2 bytes that makeup the exponent of a float
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check if the bits of the exponent of a float is zero
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check if the bits of the mantissa of a float is zero
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check if the bits of the exponent of a floatis all 1 bits
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check to see if a python float is an ieee-754 double not a number (nan)
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check to see if a python float is an infinity
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check to see if a python float is positive infinity
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check to see if a python float is negative infinity
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Variables [hide private]
  SIGNBIT = 128
bit pattern for the sign bit in byte 8 0b00000001 of a ieee-754 double
value of the first byte (byte 8) in the mantisaa of a ieee-754 double that is all ones (0b11111110)
value of the second byte (byte 7) in the mantisaa of a ieee-754 double that is all ones (0b00001111)
mask to select the bits from the first nibble of byte 7 of an ieee-754 which is part of the mantissa (0b00001111)
mask to select the bits from the second nibble of byte 7 of an ieee-754 which is part of the exponent (0b11110000)
' mask to select only bits from byte 8 of an ieee-754 double that are not part of the sign bit (0b11111110)
  NAN_BYTES = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 248, 127]
bytes for an arbitary ieee-754 not a number (nan) in little endian format 0b00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00011111 11111110
  INF_BYTES = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 240, 127]
bytes for ieee-754 positive infinity (inf) in little endian format 0b00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00001111 11111110
  nan = nan
one of a number of possible bit patterns used to represent an ieee-754 double as a python float.
  pos_inf = inf
the value of a positive ieee-754 double infinity as a python float
  neg_inf = -inf
the value of a negative ieee-754 double infinity as a python float

Imports: pack, unpack, sys

Function Details [hide private]


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get the ieee-class (nan,inf etc) of apython float

float - python float object

result - a ieee class value throws - an exception if float is not a python float object


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pack 8 bytes into a python float 

the function is endian aware and the data should be input in little 
endian format. Thus byte 8 contains the most significant bit of the 
exponent and the sign bit

bytes -- 8 bytes to pack into a python (ieee 754 double) float

returns -- a python float

throws -- an Exception if bytes contains < 8 bytes
            type of exception not determined


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pack a python float into a binary string.

This function assumes that the python type float it represents a 64bit double of 8 bytes. This function reverses the resulting string if the current architecture is big endian.

obj -- a python float to pack

returns -- a string of 8 bytes

throws -- throws a TypeError if the the input object isn't a python float


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unpack a python float as a list of 8 bytes

This function assumes that the python type float it represents a 64bit double of 8 bytes

obj -- a python float to unpack

returns -- a list of 8 bytes

throws -- throws an exception if obj is not composed of 8 bytes


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get the sign bit from a python float

obj -- a python float object

returns -- the floats sign bit, this has the value 1 if the float is 
            negative otherwise 0 (positive)

throws -- throws a TypeError if the the input object isn't a python float


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test if a a pyhton float is positive

obj -- a python float object

returns -- True if the float is positive otherwise False

throws -- throws a TypeError if the the input object isn't a python float


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test if a a pyhton float 64 bit ieee-74 double is negative

obj -- a python float object

returns -- True if the float is negative

throws -- tthrows a TypeError if the the input object isn't a python float

areUnordered(obj1, obj2)

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test to see if two python float are unordered

float comparison is unordered if either or both of the objects is 'not a number' (nan)

obj1 -- a python float object obj2 -- a python float object

throws -- throws a TypeError if the the input objects aren't a python floats


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test to see if a python float is finite

to be finite a number mustn't be a nan or + or - inf a result of True guarantees that the number is bounded by +- inf -inf < x < inf

obj -- a python float object

throws -- throws a TypeError if the the input object isn't a python float

copySign(fromNumber, toDouble)

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copy the sign bit from one python float  to another

this function is class agnostic the sign bit can be copied freely between 
ordinarys floats nans and +/-inf

fromDouble --  the python float to copy the sign bit from
toDouble --  the python float to copy the sign bit to

throws -- throws a TypeError if toDouble isn't a python float or if
            fromNumber can't be converted to a float


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check to see if a python float is denormalised

denormalisation indicates that the number has no exponent set and all the 
precision is in the mantissa, this is an indication that the number is 
tending to towards underflow

obj -- python float object to check

result -- True if the number is denormalised

throws -- throws a TypeError if toDouble isn't a python float or if
            obj isn't a float


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get the 7 bytes that makeup the mantissa of float

the mantissa is returned as the 7 bytes in the mantissa in little endian order in the 7th byte the 2nd nibble of the byte is masked off as it contains part of the exponent. The second nibble of the 7th byte is therefore always has the value 0x0

obj -- float object to extract the mantissa from

returns -- a list of 7 bytes in little endian order

throws -- throws a TypeError if obj isn't a python float


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get the 2 bytes that makeup the exponent of a float

the exponent is returned as the 2 bytes in the exponent in little endian order in the 2nd byte the last bit is masked off as this is the sign bit. Ttherefore all values have the last bit set to zero. In the first byte the first nibble of the byte is also masked off as it contains part of the mantissa and thus always has the value 0x0.

obj -- float object to extract the exponent from

returns -- a list of 2 bytes in little endian order

throws -- throws a TypeError if obj isn't a python float


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check if the bits of the exponent of a float is zero

obj -- float object to check exponent for zero value

returns -- True if the exponent is zero

throws -- throws a TypeError if obj isn't a python float


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check if the bits of the mantissa of a float is zero

obj -- float object to check mantissa for zero value

returns -- True if the mantissa is zero

throws -- throws a TypeError if obj isn't a python float


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check if the bits of the exponent of a floatis all 1 bits

obj -- float object to check exponent for 1 bits

returns -- True if all the bits in the exponent are one

throws -- throws a TypeError if obj isn't a python float


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check to see if a python float is an ieee-754 double not a number (nan)

obj -- float object to check for not a number

returns -- True if object is not a number

throws -- throws a TypeError if obj isn't a python float


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check to see if a python float is an infinity

the check returns true for either positive or negative infinities

obj -- float object to check for infinity

returns -- True if object is an infinity

throws -- throws a TypeError if obj isn't a python float


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check to see if a python float is positive infinity

obj -- float object to check for positive infinity

returns -- True if object is a positive infinity

throws -- throws a TypeError if obj isn't a python float


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check to see if a python float is negative infinity

obj -- float object to check for negative infinity

returns -- True if object is a negative infinity

throws -- throws a TypeError if obj isn't a python float

Variables Details [hide private]


one of a number of possible bit patterns used to represent an ieee-754 double as a python float. Do not use this value for comparisons of the form x==nan as it will fail on some platforms use function isNaN instead
