Package generic_fns :: Module intensity :: Class Intensity
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Class Intensity

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Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, relax)
Class containing functions for handelling peak intensities.
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Determine which are the proton and heteronuclei dimensions of the XEasy text file.
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intensity_sparky(self, line)
Function for returning relevant data from the Sparky peak intensity line.
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intensity_xeasy(self, line)
Function for returning relevant data from the XEasy peak intensity line.
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Function for determining how many header lines are in the intensity file.
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read(self, run=None, file=None, dir=None, format=None, heteronuc=None, proton=None, int_col=None, assign_func=None)
Function for reading peak intensity data.
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Method Details [hide private]


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Determine which are the proton and heteronuclei dimensions of the XEasy text file.


intensity_sparky(self, line)

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Function for returning relevant data from the Sparky peak intensity line.

The residue number, heteronucleus and proton names, and peak intensity will be returned.

intensity_xeasy(self, line)

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Function for returning relevant data from the XEasy peak intensity line.

The residue number, heteronucleus and proton names, and peak intensity will be returned.


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Function for determining how many header lines are in the intensity file.

Returns: int
The number of header lines.