Package bmrblib :: Package pystarlib
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Package pystarlib

source code

Author: $Author: jurgenfd $

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  ___date__ = '$Date: 2007-01-11 20:40:26 +0100 (Thu, 11 Jan 200...
Goal of these routines are to provide a Python interface to writing, reading, analyzing, and modifying NMR-STAR and mmCIF files and objects.
  ___revision__ = '$Revision: 9 $'
  __package__ = None
  verbosity = 2

Imports: Utils, File, SaveFrame, TagTable, Text

Variables Details [hide private]


Goal of these routines are to provide a Python interface to writing, reading,
analyzing, and modifying NMR-STAR and mmCIF files and objects.

* Not supported STAR features (not used in NMR-STAR and mmCIF files):
    - Nested loops
    - Global block
* Limitations to content:
    - STAR file should have one and only one data_ tag and that should
        be the first thing in the file
    - Comments on input are ignored.
* Limitations to the lay out (for fast parsing).
    - Save frames should start and end with save_ at the beginning of
        the line
    - Perhaps some unknown;-(

* There was a good Python API written by Jens Linge and Lutz Ehrlig (EMBL).
    It can handle much more STAR features and variations to content
    and lay out. The current API was written to handle NMR-STAR files in
    the order of several Mb for which the EMBL API demanded a lot of
    resources. Parsing a 1 Mb STAR file with a huge table of mostly numeric
    values required a peak 50 Mb in memory and about 2 hours with StarFormat.
    My guess was that this could be much faster if at least the lowest level
    of the dataNode value (where it is a string or number) would use native
    Python objects in stead.
    Another issue is that a large text object when parsed by the
    EMBL API got copied over and over resulting in loss of speed and a
    significant increase in memory use.
* This API uses native Python objects for a list of tags (looped or free)
    with user defined objects above that where speed and memory are less of an
    issue. It parses a 10 Mb STAR file in 25 seconds with a peak memory
    usage of 45 Mb. The average value in the file is 3 chars long. A Python
    string object has a reference count (4), type pointer (4), malloc overhead
    (4), trailing  (1) and the content (rounded up to multiples of 4).
    Ignoring the content rounding we go from 3 bytes to 20 bytes (factor 7)
    in total for the average string in the example file. Considering some
    overhead for the objects on top of the string objects the 55 Mb doesn't
    look that bad.
* Compare this with the C STARLIB2 from Steve Mading (BMRB) which takes 12
    cpu seconds and 18 Mb peak memory usage. For STARLIBJ (Java) Steve
    got 40 Mb peak memory usage and 57 seconds. Memory usage is slightly
    better but speed is a factor 2 slower. This was using the best Java
    engine we had. Another one we tested was a factor 3 slower.
* Added yet another STAR parser in Java project: Wattos.Star.STARParser
    Optimized to be fast and efficient with memory.
* Summary:

Test on Windows using a single Pentium IV CPU 2 GHz
Language STAR file size (Mb) Time (s)  RAM (Mb) Notes
C        10                   7.2      18       Using Steve's STARlib2.
Java     10                  57        40       Tested by Steve 
JavaNEW  10                   5.2     100       New parser based on SANSj: Wattos.Star.STARParser
Python   10                  25        45       Written at BMRB
Python*  1*                  7200*     50*      Written at EMBL
Labeled with asterisk because the size of test file had to be truncated and was
run on older machine. Their API was developed for small files (< 100 kb).

* References:
S. R. Hall and A. P. F. Cook. STAR dictionary definition language: initial specification.
    J.Chem.Inf.Comput.Sci. 35:819-825, 1995.
S. R. Hall and N. Spadacinni. The STAR file: detailed specifications.
    J.Chem.Inf.Comput.Sci. 34:505-508, 1994.
J. P. Linge, M. Nilges, and Ehrlich L. StarDOM: from STAR format to XML.
    J Biomol NMR, 1999.
N. Spadacinni and C. B. Hall. Star_base: accessing STAR file data.
    J.Chem.Inf.Comput.Sci. 34:509-516, 1994.
J. Westbrook and P. E. Bourne. STAR/mmCIF: An ontologoy for macromolecular structure.
    Bioinformatics. 16 (2):159-168, 2000.

'$Date: 2007-01-11 20:40:26 +0100 (Thu, 11 Jan 2007) $'