| source code
Calculate the ensemble average RDC, using the 3D tensor.
This function calculates the average RDC for a set of XH bond vectors
from a structural ensemble, using the 3D tensorial form of the alignment
tensor. The formula for this ensemble average RDC value is:
\ T
Dij(theta) = dj > pc . mu_jc . Ai . mu_jc,
i is the alignment tensor index,
j is the index over spins,
c is the index over the states or multiple structures,
theta is the parameter vector,
dj is the dipolar constant for spin j,
N is the total number of states or structures,
pc is the population probability or weight associated with state c
(equally weighted to 1/N if weights are not provided),
mu_jc is the unit vector corresponding to spin j and state c,
Ai is the alignment tensor.
The dipolar constant is defined as:
dj = 3 / (2pi) d',
where the factor of 2pi is to convert from units of rad.s^-1 to Hertz,
the factor of 3 is associated with the alignment tensor and the pure
dipolar constant in SI units is:
mu0 gI.gS.h_bar
d' = - --- ----------- ,
4pi r**3
mu0 is the permeability of free space,
gI and gS are the gyromagnetic ratios of the I and S spins,
h_bar is Dirac's constant which is equal to Planck's constant divided
by 2pi,
r is the distance between the two spins.
- Parameters:
dj (float) - The dipolar constant for spin j.
vect (numpy matrix) - The unit XH bond vector matrix. The first dimension corresponds
to the structural index, the second dimension is the coordinates
of the unit vector.
N (int) - The total number of structures.
A (numpy rank-2 3D tensor) - The alignment tensor.
weights (numpy rank-1 array) - The weights for each member of the ensemble (the last member need
not be supplied).
- Returns: float
- The average RDC value.