Package gui :: Package components :: Module relax_data :: Class Relax_data_list
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[frames] | no frames]

Class Relax_data_list

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The GUI element for listing loaded relaxation data.

Instance Methods [hide private]
action_relax_data_delete(self, event)
Launch the relax_data.delete user function.
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action_relax_data_display(self, event)
Launch the relax_data.display user function.
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action_relax_data_peak_intensity_type(self, event)
Launch the relax_data.peak_intensity_type user function.
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action_relax_data_temp_calibration(self, event)
Launch the relax_data.temp_calibration user function.
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action_relax_data_temp_control(self, event)
Launch the relax_data.temp_control user function.
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action_relax_data_type(self, event)
Launch the relax_data.type user function.
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action_spectrometer_frequency(self, event)
Launch the spectrometer.frequency user function.
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Override the base variables.
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Method called from self.build_element_safe() to update the list data.
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view_metadata(self, event=None)
Launch the metadata window.
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wizard_bruker(self, event)
Launch the Bruker Dynamics Centre data reading wizard.
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wizard_exec(self, bruker=False)
Launch the Rx peak loading wizard.
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wizard_relax_data(self, event)
Launch the relaxation data reading wizard.
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Update the relax_data.peak_intensity_type page based on previous data.
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Update the relax_data.temp_calibration page based on previous data.
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Update the relax_data.temp_control page based on previous data.
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Inherited from base_list.Base_list: Enable, __init__, add_buttons, build_element, build_element_safe, delete, init_element, is_complete, observer_register, on_right_click, resize, set_box_label, size_cols

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

action_relax_data_delete(self, event)

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Launch the relax_data.delete user function.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

action_relax_data_display(self, event)

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Launch the relax_data.display user function.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

action_relax_data_peak_intensity_type(self, event)

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Launch the relax_data.peak_intensity_type user function.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

action_relax_data_temp_calibration(self, event)

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Launch the relax_data.temp_calibration user function.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

action_relax_data_temp_control(self, event)

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Launch the relax_data.temp_control user function.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

action_relax_data_type(self, event)

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Launch the relax_data.type user function.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

action_spectrometer_frequency(self, event)

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Launch the spectrometer.frequency user function.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

view_metadata(self, event=None)

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Launch the metadata window.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

wizard_bruker(self, event)

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Launch the Bruker Dynamics Centre data reading wizard.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

wizard_exec(self, bruker=False)

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Launch the Rx peak loading wizard.

  • bruker (bool) - A flag which if True will launch the Bruker Dynamics Centre data reading wizard and if False will launch the relaxation data reading wizard

wizard_relax_data(self, event)

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Launch the relaxation data reading wizard.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.