Package specific_analyses :: Module api_common :: Class API_common
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Class API_common

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Base class containing API methods common to multiple analysis types.

Instance Methods [hide private]
Generator method for looping over the base data of the specific analysis type (spin system specific).
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_create_mc_relax_data(self, data_id)
Return the Monte Carlo relaxation data list for the corresponding spin.
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_data_init_dummy(self, data_cont, sim=False)
Dummy method for initialising data structures.
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_data_init_spin(self, data_cont, sim=False)
Initialise data structures (spin system specific).
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_eliminate_false(self, name, value, model_info, args, sim=None)
Dummy method for model elimination.
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Testing if errors exist for the current data pipe (spin system specific).
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_is_spin_param_true(self, name)
Dummy method stating that the parameter is spin specific.
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Default generator method for looping over a single global (non-spin specific) model.
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SpinContainer instance
Default generator method for looping over the models, where each spin has a separate model.
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Return the type of the model as being 'global'.
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Return the type of the model as being 'local'.
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Return the number of instances, equal to the number of selected spins.
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_overfit_deselect_dummy(self, data_check=True, verbose=True)
Dummy method, normally for deselecting spins with insufficient data for minimisation.
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list of float
_return_data_relax_data(self, spin)
Return the Ri data structure for the given spin.
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list of float
_return_error_relax_data(self, data_id)
Return the Ri error structure for the corresponding spin.
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_return_no_conversion_factor(self, param)
Method for returning 1.0.
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tuple of length 2 of floats or None
_return_value_general(self, spin, param, sim=None, bc=False)
Return the value and error corresponding to the parameter 'param'.
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_set_error_spin(self, model_info, index, error)
Set the parameter errors (spin system specific).
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_set_param_values_global(self, param=None, value=None, spin_id=None, error=False, force=True)
Set the global parameter values in the top layer of the data pipe.
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_set_param_values_spin(self, param=None, value=None, spin_id=None, error=False, force=True)
Set the spin specific parameter values.
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_set_selected_sim_global(self, model_info, select_sim)
Set the simulation selection flag (for a single global model).
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_set_selected_sim_spin(self, model_info, select_sim)
Set the simulation selection flag (spin system specific).
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_set_update(self, param, spin)
Dummy method to do nothing!
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Initialise the Monte Carlo parameter values (spin system specific).
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_sim_pack_relax_data(self, data_id, sim_data)
Pack the Monte Carlo simulation relaxation data into the corresponding spin container.
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list of float or float
_sim_return_chi2_spin(self, model_info, index=None)
Return the simulation chi-squared values (spin system specific).
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list of float
_sim_return_param_spin(self, model_info, index)
Return the array of simulation parameter values (spin system specific).
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list of int
_sim_return_selected_global(self, model_info)
Return the array of selected simulation flags for the global model.
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list of int
_sim_return_selected_spin(self, model_info)
Return the array of selected simulation flags (spin system specific).
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_test_grid_ops_general(self, lower=None, upper=None, inc=None, n=None)
Test that the grid search options are reasonable.
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Method Details [hide private]


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Generator method for looping over the base data of the specific analysis type (spin system specific).

This method simply loops over the spins, returning the spin identification string.

Returns: str
The spin identification string

_create_mc_relax_data(self, data_id)

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Return the Monte Carlo relaxation data list for the corresponding spin.

  • data_id (str) - The spin identification string, as yielded by the base_data_loop() generator method.

_data_init_dummy(self, data_cont, sim=False)

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Dummy method for initialising data structures.

This method does nothing!

  • data_cont (instance) - The data container.
  • sim (bool) - The unused Monte Carlo simulation flag.

_data_init_spin(self, data_cont, sim=False)

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Initialise data structures (spin system specific).

  • data_cont (SpinContainer instance) - The spin container.
  • sim (bool) - The Monte Carlo simulation flag, which if true will initialise the simulation data structure.

_eliminate_false(self, name, value, model_info, args, sim=None)

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Dummy method for model elimination.

This simply returns False to signal that no model elimination is to be performed.

  • name (str) - The parameter name.
  • value (float) - The parameter value.
  • model_info (int) - The model index from model_info().
  • args (None or tuple of float) - The elimination constant overrides.
  • sim (int) - The Monte Carlo simulation index.
Returns: bool
False to prevent model elimination.


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Testing if errors exist for the current data pipe (spin system specific).

Returns: bool
The answer to the question of whether errors exist.

_is_spin_param_true(self, name)

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Dummy method stating that the parameter is spin specific.

This method always returns true, hence all parameters will be considered residents of a SpinContainer object unless this method is overwritten.

  • name (str) - The name of the parameter.
Returns: bool


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Default generator method for looping over a single global (non-spin specific) model.

The loop will yield a single index, zero, once to indicate a single model.

Returns: int
The global model index of zero.


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Default generator method for looping over the models, where each spin has a separate model.

In this case only a single model per spin system is assumed. Hence the yielded data is the spin container object.

Returns: SpinContainer instance
The spin container.


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Return the type of the model as being 'global'.

Returns: str
The model type of 'global'.


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Return the type of the model as being 'local'.

Returns: str
The model type of 'local'.


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Return the number of instances, equal to the number of selected spins.

Returns: int
The number of instances (equal to the number of spins).

_return_data_relax_data(self, spin)

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Return the Ri data structure for the given spin.

  • spin (SpinContainer instance) - The SpinContainer object.
Returns: list of float
The array of relaxation data values.

_return_error_relax_data(self, data_id)

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Return the Ri error structure for the corresponding spin.

  • data_id (str) - The data identification information, as yielded by the base_data_loop() generator method.
Returns: list of float
The array of relaxation data error values.

_return_no_conversion_factor(self, param)

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Method for returning 1.0.

  • param (str) - The parameter name.
Returns: float
A conversion factor of 1.0.

_return_value_general(self, spin, param, sim=None, bc=False)

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Return the value and error corresponding to the parameter 'param'.

If sim is set to an integer, return the value of the simulation and None. The values are taken from the given SpinContainer object.

  • spin (SpinContainer) - The SpinContainer object.
  • param (str) - The name of the parameter to return values for.
  • sim (None or int) - The Monte Carlo simulation index.
  • bc (bool) - The back-calculated data flag. If True, then the back-calculated data will be returned rather than the actual data.
Returns: tuple of length 2 of floats or None
The value and error corresponding to

_set_error_spin(self, model_info, index, error)

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Set the parameter errors (spin system specific).

  • model_info (unknown) - The spin container originating from model_loop().
  • index (int) - The index of the parameter to set the errors for.
  • error (float) - The error value.

_set_param_values_global(self, param=None, value=None, spin_id=None, error=False, force=True)

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Set the global parameter values in the top layer of the data pipe.

  • param (list of str) - The parameter name list.
  • value (list) - The parameter value list.
  • spin_id (None) - The spin identification string (unused).
  • error (bool) - A flag which if True will allow the parameter errors to be set instead of the values.
  • force (bool) - A flag which if True will cause current values to be overwritten. If False, a RelaxError will raised if the parameter value is already set.

_set_param_values_spin(self, param=None, value=None, spin_id=None, error=False, force=True)

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Set the spin specific parameter values.

  • param (list of str) - The parameter name list.
  • value (list) - The parameter value list.
  • spin_id (None or str) - The spin identification string, only used for spin specific parameters.
  • error (bool) - A flag which if True will allow the parameter errors to be set instead of the values.
  • force (bool) - A flag which if True will cause current values to be overwritten. If False, a RelaxError will raised if the parameter value is already set.

_set_selected_sim_global(self, model_info, select_sim)

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Set the simulation selection flag (for a single global model).

  • model_info (int) - The model information originating from model_loop(). This should be zero for the single global model.
  • select_sim (bool) - The selection flag for the simulations.

_set_selected_sim_spin(self, model_info, select_sim)

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Set the simulation selection flag (spin system specific).

  • model_info (unknown) - The model information originating from model_loop().
  • select_sim (bool) - The selection flag for the simulations.

_set_update(self, param, spin)

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Dummy method to do nothing!

  • param (str) - The name of the parameter which has been changed.
  • spin (SpinContainer) - The SpinContainer object.

_sim_pack_relax_data(self, data_id, sim_data)

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Pack the Monte Carlo simulation relaxation data into the corresponding spin container.

  • data_id (str) - The spin identification string, as yielded by the base_data_loop() generator method.
  • sim_data (list of float) - The Monte Carlo simulation data.

_sim_return_chi2_spin(self, model_info, index=None)

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Return the simulation chi-squared values (spin system specific).

  • model_info (unknown) - The model information originating from model_loop().
  • index (int) - The optional simulation index.
Returns: list of float or float
The list of simulation chi-squared values. If the index is supplied, only a single value will be returned.

_sim_return_param_spin(self, model_info, index)

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Return the array of simulation parameter values (spin system specific).

  • model_info (unknown) - The model information originating from model_loop().
  • index (int) - The index of the parameter to return the array of values for.
Returns: list of float
The array of simulation parameter values.

_sim_return_selected_global(self, model_info)

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Return the array of selected simulation flags for the global model.

  • model_info (int) - The model information originating from model_loop(). This should be zero for the single global model.
Returns: list of int
The array of selected simulation flags.

_sim_return_selected_spin(self, model_info)

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Return the array of selected simulation flags (spin system specific).

  • model_info (unknown) - The model information originating from model_loop().
Returns: list of int
The array of selected simulation flags.

_test_grid_ops_general(self, lower=None, upper=None, inc=None, n=None)

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Test that the grid search options are reasonable.

  • lower (array of numbers) - The lower bounds of the grid search which must be equal to the number of parameters in the model.
  • upper (array of numbers) - The upper bounds of the grid search which must be equal to the number of parameters in the model.
  • inc (array of int) - The increments for each dimension of the space for the grid search. The number of elements in the array must equal to the number of parameters in the model.
  • n (int) - The number of parameters in the model.