Package specific_analyses :: Module api_objects :: Class Param_list
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Class Param_list

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A special object for handling global and spin parameters.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, spin_data=True)
Set up the class.
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add(self, name, scope=None, string=None, default=None, units=None, desc=None, py_type=None, set='generic', conv_factor=None, grace_string=None, err=False, sim=False)
Add a parameter to the list.
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add_min_data(self, min_stats_global=False, min_stats_spin=False)
Add minimisation specific objects.
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base_loop(self, set=None, scope=None)
An iterator method for looping over all the base parameters.
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check_param(self, name)
Check if the parameter exists.
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contains(self, name)
Determine if the given name is within the parameter list.
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get_conv_factor(self, name)
Return the conversion factor.
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None or str
get_default(self, name)
Return the default value of the parameter.
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None or str
get_desc(self, name)
Return the description of the parameter.
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get_err(self, name)
Return the error flag for the parameter.
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get_grace_string(self, name)
Return the Grace string for the parameter.
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get_set(self, name)
Return the parameter set that the parameter belongs to.
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get_sim(self, name)
Return the Monte Carlo simulation flag for the parameter.
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Python type object
get_type(self, name)
Return the Python type for the parameter.
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get_units(self, name)
Return the units string for the parameter.
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loop(self, set=None, scope=None, error_names=False, sim_names=False)
An iterator method for looping over all the parameters.
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Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, spin_data=True)

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Set up the class.

  • spin_data (bool) - A flag which if True indicates that the specific analysis operates with spins.

add(self, name, scope=None, string=None, default=None, units=None, desc=None, py_type=None, set='generic', conv_factor=None, grace_string=None, err=False, sim=False)

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Add a parameter to the list.

  • name (str) - The name of the parameter. This will be used as the variable name.
  • scope (str) - The parameter scope. This can be set to 'global' for parameters located within the global scope of the current data pipe. Or set to 'spin' for spin specific parameters. Alternatively the value 'both' indicates that there are both global and specific versions of this parameter.
  • string (None or str) - The string representation of the parameter.
  • default (anything) - The default value of the parameter.
  • units (None or str) - A string representing the parameters units.
  • desc (None or str) - The text description of the parameter.
  • py_type (Python type object) - The Python type that this parameter should be.
  • set (str) - The set of object names. This can be set to 'all' for all names, to 'generic' for generic object names, 'params' for analysis specific parameter names, or to 'min' for minimisation specific object names.
  • conv_factor (None, float or func) - The factor of conversion between different parameter units.
  • grace_string (None or str) - The string used for the axes in Grace plots of the data.
  • err (bool) - A flag which if True indicates that the parameter name + '_err' error data structure can exist.
  • sim (bool) - A flag which if True indicates that the parameter name + '_sim' Monte Carlo simulation data structure can exist.

add_min_data(self, min_stats_global=False, min_stats_spin=False)

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Add minimisation specific objects.

  • min_stats_global (bool) - A flag which if True will include the parameters 'chi2', 'iter', 'f_count', 'g_count', 'h_count', 'warning' in the list of global parameters.
  • min_stats_spin (bool) - A flag which if True will include the parameters 'chi2', 'iter', 'f_count', 'g_count', 'h_count', 'warning' in the list of spin parameters.

base_loop(self, set=None, scope=None)

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An iterator method for looping over all the base parameters.

  • set (str) - The set of object names to return. This can be set to 'all' for all names, to 'generic' for generic object names, 'params' for analysis specific parameter names, or to 'min' for minimisation specific object names.
  • scope (str or None) - The scope of the parameter to return. If not set, then all will be returned. If set to 'global' or 'spin', then only the parameters within that scope will be returned.
Returns: str
The parameter names.

check_param(self, name)

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Check if the parameter exists.

  • name (str) - The name of the parameter to search for.

contains(self, name)

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Determine if the given name is within the parameter list.

  • name (str) - The name of the parameter to search for.
Returns: bool
True if the parameter is within the list, False otherwise.

get_conv_factor(self, name)

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Return the conversion factor.

  • name (str) - The name of the parameter.
Returns: float
The conversion factor.

get_default(self, name)

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Return the default value of the parameter.

  • name (str) - The name of the parameter.
Returns: None or str
The default value.

get_desc(self, name)

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Return the description of the parameter.

  • name (str) - The name of the parameter.
Returns: None or str
The description.

get_err(self, name)

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Return the error flag for the parameter.

  • name (str) - The name of the parameter.
Returns: bool
The error flag for the parameter.

get_grace_string(self, name)

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Return the Grace string for the parameter.

  • name (str) - The name of the parameter.
Returns: str
The Grace string.

get_set(self, name)

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Return the parameter set that the parameter belongs to.

  • name (str) - The name of the parameter.
Returns: str
The parameter set.

get_sim(self, name)

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Return the Monte Carlo simulation flag for the parameter.

  • name (str) - The name of the parameter.
Returns: bool
The Monte Carlo simulation flag for the parameter.

get_type(self, name)

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Return the Python type for the parameter.

  • name (str) - The name of the parameter.
Returns: Python type object
The Python type.

get_units(self, name)

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Return the units string for the parameter.

  • name (str) - The name of the parameter.
Returns: str
The units string.

loop(self, set=None, scope=None, error_names=False, sim_names=False)

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An iterator method for looping over all the parameters.

  • set (str) - The set of object names to return. This can be set to 'all' for all names, to 'generic' for generic object names, 'params' for analysis specific parameter names, or to 'min' for minimisation specific object names.
  • scope (str or None) - The scope of the parameter to return. If not set, then all will be returned. If set to 'global' or 'spin', then only the parameters within that scope will be returned.
  • error_names (bool) - A flag which if True will add the error object names as well.
  • sim_names (bool) - A flag which if True will add the Monte Carlo simulation object names as well.
Returns: str
The parameter names.