- lib.alignment: The relax-lib NMR package - a library of functions for
alignment-based NMR data.
- lib.ansi: Module containing ANSI escape sequences and helper functions for
colour terminal output.
- lib.arg_check: Argument checking functions for the relax user functions.
- lib.auto_relaxation: The relax-lib NMR package - a library of functions for
auto-relaxation rates.
- lib.check_types: Special module for checking types.
- lib.chemical_shift: The relax-lib NMR package - a library of functions for chemical
- lib.compat: Temporary module for allowing relax to support both Python 2 and 3.
- lib.curve_fit: The relax-lib NMR package - a library of functions for various
types of curve-fitting.
- lib.diffusion: The relax-lib NMR package - a library of functions for rotational
- lib.dispersion: The relax-lib NMR package - a library of functions for relaxation
- lib.dispersion.b14: The Baldwin (2014) 2-site exact solution model for all time scales
- lib.dispersion.cr72: The Carver and Richards (1972) 2-site all time scale exchange CR72 and CR72
full models.
- lib.dispersion.dpl94: The Davis, Perlman and London (1994) 2-site fast exchange R1rho DPL94
- lib.dispersion.it99: The Ishima and Torchia (1999) 2-site all time scale exchange (with
pA >> pB) IT99 model.
- lib.dispersion.lm63: The Luz and Meiboom (1963) 2-site fast exchange LM63 model.
- lib.dispersion.lm63_3site: The Luz and Meiboom (1963) 3-site fast exchange LM63
3-site model.
- lib.dispersion.m61: The Meiboom (1961) 2-site fast exchange R1rho M61 model.
- lib.dispersion.m61b: The Meiboom (1961) 2-site on-resonance skewed population R1rho M61
skew model.
- lib.dispersion.mmq_cr72: The CR72 model extended for MMQ CPMG data, called the MMQ
CR72 model.
- lib.dispersion.mp05: The Miloushev and Palmer (2005) 2-site exchange R1rho MP05 model.
- lib.dispersion.ns_cpmg_2site_3d: The numerical fit of 2-site Bloch-McConnell equations for CPMG-type
experiments, the NS
CPMG 2-site 3D and NS CPMG 2-site 3D full models.
- lib.dispersion.ns_cpmg_2site_expanded: The numerical fit of 2-site Bloch-McConnell equations for CPMG-type
experiments, the NS CPMG 2-site expanded model.
- lib.dispersion.ns_cpmg_2site_star: The numerical fit of 2-site Bloch-McConnell equations for CPMG-type
experiments, the NS CPMG 2-site star and NS CPMG 2-site star full models.
- lib.dispersion.ns_matrices: A collection of functions for generating the relaxation matrices
for the numerical solutions.
- lib.dispersion.ns_mmq_2site: The numeric solution for the 2-site Bloch-McConnell equations for
MMQ CPMG data, the NS MMQ
2-site model.
- lib.dispersion.ns_mmq_3site: The numeric solution for the 3-site Bloch-McConnell equations for
MMQ CPMG data, the NS MMQ 3-site linear and NS MMQ
3-site models.
- lib.dispersion.ns_r1rho_2site: The numerical solution for the 2-site Bloch-McConnell equations for
R1rho-type data, the NS
R1rho 2-site model.
- lib.dispersion.ns_r1rho_3site: The numerical solution for the 3-site Bloch-McConnell equations for
R1rho-type data, the NS R1rho 3-site linear and NS
R1rho 3-site model.
- lib.dispersion.tap03: The Trott, Abergel and Palmer (2003) off-resonance 2-site exchange
R1rho TAP03 model.
- lib.dispersion.tp02: The Trott and Palmer (2002) 2-site exchange R1rho TP02 model.
- lib.dispersion.tsmfk01: The Tollinger et al (2001) 2-site very-slow exchange TSMFK01
- lib.dispersion.two_point: The relaxation dispersion equations.
- lib.errors: Module containing all of the RelaxError objects.
- lib.float: ieeefloat a set of functions for dealing with IEEE-754 float
- lib.frame_order: The relax-lib NMR package - a library of functions for the frame
order theories.
- lib.geometry: The relax-lib geometry package - a library of functions for studies
of geometry.
- lib.io
- lib.linear_algebra: The relax-lib NMR package - a library of functions for advanced
linear algebra not present in numpy.
- lib.list: Module for handling Python lists.
- lib.mathematics: Module for basic mathematical operations.
- lib.model_selection: Module for the statistical concept of model selection.
- lib.nmr: Module containing functions related to basic NMR concepts.
- lib.optimisation: Auxiliary functions for optimisation.
- lib.order: The relax-lib NMR package - a library of functions for order and
- lib.periodic_table: Module containing a Python object representation of the period
- lib.physical_constants: Module containing all physical constants used in relax, as well as
all associated functions.
- lib.regex: Module implementing relax regular expression.
- lib.selection
- lib.sequence
- lib.software: The relax-lib NMR package - a library of functions for creating
input, reading output and control of external software.
- lib.software.bruker_dc: Module for the reading of Bruker Dynamics Centre (DC) files.
- lib.software.grace: Module for interfacing with Grace (also known as Xmgrace, Xmgr, and
- lib.software.opendx: The relax-lib NMR package - a library of functions for interacting
with the OpenDX software.
- lib.software.xplor: Module containing functions for the parsing and creation of Xplor
formatted files.
- lib.spectral_densities: The relax-lib NMR package - a library of functions for power
spectral density functions.
- lib.spectrum: The relax-lib NMR package - a library of functions for spectral
- lib.statistics: Module for calculating simple statistics.
- lib.structure: The relax-lib structure package - a library of functions handling
structural information.
- lib.text: The relax-lib text package - a library of functions for text
- lib.warnings
- lib.xml: Module containing generic functions for creation and parsing of XML
representations of Python objects.