Package specific_analyses :: Package relax_fit :: Module api
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Module api

source code

The R1 and R2 exponential relaxation curve fitting API object.

Classes [hide private]
Class containing functions for relaxation curve fitting.
Variables [hide private]
  __package__ = 'specific_analyses.relax_fit'

Imports: generic_minimise, grid, dot, float64, zeros, inv, match, search, warn, C_module_exp_fn, RelaxError, RelaxNoModelError, RelaxNoSequenceError, RelaxDeselectWarning, exists_mol_res_spin_data, generate_spin_id_unique, return_spin, spin_loop, API_base, API_common, back_calc, d2func_wrapper, dfunc_wrapper, func_wrapper, grid_search_setup, Relax_fit_params, assemble_param_vector, assemble_scaling_matrix, disassemble_param_vector, linear_constraints, setup