Package gui :: Package analyses :: Module auto_relax_disp :: Class Auto_relax_disp
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class Auto_relax_disp

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The relaxation dispersion auto-analysis GUI element.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, parent, id=-1, pos=wx.Point(-1, -1), size=wx.Size(-1, -1), style=524288, name='scrolledpanel', gui=None, analysis_name=None, pipe_name=None, pipe_bundle=None, uf_exec=[], data_index=None)
Build the automatic R1 and R2 analysis GUI frame elements.
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Activate or deactivate certain elements of the analysis in response to the execution lock.
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add_buttons(self, box)
Add all of the buttons.
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class instance, list of str, list of str
Assemble the data required for the Auto_noe class.
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wx.BoxSizer instance
Construct the right hand box to pack into the main relax_disp box.
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Unregister the spin count from the user functions.
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execute(self, event)
Set up, execute, and process the automatic Rx analysis.
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interatom_define(self, event=None)
Define the interatomic interactions of the spins via the interatom.define user function.
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load_cs_data(self, event=None)
Read chemical shift data from a peak list via the user function.
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load_r1_data(self, event=None)
Load R1 relaxation data via the user function.
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observer_register(self, remove=False)
Register and unregister methods with the observer objects.
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peak_wizard_launch(self, event)
Launch the peak loading wizard.
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pre_run_directory(self, event)
The pre-run directory selection.
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relax_disp_cluster(self, event=None)
Set up spin clustering via the relax_disp.cluster user function.
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results_directory(self, event)
The results directory selection.
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spin_isotope(self, event=None)
Set the nuclear isotope types of the spins via the spin.isotope user function.
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sync_ds(self, upload=False)
Synchronise the analysis frame and the relax data store, both ways.
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Update the cluster field.
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value_set(self, event=None)
Launch the value.set user function.
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Inherited from base.Base_analysis: add_button_open, add_execute_analysis, add_spin_control, add_spin_systems, add_static_text, add_subsubtitle, add_subtitle, add_text_control, add_title, build_left_box, build_main_box, launch_spin_editor, resize, spin_count, update_spin_count

Inherited from wx.lib.scrolledpanel.ScrolledPanel: OnChildFocus, ScrollChildIntoView, SetupScrolling

Inherited from wx.lib.scrolledpanel.ScrolledPanel (private): _SetupAfter

Inherited from wx._windows.PyScrolledWindow: DoEraseBackground, DoGetBestSize, DoGetClientSize, DoGetPosition, DoGetSize, DoGetVirtualSize, DoMoveWindow, DoSetClientSize, DoSetSize, DoSetVirtualSize, GetDefaultAttributes, OnInternalIdle, SetBestSize, base_AcceptsFocus, base_AcceptsFocusFromKeyboard, base_AddChild, base_DoGetBestSize, base_DoGetClientSize, base_DoGetPosition, base_DoGetSize, base_DoGetVirtualSize, base_DoMoveWindow, base_DoSetClientSize, base_DoSetSize, base_DoSetVirtualSize, base_Enable, base_GetDefaultAttributes, base_GetMaxSize, base_InitDialog, base_OnInternalIdle, base_RemoveChild, base_ShouldInheritColours, base_TransferDataFromWindow, base_TransferDataToWindow, base_Validate

Inherited from wx._windows.PyScrolledWindow (private): _setCallbackInfo

Inherited from wx._windows.ScrolledWindow: Create, __repr__

Inherited from wx._windows.Panel: SetFocusIgnoringChildren

Inherited from wx._core.Window: AcceptsFocus, AcceptsFocusFromKeyboard, AddChild, AdjustForLayoutDirection, AlwaysShowScrollbars, AssociateHandle, CacheBestSize, CanAcceptFocus, CanAcceptFocusFromKeyboard, CanApplyThemeBorder, CanBeOutsideClientArea, CanScroll, CanSetTransparent, CaptureMouse, Center, CenterOnParent, Centre, CentreOnParent, ClearBackground, ClientToScreen, ClientToScreenXY, ClientToWindowSize, Close, ConvertDialogPointToPixels, ConvertDialogSizeToPixels, ConvertPixelPointToDialog, ConvertPixelSizeToDialog, DLG_PNT, DLG_SZE, Destroy, DestroyChildren, Disable, DissociateHandle, DragAcceptFiles, Enable, FindWindowById, FindWindowByLabel, FindWindowByName, Fit, FitInside, Freeze, GetAcceleratorTable, GetAdjustedBestSize, GetAutoLayout, GetBackgroundColour, GetBackgroundStyle, GetBestFittingSize, GetBestSize, GetBestSizeTuple, GetBestVirtualSize, GetBorder, GetCaret, GetCharHeight, GetCharWidth, GetChildren, GetClientAreaOrigin, GetClientRect, GetClientSize, GetClientSizeTuple, GetConstraints, GetContainingSizer, GetCursor, GetDropTarget, GetEffectiveMinSize, GetEventHandler, GetExtraStyle, GetFont, GetForegroundColour, GetFullTextExtent, GetGrandParent, GetGtkWidget, GetHandle, GetHelpText, GetHelpTextAtPoint, GetId, GetLabel, GetLayoutDirection, GetMainWindowOfCompositeControl, GetMaxClientSize, GetMaxHeight, GetMaxSize, GetMaxWidth, GetMinClientSize, GetMinHeight, GetMinSize, GetMinWidth, GetName, GetNextSibling, GetParent, GetPopupMenuSelectionFromUser, GetPosition, GetPositionTuple, GetPrevSibling, GetRect, GetScreenPosition, GetScreenPositionTuple, GetScreenRect, GetScrollPos, GetScrollRange, GetScrollThumb, GetSize, GetSizeTuple, GetSizer, GetTextExtent, GetThemeEnabled, GetToolTip, GetToolTipString, GetTopLevelParent, GetUpdateClientRect, GetUpdateRegion, GetValidator, GetVirtualSize, GetVirtualSizeTuple, GetWindowBorderSize, GetWindowStyle, GetWindowStyleFlag, GetWindowVariant, HandleAsNavigationKey, HandleWindowEvent, HasCapture, HasExtraStyle, HasFlag, HasFocus, HasMultiplePages, HasScrollbar, HasTransparentBackground, Hide, HideWithEffect, HitTest, HitTestXY, InformFirstDirection, InheritAttributes, InheritsBackgroundColour, InitDialog, InvalidateBestSize, IsBeingDeleted, IsDoubleBuffered, IsEnabled, IsExposed, IsExposedPoint, IsExposedRect, IsFrozen, IsRetained, IsScrollbarAlwaysShown, IsShown, IsShownOnScreen, IsThisEnabled, IsTopLevel, Layout, LineDown, LineUp, Lower, MakeModal, Move, MoveAfterInTabOrder, MoveBeforeInTabOrder, MoveXY, Navigate, NavigateIn, PageDown, PageUp, PopEventHandler, PopupMenu, PopupMenuXY, PostCreate, PostSizeEvent, PostSizeEventToParent, ProcessWindowEvent, PushEventHandler, Raise, Refresh, RefreshRect, RegisterHotKey, ReleaseMouse, RemoveChild, RemoveEventHandler, Reparent, ScreenToClient, ScreenToClientXY, ScrollLines, ScrollPages, ScrollWindow, SendIdleEvents, SendSizeEvent, SendSizeEventToParent, SetAcceleratorTable, SetAutoLayout, SetBackgroundColour, SetBackgroundStyle, SetBestFittingSize, SetCanFocus, SetCaret, SetClientRect, SetClientSize, SetClientSizeWH, SetConstraints, SetContainingSizer, SetCursor, SetDimensions, SetDoubleBuffered, SetDropTarget, SetEventHandler, SetExtraStyle, SetFocus, SetFocusFromKbd, SetFont, SetForegroundColour, SetHelpText, SetHelpTextForId, SetId, SetInitialSize, SetLabel, SetLayoutDirection, SetMaxClientSize, SetMaxSize, SetMinClientSize, SetMinSize, SetName, SetOwnBackgroundColour, SetOwnFont, SetOwnForegroundColour, SetPosition, SetRect, SetScrollPos, SetScrollbar, SetSize, SetSizeHints, SetSizeHintsSz, SetSizeWH, SetSizer, SetSizerAndFit, SetThemeEnabled, SetToolTip, SetToolTipString, SetTransparent, SetValidator, SetVirtualSize, SetVirtualSizeHints, SetVirtualSizeHintsSz, SetVirtualSizeWH, SetWindowStyle, SetWindowStyleFlag, SetWindowVariant, ShouldInheritColours, Show, ShowWithEffect, Thaw, ToggleWindowStyle, TransferDataFromWindow, TransferDataToWindow, UnregisterHotKey, UnsetToolTip, Update, UpdateWindowUI, UseBgCol, Validate, WarpPointer, WindowToClientSize

Inherited from wx._core.EvtHandler: AddPendingEvent, Bind, Connect, DeletePendingEvents, Disconnect, GetEvtHandlerEnabled, GetNextHandler, GetPreviousHandler, IsUnlinked, ProcessEvent, ProcessEventLocally, ProcessPendingEvents, QueueEvent, SafelyProcessEvent, SetEvtHandlerEnabled, SetNextHandler, SetPreviousHandler, Unbind, Unlink

Inherited from wx._core.EvtHandler (private): _setOORInfo

Inherited from wx._core.Object: GetClassName, IsSameAs

Inherited from wx._windows.ScrollHelper: AdjustScrollbars, CalcScrollInc, CalcScrolledPosition, CalcUnscrolledPosition, DisableKeyboardScrolling, DoPrepareDC, EnableScrolling, GetScaleX, GetScaleY, GetScrollLines, GetScrollPageSize, GetScrollPixelsPerUnit, GetTargetRect, GetTargetWindow, GetViewStart, IsAutoScrolling, PrepareDC, Scroll, SendAutoScrollEvents, SetScale, SetScrollPageSize, SetScrollRate, SetScrollbars, SetTargetRect, SetTargetWindow, ShowScrollbars, StopAutoScrolling

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Static Methods [hide private]

Inherited from wx._windows.ScrolledWindow: GetClassDefaultAttributes

Inherited from wx._core.Window: FindFocus, GetCapture, NewControlId, ReleaseControlId, UnreserveControlId

Class Variables [hide private]
  analysis_type = None
  bitmap = u'/data/relax/relax/graphics/analyses/relax_disp_200x...
  label = 'Relax-disp'

Inherited from base.Base_analysis: border, size_graphic_panel, spacer_horizontal, width_button, width_main_separator, width_text

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from wx._windows.PyScrolledWindow: thisown

Inherited from wx._core.Window: AcceleratorTable, AutoLayout, BackgroundColour, BackgroundStyle, BestSize, BestVirtualSize, Border, Caret, CharHeight, CharWidth, Children, ClientAreaOrigin, ClientRect, ClientSize, Constraints, ContainingSizer, Cursor, DefaultAttributes, DropTarget, EffectiveMinSize, Enabled, EventHandler, ExtraStyle, Font, ForegroundColour, GrandParent, GtkWidget, Handle, HelpText, Id, Label, LayoutDirection, MaxClientSize, MaxHeight, MaxSize, MaxWidth, MinClientSize, MinHeight, MinSize, MinWidth, Name, Parent, Position, Rect, ScreenPosition, ScreenRect, Shown, Size, Sizer, ThemeEnabled, ToolTip, ToolTipString, TopLevel, TopLevelParent, UpdateClientRect, UpdateRegion, Validator, VirtualSize, WindowStyle, WindowStyleFlag, WindowVariant

Inherited from wx._core.EvtHandler: EvtHandlerEnabled, NextHandler, PreviousHandler

Inherited from wx._core.Object: ClassName

Inherited from wx._windows.ScrollHelper: ScaleX, ScaleY, TargetWindow, ViewStart

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, parent, id=-1, pos=wx.Point(-1, -1), size=wx.Size(-1, -1), style=524288, name='scrolledpanel', gui=None, analysis_name=None, pipe_name=None, pipe_bundle=None, uf_exec=[], data_index=None)

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Build the automatic R1 and R2 analysis GUI frame elements.

  • parent (wx object) - The parent wx element.
  • id (int) - The unique ID number.
  • pos (wx.Size object) - The position.
  • size (wx.Size object) - The size.
  • style (int) - The style.
  • name (unicode) - The name for the panel.
  • gui (gui.relax_gui.Main instance) - The main GUI class.
  • analysis_name (str) - The name of the analysis (the name in the tab part of the notebook).
  • pipe_name (str) - The name of the data pipe associated with this analysis.
  • pipe_bundle (str) - The name of the data pipe bundle associated with this analysis.
  • uf_exec (list of methods) - The list of user function on_execute methods returned from the new analysis wizard.
  • data_index (None or int) - The index of the analysis in the relax data store (set to None if no data currently exists).
Returns: EvtHandler
Overrides: object.__init__

add_buttons(self, box)

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Add all of the buttons.

  • box (wx.BoxSizer instance) - The box element to pack the GUI element into.


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Assemble the data required for the Auto_noe class.

Returns: class instance, list of str, list of str
A container with all the data required for the auto-analysis, the missing list, and a list of models that don't match the experiment types.


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Construct the right hand box to pack into the main relax_disp box.

Returns: wx.BoxSizer instance
The right hand box element containing all relaxation dispersion GUI elements (excluding the bitmap) to pack into the main box.

execute(self, event)

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Set up, execute, and process the automatic Rx analysis.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

interatom_define(self, event=None)

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Define the interatomic interactions of the spins via the interatom.define user function.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

load_cs_data(self, event=None)

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Read chemical shift data from a peak list via the user function.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

load_r1_data(self, event=None)

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Load R1 relaxation data via the user function.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

observer_register(self, remove=False)

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Register and unregister methods with the observer objects.

  • remove (False) - If set to True, then the methods will be unregistered.
Overrides: base.Base_analysis.observer_register

peak_wizard_launch(self, event)

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Launch the peak loading wizard.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

pre_run_directory(self, event)

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The pre-run directory selection.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

relax_disp_cluster(self, event=None)

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Set up spin clustering via the relax_disp.cluster user function.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

results_directory(self, event)

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The results directory selection.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

spin_isotope(self, event=None)

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Set the nuclear isotope types of the spins via the spin.isotope user function.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

sync_ds(self, upload=False)

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Synchronise the analysis frame and the relax data store, both ways.

This method allows the frame information to be uploaded into the relax data store, or for the information in the relax data store to be downloaded by the frame.

  • upload (bool) - A flag which if True will cause the frame to send data to the relax data store. If False, data will be downloaded from the relax data store to update the frame.

value_set(self, event=None)

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Launch the value.set user function.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

Class Variable Details [hide private]

