Package specific_analyses :: Module parameter_object :: Class Param_list
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Class Param_list

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A special object for handling global and spin parameters.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, spin_data=True)
Set up the class.
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_add(self, name, scope=None, string=None, default=None, units=None, desc=None, py_type=None, set='all', conv_factor=None, scaling=1.0, grid_lower=None, grid_upper=None, grace_string=None, grace_units=None, err=False, sim=False)
Add a parameter to the list.
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Add the PCS and RDC data.
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Add the alignment tensor parameters.
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_add_csa(self, default=None, set='fixed', err=False, sim=False)
Add the CSA parameter 'csa'.
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Add the Brownian rotational diffusion parameters to the list.
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_add_min_data(self, min_stats_global=False, min_stats_spin=False)
Add minimisation specific objects.
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_add_model_info(self, scope='spin', model_flag=True, equation_flag=False)
Add model specific objects 'model' and 'params'.
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Add the peak intensity structure 'peak_intensity'.
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Add the signal to noise ratio structure 'sn_ratio'.
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_set_uf_title(self, title)
Set the title for the user function documentation.
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Desc_container instance
_uf_doc_loop(self, tables=None)
Generator method for looping over and yielding the user function parameter documentation.
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Desc_container instance
_uf_param_table(self, label=None, caption=None, scope='spin', sets=['params', 'fixed'], default=False, units=False, type=False)
"Create the parameter documentation for the user function docstrings.
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base_loop(self, set=None, scope=None)
An iterator method for looping over all the base parameters.
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check_param(self, name)
Check if the parameter exists.
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contains(self, name)
Determine if the given name is within the parameter list.
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conversion_factor(self, name)
Return the conversion factor.
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list of str
data_names(self, set='all', scope=None, error_names=False, sim_names=False)
Return a list of names of data structures.
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None or str
default_value(self, name)
Return the default value of the parameter.
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None or str
description(self, name)
Return the description of the parameter.
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error_flag(self, name)
Return the error flag for the parameter.
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grace_string(self, name)
Return the Grace string for the parameter.
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grace_units(self, name)
Return the Grace units string for the parameter.
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grid_lower(self, name, incs=None, model_info=None)
Return the default lower grid bound for the parameter.
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grid_upper(self, name, incs=None, model_info=None)
Return the default upper grid bound for the parameter.
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is_spin_param(self, name)
Determine whether the given parameter is spin specific.
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loop(self, set=None, scope=None, error_names=False, sim_names=False)
An iterator method for looping over all the parameters.
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scaling(self, name, model_info=None)
Return the scaling factor for the parameter.
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scope(self, name)
Return the parameter scope.
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set(self, name)
Return the parameter set that the parameter belongs to.
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simulation_flag(self, name)
Return the Monte Carlo simulation flag for the parameter.
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Python type object
type(self, name)
Return the Python type for the parameter.
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Python type object
type_string(self, name)
Return the Python type for the parameter as a string representation.
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Desc_container instance
uf_doc(self, label=None, caption=None, scope='spin', default=False, units=False, type=False)
"Create the parameter documentation for the user function docstrings.
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units(self, name)
Return the units string for the parameter.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Static Methods [hide private]
a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__new__(cls, *args, **kargs)
Replacement function for implementing the singleton design pattern.
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Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, spin_data=True)

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Set up the class.

  • spin_data (bool) - A flag which if True indicates that the specific analysis operates with spins.
Overrides: object.__init__

__new__(cls, *args, **kargs)
Static Method

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Replacement function for implementing the singleton design pattern.

Returns: a new object with type S, a subtype of T
Overrides: object.__new__

_add(self, name, scope=None, string=None, default=None, units=None, desc=None, py_type=None, set='all', conv_factor=None, scaling=1.0, grid_lower=None, grid_upper=None, grace_string=None, grace_units=None, err=False, sim=False)

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Add a parameter to the list.

  • name (str) - The name of the parameter. This will be used as the variable name.
  • scope (str) - The parameter scope. This can be set to 'global' for parameters located within the global scope of the current data pipe. Or set to 'spin' for spin specific parameters. Alternatively the value 'both' indicates that there are both global and specific versions of this parameter.
  • string (None or str) - The string representation of the parameter.
  • default (anything) - The default value of the parameter.
  • units (None or str) - A string representing the parameters units.
  • desc (None or str) - The text description of the parameter.
  • py_type (Python type object) - The Python type that this parameter should be.
  • set (str) - The set of object names. This can be set to 'all' for all names, to 'fixed' for parameter of the model which are permanently fixed, to 'params' for parameter of the model which are optimised or calculated, or to 'min' for minimisation specific object names.
  • conv_factor (None, float or func) - The factor of conversion between different parameter units.
  • scaling (float or function) - The diagonal scaling factor for optimisation.
  • grid_lower (int or function) - The lower bound for the grid search.
  • grid_upper (int or function) - The upper bound for the grid search.
  • grace_string (None or str) - The string used for the axes in Grace plots of the data.
  • grace_units (None or str) - A Grace string representing the parameters units.
  • err (bool) - A flag which if True indicates that the parameter name + '_err' error data structure can exist.
  • sim (bool) - A flag which if True indicates that the parameter name + '_sim' Monte Carlo simulation data structure can exist.

_add_csa(self, default=None, set='fixed', err=False, sim=False)

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Add the CSA parameter 'csa'.

  • default (float) - The default CSA value.
  • set (str) - The set of object names. This can be set to 'all' for all names, to 'fixed' for parameter of the model which are permanently fixed, to 'params' for parameter of the model which are optimised or calculated, or to 'min' for minimisation specific object names.
  • err (bool) - A flag which if True indicates that the 'csa_err' error data structure can exist.
  • sim (bool) - A flag which if True indicates that the 'csa_sim' Monte Carlo simulation data structure can exist.

_add_min_data(self, min_stats_global=False, min_stats_spin=False)

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Add minimisation specific objects.

The parameter scope is defined by the keyword arguments.

  • min_stats_global (bool) - A flag which if True will cause the parameters to be global.
  • min_stats_spin (bool) - A flag which if True will cause the parameters to be spin specific.

_add_model_info(self, scope='spin', model_flag=True, equation_flag=False)

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Add model specific objects 'model' and 'params'.

  • scope (str) - The parameter scope. This can be set to 'global' for parameters located within the global scope of the current data pipe. Or set to 'spin' for spin specific parameters. Alternatively the value 'both' indicates that there are both global and specific versions of this parameter.
  • model_flag (bool) - A flag which if True will cause the 'model' structure to be added.

_set_uf_title(self, title)

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Set the title for the user function documentation.

  • title (str) - The title to use in the user function docstrings.

_uf_doc_loop(self, tables=None)

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Generator method for looping over and yielding the user function parameter documentation.

  • tables (list of str or None) - The list of tables to loop over. If None, then all tables will be yielded.
Returns: Desc_container instance
The user function documentation for each table.

_uf_param_table(self, label=None, caption=None, scope='spin', sets=['params', 'fixed'], default=False, units=False, type=False)

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"Create the parameter documentation for the user function docstrings.

  • label (str) - The label of the table. This is used to identify replicated tables, and is also used in the table referencing in the LaTeX compilation of the user manual. If this label is already used, the corresponding pre-constructed documentation object will be returned.
  • caption (str) - The caption for the table.
  • scope (str or None) - The parameter scope to restrict the table to, defaulting to 'spin'.
  • sets (list of str) - The parameter sets to restrict the table to. If not given, then all parameters of the 'params' and 'fixed' sets will be added. This can be set to 'all' for all names, to 'fixed' for parameter of the model which are permanently fixed, to 'params' for parameter of the model which are optimised or calculated, or to 'min' for minimisation specific object names.
  • default (bool) - A flag which if True will cause the default parameter value to be included in the table.
  • units (bool) - A flag which if True will cause the units to be included in the table.
  • type (bool) - A flag which if True will cause the parameter type to be included in the table.
Returns: Desc_container instance
The parameter documentation.

base_loop(self, set=None, scope=None)

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An iterator method for looping over all the base parameters.

  • set (str) - The set of object names. This can be set to 'all' for all names, to 'fixed' for parameter of the model which are permanently fixed, to 'params' for parameter of the model which are optimised or calculated, or to 'min' for minimisation specific object names.
  • scope (str or None) - The scope of the parameter to return. If not set, then all will be returned. If set to 'global' or 'spin', then only the parameters within that scope will be returned.
Returns: str
The parameter names.

check_param(self, name)

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Check if the parameter exists.

  • name (str) - The name of the parameter to search for.

contains(self, name)

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Determine if the given name is within the parameter list.

  • name (str) - The name of the parameter to search for.
Returns: bool
True if the parameter is within the list, False otherwise.

conversion_factor(self, name)

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Return the conversion factor.

  • name (str) - The name of the parameter.
Returns: float
The conversion factor.

data_names(self, set='all', scope=None, error_names=False, sim_names=False)

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Return a list of names of data structures.

  • set (str) - The set of object names. This can be set to 'all' for all names, to 'fixed' for parameter of the model which are permanently fixed, to 'params' for parameter of the model which are optimised or calculated, or to 'min' for minimisation specific object names.
  • scope (str or None) - The scope of the parameter to return. If not set, then all will be returned. If set to 'global' or 'spin', then only the parameters within that scope will be returned.
  • error_names (bool) - A flag which if True will add the error object names as well.
  • sim_names (bool) - A flag which if True will add the Monte Carlo simulation object names as well.
Returns: list of str
The list of object names.

default_value(self, name)

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Return the default value of the parameter.

  • name (str) - The name of the parameter.
Returns: None or str
The default value.

description(self, name)

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Return the description of the parameter.

  • name (str) - The name of the parameter.
Returns: None or str
The description.

error_flag(self, name)

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Return the error flag for the parameter.

  • name (str) - The name of the parameter.
Returns: bool
The error flag for the parameter.

grace_string(self, name)

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Return the Grace string for the parameter.

  • name (str) - The name of the parameter.
Returns: str
The Grace string.

grace_units(self, name)

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Return the Grace units string for the parameter.

  • name (str) - The name of the parameter.
Returns: str
The Grace units string.

grid_lower(self, name, incs=None, model_info=None)

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Return the default lower grid bound for the parameter.

  • name (str) - The name of the parameter.
  • incs (int) - The number of grid search increments. This is used by some of the bound determining functions.
  • model_info (int) - The model information from the model_loop() specific API method. If the lower bound is a function, this information is sent into it.
Returns: int
The lower bound for the grid search.

grid_upper(self, name, incs=None, model_info=None)

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Return the default upper grid bound for the parameter.

  • name (str) - The name of the parameter.
  • incs (int) - The number of grid search increments. This is used by some of the bound determining functions.
  • model_info (int) - The model information from the model_loop() specific API method. If the upper bound is a function, this information is sent into it.
Returns: int
The upper bound for the grid search.

is_spin_param(self, name)

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Determine whether the given parameter is spin specific.

  • name (str) - The name of the parameter.
Returns: bool
True if the parameter is spin specific, False otherwise.

loop(self, set=None, scope=None, error_names=False, sim_names=False)

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An iterator method for looping over all the parameters.

  • set (str) - The set of object names. This can be set to 'all' for all names, to 'fixed' for parameter of the model which are permanently fixed, to 'params' for parameter of the model which are optimised or calculated, or to 'min' for minimisation specific object names.
  • scope (str or None) - The scope of the parameter to return. If not set, then all will be returned. If set to 'global' or 'spin', then only the parameters within that scope will be returned.
  • error_names (bool) - A flag which if True will add the error object names as well.
  • sim_names (bool) - A flag which if True will add the Monte Carlo simulation object names as well.
Returns: str
The parameter names.

scaling(self, name, model_info=None)

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Return the scaling factor for the parameter.

  • model_info (int) - The model information from the model_loop() specific API method. If the scaling factor is a function, this information is sent into it.
  • name (str) - The name of the parameter.
Returns: int
The scaling factor for optimisation.

scope(self, name)

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Return the parameter scope.

  • name (str) - The name of the parameter.
Returns: str
The scope. This is 'global' for parameters located within the global scope of the current data pipe. Or 'spin' for spin specific parameters. Alternatively the value 'both' indicates that there are both global and specific versions of this parameter.

set(self, name)

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Return the parameter set that the parameter belongs to.

  • name (str) - The name of the parameter.
Returns: str
The parameter set.

simulation_flag(self, name)

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Return the Monte Carlo simulation flag for the parameter.

  • name (str) - The name of the parameter.
Returns: bool
The Monte Carlo simulation flag for the parameter.

type(self, name)

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Return the Python type for the parameter.

  • name (str) - The name of the parameter.
Returns: Python type object
The Python type.

type_string(self, name)

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Return the Python type for the parameter as a string representation.

  • name (str) - The name of the parameter.
Returns: Python type object
The Python type.

uf_doc(self, label=None, caption=None, scope='spin', default=False, units=False, type=False)

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"Create the parameter documentation for the user function docstrings.

  • label (str) - The label of the table to return.
Returns: Desc_container instance
The parameter documentation.

units(self, name)

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Return the units string for the parameter.

  • name (str) - The name of the parameter.
Returns: str
The units string. If no unit is present, the empty string will be returned.