mailr2843 - /branches/test_suite/test_suite/unit_tests/

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Posted by garyt on November 14, 2006 - 01:12:
Author: varioustoxins
Date: Tue Nov 14 01:11:50 2006
New Revision: 2843

WORK IN PROGRESS! addition of methods to find paths to unit test and
system directories. Plus functions to convert module names to paths.
Also added comments.


Modified: branches/test_suite/test_suite/unit_tests/
--- branches/test_suite/test_suite/unit_tests/ (original)
+++ branches/test_suite/test_suite/unit_tests/ Tue Nov 14 
01:11:50 2006
@@ -1,41 +1,299 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 import os,re,unittest,string,sys
+def getStartupPath():
+  startupPath = sys.path[0]
+  if startupPath == '':
+      startupPath = sys.getcwd()
+  return startupPath
+def getModuleRelativePath(modulePath,rootPaths=None):
+    ''' find the relative path of a module (?package) to one
+        of a set of root paths
+        @type  filePath: string
+        @param filePath: path of a python module
+        @type  rootPaths: sequence of strings
+        @param rootPaths: a set of paths to search for the module in.if None 
+               passed the list is initialized from the internal PYTHONPATH
+               sys.path. Elements which are empty strings are replace with
+               the cureent working directory sys.getcwd()
+        @returns: a relative module path to one of the rootPaths which is
+                  sepparated by '.' if the modulePath is a subpath of one of
+                  the root paths otherwise None
+        '''
+    relativePath  = None
+    if rootPaths == None:
+        rootPaths = sys.path
+    for rootPath in rootPaths:
+        rootPath =segmentPath(os.path.abspath(rootPath))
+        modulePath = segmentPath(os.path.abspath(modulePath))
+        commonPrefix = getCommonPrefix(rootPath,modulePath)
+        if commonPrefix == rootPath:
+            relativePath = modulePath[len(commonPrefix):]
+            break
+    if relativePath !=  None:
+        relativePath = '.'.join(relativePath)
+    return relativePath
+def getCommonPrefix(path1,path2):
+    resultPath = []
+    for elem1,elem2 in map(None,path1,path2):
+        if elem1 == None or elem2 == None:
+            break
+        if elem1 == elem2:
+          resultPath.append(elem1)
+    return resultPath
+def segmentPath(path,normalise=True):
+    if normalise:
+        path = os.path.normpath(path)
+    result  =  []
+    (head,tail) = os.path.split(path)
+    while head != '' and tail != '':
+        result.append(tail)
+        head,tail = os.path.split(head)
+    result.reverse()
+    return result
 class TestFinder:
-    pattern = re.compile('test.*\.py$')
+    pattern = re.compile('test_.*\.py$')
     suite = unittest.TestSuite()
     def __init__(self,rootPath=None):
         self.rootPath = rootPath
         if self.rootPath == None:
-            self.rootPath = os.getcwd()
-    def importClass(self,name):
-        mod = __import__(name)
-        components = name.split('.')
-        for comp in components[1:]:
-            mod = getattr(mod, comp)
-        return mod     
-    def scanPaths(self,path=None):
-        for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(self.rootPath):
-             print dirpath, dirnames, filenames
+            self.rootPath = getStartupPath()
+#    def importClass(self,name):
+#        mod = __import__(name)
+#        components = name.split('.')
+#        for comp in components[1:]:
+#            mod = getattr(mod, comp)
+#        return mod
+#    def commonPrefix(self,path1,path2):
+#        resultPath = []
+#        for elem1,elem2 in map(None,path1,path2):
+#            if elem1 == None or elem2 == None:
+#                break
+#            if elem1 == elem2:
+#              resultPath.append(elem1)
+#        return resultPath
+    def scanPaths(self,rootPath):
+        #rootPathSegments = segmentPath(self.rootPath)
+        #print 'root path:',rootPathSegments
+        for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(rootPath):
+             #print dirpath, dirnames, filenames
              for filename in filenames:
                  if self.pattern.match(filename):
-                     moduleName  = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
-                     className = string.upper(moduleName[0]) + moduleName[1:]
-                     module  = __import__ (moduleName)
+                     filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
+                     relativeModulePath  =  getModuleRelativePath(dirpath)
+                     #print filename, type(string.upper(filename[0])), 
+                     className = string.upper(filename[0]) + filename[1:]
+                     print relativeModulePath, className, filename
+                     if relativeModulePath != '':
+                         modulePath = '.'.join((relativeModulePath,filename))
+                     else:
+                         modulePath = filename
+                     print modulePath,className
+                     module  = __import__ (modulePath)
                      clazz =  getattr(module,className)
                      self.suite = 
-    #             
+    #
     def run(self):
         runner = unittest.TextTestRunner()
 class run_unit_tests(object):
-    def __init__(self,test_directory=None):
-        pass
+    ''' class to run  a particular unit test or a directory of unit tests'''
+    def __init__(self, rootPath=None, testModule=None,
+                 testPattern = ['test_(\.*).py'],
+                 rootSystemDirectory = 'test_suite/..',
+                 rootUnitTestDirectory = 'unit_tests'):
+        ''' initialise the unit test runner
+          @type  rootPath: a string containing a directory name
+          @param rootPath: root path to start searching for modules to unit 
+                 from ususally this is the current working directory.
+          @type  testModule: string
+          @param testModule: the name of a module to unit test. If the 
+                 is None it will default to the current working directorys
+                 contents. Otherwise it will be used as a module path from 
+                 current working directory.
+          @type  testPattern: a list of strings containing patterns
+          @param testPattern: a list of patterns against which files will be
+                 tested to see if they are expected to contain unit tests. If
+                 the file has the correct pattern the class
+                 <fileName>.<capitalisedFileName> will be searched for
+                 testCases e.g in the case of the combination
+                 would be test_float.Test_float.
+          @type  rootSystemDirectory: a string containing a directory name
+          @param rootSystemDirectory: the directory from which the 
+                 is rooted. This is viewed as the the 'PYTHONPATH'
+                 of the classes to be tested. It must be unique and defined
+                 relative to the test suite. For the current setup
+                 in relax this is 'test_suite/..'.
+          @type  rootUnitTestDirectory: a string containing a directory name
+          @param rootUnitTestDirectory: the directory from which all unit
+                 module directories descend. For the current setup in relax
+                 this is 'unit_tests'.
+        '''
+        self.testModule = testModule
+        if self.testModule == None:
+            self.testModule = sys.getcwd()
+        self.testPattern = testPattern
+        self.rootSystemDirectory = rootSystemDirectory
+        self.rootUnitTestDirectory = rootUnitTestDirectory
+    # should this be get last...
+    def getFirstInstancePath(self,path,targetDirectory):
+        ''' get the minimal path searching down the file system to
+            targetDirectory Note the algorithm understands .. and .
+            @type path:  a directory path in a string
+            @param path: a directory path so search down
+            @type  targetDirectory: a directory  name in a string
+            @param targetDirectory: a directory to find in the path
+        '''
+        segPath = segmentPath(os.path.abspath(path))
+        foundPath = None
+        stack = []
+        for seg in segPath():
+            if seg == '..':
+                stack.pop()
+            elif seg == '.':
+                continue
+            else:
+                stack.push(seg)
+            if stack[-1] == targetDirectory:
+                foundPath = os.path.join(segPath[:i+1])
+                break
+        return foundPath
+    def findUnitTestDirectoryPath(self,path):
+        ''' find the path to the unit_test directory starting from path and
+            using self.rootUnitTestDirectory
+             @type  path: a string containing a directory path
+             @param path: a path to a point to start searching to the system
+                    directory from.
+        '''
+        return getFirstInstancePath(path,self.rootUnitTestDirectory)
+    def findSystemDirectoryPath(self,path):
+        ''' find the path to the relax system starting from path and using
+            self.rootSystemDirectory
+             @type  path: a string containing a directory path
+             @param path: a path to a point to start searching to the system
+                    directory from.
+        '''
+        return getFirstInstancePath(path,self.rootSystemDirectory)
+    def pathFromTestModule(self,rootPath):
+       ''' determine the path of the self.testModule starting from rootPath
+           currently this assumes that if the last two names in testModule 
+           the same barring an initial  capital letter in the class name
+           then we can just look for the module. Thus the class name is 
+           off and we then join the moduleName together with the root unit 
+           path and a '.py'
+           note we can't deal with module methods...
+           @type  rootPath: string containing a directory name
+           @param rootPath: directory to start looking for the module from
+        '''
+        unitTestDirectory  = findUnitTestDirectoryPath(rootPath)
+        testModuleSegs = split(self.testModule,'.')
+        result = None
+        if len(testModuleSegs) >= 2:
+            putativeClassName =  testModuleSegs[-1]
+            classFromModuleName = string.lower(putativeClassName[0])+ 
+            putativeModuleName = testModuleSegs[-2]
+            if classFromModuleName == putativeModuleName:
+                copyTestModuleSegs =  copy(testModuleSegs)
+                copyTestModuleSegs.pop()
+                classFileName = copyTestModuleSegs.pop()
+                classFileName = classFileName + '.py'
+                testPath = 
os.path.join(unitTestDirectory,copyTestModuleSegs, classFileName)
+                if os.path.isfile(testPath):
+                    result = testPath
+         if result == None:
+             result  = os.path.join(unitTestDirectory,testModuleSegs)
+         return result
+    def runTests(self):
+        systemDirectory = self.findSystemDirectoryPath(self.rootPath)
+        unitTestDirectory = self.findUnitTestDirectoryPath(self.rootPath)
+        modulePath = self.pathFromTestModule(self,self.rootPath)
+        # add UnitTestDirectory to python path
+        #iterate and load unit tests from module path
+        # add SystemDirectory to python path
+        # iterate and load files to be tested
 if __name__ == '__main__':
+    print '1',getModuleRelativePath('/A/B/C',('/A/B',))
+    print '2',getModuleRelativePath('/A/B/C',('/A/B/C',))
+    print '3',getModuleRelativePath('/A/B/C',('/A/B/D/W',))
+    print getCommonPrefix(('A','B','C'),('A','B','C'))
+    print getCommonPrefix(('A','B','C'),('A','B','C','D'))
+    print getCommonPrefix(('D','E'),('A','B','C','D'))
+    print getCommonPrefix(('A','B','C','F'),('A','B','C','D'))
+    print getCommonPrefix((),('A','B','C','D'))
+    print ('A','B','C') == ('A','B','C')
     finder = TestFinder()
+# todo normcase home

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