mailr5305 - /1.3/generic_fns/structure/

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Posted by edward on April 04, 2008 - 16:03:
Author: bugman
Date: Fri Apr  4 16:03:20 2008
New Revision: 5305

Created the Scientific Python specific data object.

The functions specific to Scientific Python have been converted into methods 
of the object.  The new
object inherits from api_base.Str_object.


Modified: 1.3/generic_fns/structure/
--- 1.3/generic_fns/structure/ (original)
+++ 1.3/generic_fns/structure/ Fri Apr  4 16:03:20 2008
@@ -33,89 +33,59 @@
     module_avail = False
 # relax module imports.
+from api_base import Str_object
 from data import Data as relax_data_store
 from relax_errors import RelaxNoPdbChainError, RelaxNoResError, 
 from relax_warnings import RelaxNoAtomWarning, RelaxZeroVectorWarning
-def load_structures(file_path, model, verbosity=False):
-    """Function for loading the structures from the PDB file.
-    @param file_path:   The full path of the file.
-    @type file_path:    str
-    @param model:       The PDB model to use.
-    @type model:        int
-    @param verbosity:   A flag which if True will cause messages to be 
-    @type verbosity:    bool
-    """
-    # Alias the current data pipe.
-    cdp = relax_data_store[relax_data_store.current_pipe]
-    # Use pointers (references) if the PDB data exists in another run.
-    for data_pipe in relax_data_store:
-        if hasattr(data_pipe, 'structure') and hasattr(cdp.structure, 
'structures') and data_pipe.structure.file_name == file_path and 
data_pipe.structure.model == model:
-            # Make a pointer to the data.
-            cdp.structure.structures = data_pipe.structure.structures
+class Scientific_data(Str_object):
+    """The Scientific Python specific data object."""
+    def load_structures(self, file_path, model, verbosity=False):
+        """Function for loading the structures from the PDB file.
+        @param file_path:   The full path of the file.
+        @type file_path:    str
+        @param model:       The PDB model to use.
+        @type model:        int
+        @param verbosity:   A flag which if True will cause messages to be 
+        @type verbosity:    bool
+        """
+        # Alias the current data pipe.
+        cdp = relax_data_store[relax_data_store.current_pipe]
+        # Use pointers (references) if the PDB data exists in another run.
+        for data_pipe in relax_data_store:
+            if hasattr(data_pipe, 'structure') and hasattr(cdp.structure, 
'structures') and data_pipe.structure.file_name == file_path and 
data_pipe.structure.model == model:
+                # Make a pointer to the data.
+                cdp.structure.structures = data_pipe.structure.structures
+                # Print out.
+                if verbosity:
+                    print "Using the structures from the data pipe " + 
`data_pipe.pipe_name` + "."
+                    for i in xrange(len(cdp.structure.structures)):
+                        print cdp.structure.structures[i]
+                # Exit this function.
+                return
+        # Initialisation.
+        cdp.structure.structures = []
+        # Load the structure i from the PDB file.
+        if type(model) == int:
             # Print out.
             if verbosity:
-                print "Using the structures from the data pipe " + 
`data_pipe.pipe_name` + "."
-                for i in xrange(len(cdp.structure.structures)):
-                    print cdp.structure.structures[i]
-            # Exit this function.
-            return
-    # Initialisation.
-    cdp.structure.structures = []
-    # Load the structure i from the PDB file.
-    if type(model) == int:
-        # Print out.
-        if verbosity:
-            print "Loading structure " + `model` + " from the PDB file."
-        # Load the structure into 'str'.
-        str = Scientific.IO.PDB.Structure(file_path, model)
-        # Test the structure.
-        if len(str) == 0:
-            raise RelaxPdbLoadError, file_path
-        # Print the PDB info.
-        if verbosity:
-            print str
-        # Place the structure in 'cdp.structure'.
-        cdp.structure.structures.append(str)
-    # Load all structures.
-    else:
-        # Print out.
-        if verbosity:
-            print "Loading all structures from the PDB file."
-        # First model.
-        i = 1
-        # Loop over all the other structures.
-        while 1:
-            # Load the pdb files.
-            str = Scientific.IO.PDB.Structure(file_path, i)
-            # No model 1.
-            if len(str) == 0 and i == 1:
-                str = Scientific.IO.PDB.Structure(file_path)
-                if len(str) == 0:
-                    raise RelaxPdbLoadError, file_path
-            # Test if the last structure has been reached.
+                print "Loading structure " + `model` + " from the PDB file."
+            # Load the structure into 'str'.
+            str = Scientific.IO.PDB.Structure(file_path, model)
+            # Test the structure.
             if len(str) == 0:
-                del str
-                break
+                raise RelaxPdbLoadError, file_path
             # Print the PDB info.
             if verbosity:
@@ -124,109 +94,142 @@
             # Place the structure in 'cdp.structure'.
-            # Increment i.
-            i = i + 1
-def xh_vector(data, structure=None, unit=1):
-    """Function for calculating/extracting the XH vector from the loaded 
-    @param data:        The spin system data container.
-    @type data:         Residue instance
-    @param structure:   The structure number to get the XH vector from.  If 
set to None and
-        multiple structures exist, then the XH vector will be averaged 
across all structures.
-    @type structure:    int
-    @param unit:        A flag which if set will cause the function to 
return the unit XH vector
-        rather than the full vector.
-    @type unit:         int
-    @return:            The XH vector (or unit vector if the unit flag is 
-    @rtype:             list or None
-    """
-    # Initialise.
-    vector_array = []
-    ave_vector = zeros(3, float64)
-    # Alias the current data pipe.
-    cdp = relax_data_store[relax_data_store.current_pipe]
-    # Number of structures.
-    num_str = len(cdp.structure.structures)
-    # Loop over the structures.
-    for i in xrange(num_str):
-        # The vectors from a specific structure.
-        if structure != None and structure != i:
-            continue
-        # Reassign the first peptide or nucleotide chain of the first 
-        if cdp.structure.structures[i].peptide_chains:
-            pdb_residues = 
-        elif cdp.structure.structures[i].nucleotide_chains:
-            pdb_residues = 
+        # Load all structures.
-            raise RelaxNoPdbChainError
-        # Find the corresponding residue in the PDB.
-        pdb_res = None
-        for k in xrange(len(pdb_residues)):
-            if data.num == pdb_residues[k].number:
-                pdb_res = pdb_residues[k]
-                break
-        if pdb_res == None:
-            raise RelaxNoResError, data.num
-        # Test if the proton atom exists for residue i.
-        if not pdb_res.atoms.has_key(data.proton):
-            warn(RelaxNoAtomWarning(data.proton, data.num))
-        # Test if the heteronucleus atom exists for residue i.
-        elif not pdb_res.atoms.has_key(data.heteronuc):
-            warn(RelaxNoAtomWarning(data.heteronuc, data.num))
-        # Calculate the vector.
-        else:
-            # Get the proton position.
-            posH = pdb_res.atoms[data.proton].position.array
-            # Get the heteronucleus position.
-            posX = pdb_res.atoms[data.heteronuc].position.array
-            # Calculate the XH bond vector.
-            vector = posH - posX
-            # Unit vector.
-            if unit:
-                # Normalisation factor.
-                norm_factor = sqrt(dot(vector, vector))
-                # Test for zero length.
-                if norm_factor == 0.0:
-                    warn(RelaxZeroVectorWarning(data.num))
-                # Calculate the normalised vector.
+            # Print out.
+            if verbosity:
+                print "Loading all structures from the PDB file."
+            # First model.
+            i = 1
+            # Loop over all the other structures.
+            while 1:
+                # Load the pdb files.
+                str = Scientific.IO.PDB.Structure(file_path, i)
+                # No model 1.
+                if len(str) == 0 and i == 1:
+                    str = Scientific.IO.PDB.Structure(file_path)
+                    if len(str) == 0:
+                        raise RelaxPdbLoadError, file_path
+                # Test if the last structure has been reached.
+                if len(str) == 0:
+                    del str
+                    break
+                # Print the PDB info.
+                if verbosity:
+                    print str
+                # Place the structure in 'cdp.structure'.
+                cdp.structure.structures.append(str)
+                # Increment i.
+                i = i + 1
+    def xh_vector(self, data, structure=None, unit=1):
+        """Function for calculating/extracting the XH vector from the loaded 
+        @param data:        The spin system data container.
+        @type data:         Residue instance
+        @param structure:   The structure number to get the XH vector from.  
If set to None and
+            multiple structures exist, then the XH vector will be averaged 
across all structures.
+        @type structure:    int
+        @param unit:        A flag which if set will cause the function to 
return the unit XH vector
+            rather than the full vector.
+        @type unit:         int
+        @return:            The XH vector (or unit vector if the unit flag 
is set).
+        @rtype:             list or None
+        """
+        # Initialise.
+        vector_array = []
+        ave_vector = zeros(3, float64)
+        # Alias the current data pipe.
+        cdp = relax_data_store[relax_data_store.current_pipe]
+        # Number of structures.
+        num_str = len(cdp.structure.structures)
+        # Loop over the structures.
+        for i in xrange(num_str):
+            # The vectors from a specific structure.
+            if structure != None and structure != i:
+                continue
+            # Reassign the first peptide or nucleotide chain of the first 
+            if cdp.structure.structures[i].peptide_chains:
+                pdb_residues = 
+            elif cdp.structure.structures[i].nucleotide_chains:
+                pdb_residues = 
+            else:
+                raise RelaxNoPdbChainError
+            # Find the corresponding residue in the PDB.
+            pdb_res = None
+            for k in xrange(len(pdb_residues)):
+                if data.num == pdb_residues[k].number:
+                    pdb_res = pdb_residues[k]
+                    break
+            if pdb_res == None:
+                raise RelaxNoResError, data.num
+            # Test if the proton atom exists for residue i.
+            if not pdb_res.atoms.has_key(data.proton):
+                warn(RelaxNoAtomWarning(data.proton, data.num))
+            # Test if the heteronucleus atom exists for residue i.
+            elif not pdb_res.atoms.has_key(data.heteronuc):
+                warn(RelaxNoAtomWarning(data.heteronuc, data.num))
+            # Calculate the vector.
+            else:
+                # Get the proton position.
+                posH = pdb_res.atoms[data.proton].position.array
+                # Get the heteronucleus position.
+                posX = pdb_res.atoms[data.heteronuc].position.array
+                # Calculate the XH bond vector.
+                vector = posH - posX
+                # Unit vector.
+                if unit:
+                    # Normalisation factor.
+                    norm_factor = sqrt(dot(vector, vector))
+                    # Test for zero length.
+                    if norm_factor == 0.0:
+                        warn(RelaxZeroVectorWarning(data.num))
+                    # Calculate the normalised vector.
+                    else:
+                        vector_array.append(vector / norm_factor)
+                # Normal XH vector.
-                    vector_array.append(vector / norm_factor)
-            # Normal XH vector.
-            else:
-                vector_array.append(vector)
-    # Return None if there are no vectors.
-    if not len(vector_array):
-        return
-    # Sum the vectors.
-    for vector in vector_array:
-        # Sum.
-        ave_vector = ave_vector + vector
-    # Average the vector.
-    ave_vector = ave_vector / len(vector_array)
-    # Unit vector.
-    if unit:
-        ave_vector = ave_vector / sqrt(dot(ave_vector, ave_vector))
-    # Return the vector.
-    return ave_vector
+                    vector_array.append(vector)
+        # Return None if there are no vectors.
+        if not len(vector_array):
+            return
+        # Sum the vectors.
+        for vector in vector_array:
+            # Sum.
+            ave_vector = ave_vector + vector
+        # Average the vector.
+        ave_vector = ave_vector / len(vector_array)
+        # Unit vector.
+        if unit:
+            ave_vector = ave_vector / sqrt(dot(ave_vector, ave_vector))
+        # Return the vector.
+        return ave_vector

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