mailr15872 - in /1.3/gui:

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Posted by edward on May 02, 2012 - 16:53:
Author: bugman
Date: Wed May  2 16:53:41 2012
New Revision: 15872

Completed the wizard string list GUI element.

This control opens a dialog consisting of an editable ListCtrl that the user 
can input the text


Modified: 1.3/gui/
--- 1.3/gui/ (original)
+++ 1.3/gui/ Wed May  2 16:53:41 2012
@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@
         # Create the element.
-        element = String_list(self, sizer, desc, tooltip=tooltip, 
divider=divider, padding=padding, spacer=spacer)
+        element = String_list(name=key, parent=self, sizer=sizer, desc=desc, 
tooltip=tooltip, divider=divider, padding=padding, spacer=spacer)
         # Store it.
         self._elements[key] = element

Modified: 1.3/gui/
--- 1.3/gui/ (original)
+++ 1.3/gui/ Wed May  2 16:53:41 2012
@@ -24,23 +24,32 @@
 """Module containing a set of special GUI elements to be used in the relax 
 # Python module imports.
+from string import upper
 import wx
+import wx.lib.mixins.listctrl
+# relax module imports.
+from status import Status; status = Status()
 # relax GUI module imports.
 from gui.fonts import font
+from gui.misc import add_border, gui_to_list, gui_to_str, list_to_gui, 
+from gui import paths
 class String_list:
     """Wizard GUI element for the input of lists of strings."""
-    def __init__(self, parent, sizer, desc, tooltip=None, divider=None, 
padding=0, spacer=None):
+    def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None, sizer=None, desc=None, 
tooltip=None, divider=None, padding=0, spacer=None):
         """Set up the element.
-        @param parent:      The wizard GUI element.
+        @keyword name:      The name of the element to use in titles, etc.
+        @type name:         str
+        @keyword parent:    The wizard GUI element.
         @type parent:       wx.Panel instance
-        @param sizer:       The sizer to put the input field widget into.
+        @keyword sizer:     The sizer to put the input field widget into.
         @type sizer:        wx.Sizer instance
-        @param desc:        The text description.
+        @keyword desc:      The text description.
         @type desc:         str
         @keyword tooltip:   The tooltip which appears on hovering over the 
text or input field.
         @type tooltip:      str
@@ -52,6 +61,9 @@
         @type spacer:       None or int
+        # Store the args.
+ = name
         # Init.
         sub_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
@@ -75,7 +87,19 @@
         self._field = wx.TextCtrl(parent, -1, '')
         self._field.SetMinSize((50, parent.height_element))
+        self._field.SetEditable(False)
+        colour = parent.GetBackgroundColour()
+        self._field.SetOwnBackgroundColour(colour)
         sub_sizer.Add(self._field, 1, 
+        # A little spacing.
+        sub_sizer.AddSpacer(5)
+        # The file selection button.
+        button = wx.BitmapButton(parent, -1, 
wx.Bitmap(paths.icon_16x16.edit_rename, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY))
+        button.SetMinSize((parent.height_element, parent.height_element))
+        sub_sizer.Add(button, 0, wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 
+        parent.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.open_dialog, button)
         # Right padding.
@@ -115,3 +139,233 @@
         # Convert and set the value.
+    def open_dialog(self, event):
+        """Open a special dialog for inputting a list of text values.
+        @param event:   The wx event.
+        @type event:    wx event
+        """
+        # Initialise the model selection window.
+        win = String_list_window(
+        # Set the model selector window selections.
+        win.SetValue(self.GetValue())
+        # Show the model selector window.
+        if status.show_gui:
+            win.ShowModal()
+            win.Close()
+        # Set the values.
+        self.SetValue(win.GetValue())
+        # Destroy the window.
+        del win
+class String_list_ctrl(wx.ListCtrl, wx.lib.mixins.listctrl.TextEditMixin, 
+    """The string list ListCtrl object."""
+    def __init__(self, parent):
+        """Initialise the control.
+        @param parent:  The parent window.
+        @type parent:   wx.Frame instance
+        """
+        # Execute the parent __init__() methods.
+        wx.ListCtrl.__init__(self, parent, -1, 
+        wx.lib.mixins.listctrl.TextEditMixin.__init__(self)
+        wx.lib.mixins.listctrl.ListCtrlAutoWidthMixin.__init__(self)
+class String_list_window(wx.Dialog):
+    """The string list editor window."""
+    # The window size.
+    SIZE = (600, 600)
+    # A border.
+    BORDER = 10
+    # Sizes.
+    SIZE_BUTTON = (150, 33)
+    def __init__(self, name=''):
+        """Set up the string list editor window.
+        @keyword name:  The name of the window.
+        @type name:     str
+        """
+        # Store the args.
+ = name
+        # The title of the dialog.
+        title = "The list of %s" % name
+        # Set up the dialog.
+        wx.Dialog.__init__(self, None, id=-1, title=title)
+        # Initialise some values
+        width = self.SIZE[0] - 2*self.BORDER
+        # Set the frame properties.
+        self.SetSize(self.SIZE)
+        self.Centre()
+        self.SetFont(font.normal)
+        # The main box sizer.
+        main_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        # Pack the sizer into the frame.
+        self.SetSizer(main_sizer)
+        # Build the central sizer, with borders.
+        sizer = add_border(main_sizer, border=self.BORDER, 
+        # Add the list control.
+        self.add_list(sizer)
+        # Some spacing.
+        sizer.AddSpacer(self.BORDER)
+        # Add the bottom buttons.
+        self.add_buttons(sizer)
+    def GetValue(self):
+        """Return the values as a list of strings.
+        @return:    The list of values.
+        @rtype:     list of str
+        """
+        # Init.
+        values = []
+        # Loop over the entries.
+        for i in range(self.list.GetItemCount()):
+            values.append(gui_to_str(self.list.GetItemText(i)))
+        # Return the list.
+        return values
+    def SetValue(self, values):
+        """Set up the list values.
+        @param values:  The list of values to add to the list.
+        @type values:   list of str
+        """
+        # Loop over the entries.
+        for i in range(len(values)):
+            self.list.InsertStringItem(i, str_to_gui(values[i]))
+    def add_buttons(self, sizer):
+        """Add the buttons to the sizer.
+        @param sizer:   A sizer object.
+        @type sizer:    wx.Sizer instance
+        """
+        # Create a horizontal layout for the buttons.
+        button_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+        sizer.Add(button_sizer, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ALL, 0)
+        # The add button.
+        button = wx.lib.buttons.ThemedGenBitmapTextButton(self, -1, None, "  
+        button.SetBitmapLabel(wx.Bitmap(paths.icon_22x22.add, 
+        button.SetFont(font.normal)
+        button.SetToolTipString("Add a row to the list.")
+        button.SetMinSize(self.SIZE_BUTTON)
+        button_sizer.Add(button, 0, wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 0)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.append_row, button)
+        # Spacer.
+        button_sizer.AddSpacer(20)
+        # The delete all button.
+        button = wx.lib.buttons.ThemedGenBitmapTextButton(self, -1, None, "  
Delete all")
+        button.SetBitmapLabel(wx.Bitmap(paths.icon_22x22.edit_delete, 
+        button.SetFont(font.normal)
+        button.SetToolTipString("Delete all items.")
+        button.SetMinSize(self.SIZE_BUTTON)
+        button_sizer.Add(button, 0, wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 0)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.delete_all, button)
+        # Spacer.
+        button_sizer.AddSpacer(20)
+        # The Ok button.
+        button = wx.lib.buttons.ThemedGenBitmapTextButton(self, -1, None, "  
+        button.SetBitmapLabel(wx.Bitmap(paths.icon_22x22.dialog_ok, 
+        button.SetFont(font.normal)
+        button.SetMinSize(self.SIZE_BUTTON)
+        button_sizer.Add(button, 0, wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE, 0)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.close, button)
+    def add_list(self, sizer):
+        """Set up the list control.
+        @param sizer:   A sizer object.
+        @type sizer:    wx.Sizer instance
+        """
+        # The control.
+        self.list = String_list_ctrl(self)
+        # Set the column title.
+        title = "%s%s" % (upper([0]),[1:])
+        # Add a single column, full width.
+        self.list.InsertColumn(0, title)
+        self.list.SetColumnWidth(0, wx.LIST_AUTOSIZE)
+        # Add the table to the sizer.
+        sizer.Add(self.list, 1, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 0)
+    def append_row(self, event):
+        """Append a new row to the list.
+        @param event:   The wx event.
+        @type event:    wx event
+        """
+        # The next index.
+        next = self.list.GetItemCount()
+        # Add a new empty row.
+        self.list.InsertStringItem(next, '')
+    def close(self, event):
+        """Close the window.
+        @param event:   The wx event.
+        @type event:    wx event
+        """
+        # Destroy the window.
+        self.Destroy()
+    def delete_all(self, event):
+        """Remove all items from the list.
+        @param event:   The wx event.
+        @type event:    wx event
+        """
+        # Delete.
+        self.list.DeleteAllItems()

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