mailr16365 - /branches/uf_redesign/gui/input_elements/

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Posted by edward on May 22, 2012 - 10:27:
Author: bugman
Date: Tue May 22 10:27:42 2012
New Revision: 16365

The Sequence GUI element now better handles single values in the GetValue() 


Modified: branches/uf_redesign/gui/input_elements/
--- branches/uf_redesign/gui/input_elements/ (original)
+++ branches/uf_redesign/gui/input_elements/ Tue May 22 10:27:42 
@@ -111,249 +111,6 @@
         self.single_value = single_value
         self.can_be_none = can_be_none
-        # The sequence types.
-        if seq_type == 'list':
-            self.convert_from_gui = gui_to_list
-            self.convert_to_gui =   list_to_gui
-        elif seq_type == 'tuple':
-            self.convert_from_gui = gui_to_tuple
-            self.convert_to_gui =   tuple_to_gui
-        else:
-            raise RelaxError("Unknown sequence type '%s'." % seq_type)
-        # Initialise the default element.
-        if self.element_type == 'default':
-            # Translate the read_only flag if None.
-            if read_only == None:
-                read_only = False
-            # Init.
-            sub_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
-            # Left padding.
-            sub_sizer.AddSpacer(padding)
-            # The description.
-            text = wx.StaticText(parent, -1, desc, style=wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
-            text.SetFont(font.normal)
-            sub_sizer.Add(text, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 0)
-            # The divider.
-            if not divider:
-                raise RelaxError("The divider position has not been 
-            # Spacing.
-            x, y = text.GetSize()
-            sub_sizer.AddSpacer((divider - x, 0))
-            # The input field.
-            self._field = wx.TextCtrl(parent, -1, '')
-            self._field.SetMinSize((50, height_element))
-            self._field.SetFont(font.normal)
-            sub_sizer.Add(self._field, 1, 
-            # Read-only.
-            if read_only:
-                self._field.SetEditable(False)
-                colour = parent.GetBackgroundColour()
-                self._field.SetOwnBackgroundColour(colour)
-            # A little spacing.
-            sub_sizer.AddSpacer(5)
-            # The edit button.
-            button = wx.BitmapButton(parent, -1, 
wx.Bitmap(paths.icon_16x16.edit_rename, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY))
-            button.SetMinSize((height_element, height_element))
-            button.SetToolTipString("Edit the values.")
-            sub_sizer.Add(button, 0, 
-            parent.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.open_dialog, button)
-            # Right padding.
-            sub_sizer.AddSpacer(padding)
-            # Add to the main sizer.
-            sizer.Add(sub_sizer, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 0)
-            # Spacing below the widget.
-            if spacer == None:
-                sizer.AddStretchSpacer()
-            else:
-                sizer.AddSpacer(spacer)
-            # Tooltip.
-            if tooltip:
-                text.SetToolTipString(tooltip)
-                self._field.SetToolTipString(tooltip)
-            # Set the default value.
-            if self.default != None:
-                self._field.SetValue(self.convert_to_gui(self.default))
-        # Initialise the combo list input field.
-        elif self.element_type == 'combo_list':
-            # Translate the read_only flag if None.
-            if read_only == None:
-                read_only = False
-            # Set up the Combo_list object.
-            self._field = Combo_list(parent, sizer, desc, 
value_type=value_type, min_length=combo_list_min, choices=combo_choices, 
data=combo_data, default=default, tooltip=tooltip, read_only=read_only, 
-        # Unknown field.
-        else:
-            raise RelaxError("Unknown element type '%s'." % 
-    def Clear(self):
-        """Special method for clearing or resetting the GUI element."""
-        # Clear the value from a TextCtrl or ComboBox.
-        if self.element_type in ['default', 'combo_list']:
-            self._field.Clear()
-    def GetValue(self):
-        """Special method for returning the sequence values of the GUI 
-        @return:    The sequence of values.
-        @rtype:     sequence type
-        """
-        # The value.
-        value = self._field.GetValue()
-        # Convert, handling bad user behaviour.
-        try:
-            value = self.convert_from_gui(value)
-        except RelaxError:
-            if self.seq_type == 'list':
-                value = []
-            else:
-                value = ()
-        # Handle single values.
-        if self.single_value and len(value) == 1:
-            if self.seq_type == 'list' and not isinstance(value, list):
-                value = [value]
-            elif self.seq_type == 'tuple' and not isinstance(value, tuple):
-                value = (value,)
-        # Handle empty values.
-        if len(value) == 0:
-            return None
-        # Return the value.
-        return value
-    def ResetChoices(self, combo_choices=None, combo_data=None, 
-        """Special wizard method for resetting the list of choices in a 
ComboBox type element.
-        @param key:             The key corresponding to the desired GUI 
-        @type key:              str
-        @keyword combo_choices: The list of choices to present to the user.  
This is only used if the element_type is set to 'combo_list'.
-        @type combo_choices:    list of str
-        @keyword combo_data:    The data returned by a call to GetValue().  
This is only used if the element_type is set to 'combo_list'.  If supplied, 
it should be the same length at the combo_choices list.  If not supplied, the 
combo_choices list will be used for the returned data.
-        @type combo_data:       list
-        @keyword combo_default: The default value of the ComboBox.  This is 
only used if the element_type is set to 'combo_list'.
-        @type combo_default:    str or None
-        """
-        # The ComboBox list.
-        if self.element_type == 'combo_list':
-            self._field.ResetChoices(combo_choices=combo_choices, 
combo_data=combo_data, combo_default=combo_default)
-    def SetValue(self, value=None, index=None):
-        """Special method for setting the value of the GUI element.
-        @keyword value: The value to set.
-        @type value:    value or list of values
-        @keyword index: The index of the value to set, if the full list is 
not given.
-        @type index:    int or None
-        """
-        # The ComboBox list.
-        if self.element_type == 'combo_list':
-            self._field.SetValue(value=value, index=index)
-        # The other elements.
-        else:
-            # Handle single values.
-            if self.single_value and isinstance(value, list):
-                if len(value) == 1:
-                    value = value[0]
-                else:
-                    raise RelaxError("The list of values '%s' cannot be 
converted to a single value." % value)
-            # Convert and set the value.
-            self._field.SetValue(self.convert_to_gui(value))
-    def open_dialog(self, event):
-        """Open a special dialog for inputting a list of text values.
-        @param event:   The wx event.
-        @type event:    wx event
-        """
-        # Initialise the model selection window.
-        win = Sequence_window(, seq_type=self.seq_type, 
value_type=self.value_type, dim=self.dim)
-        # Set the model selector window selections.
-        win.SetValue(self.GetValue())
-        # Show the model selector window.
-        if status.show_gui:
-            win.ShowModal()
-            win.Close()
-        # Get the value.
-        value = win.GetValue()
-        # No sequence data.
-        if not len(value):
-            self.Clear()
-        # Set the values.
-        else:
-            self.SetValue(value)
-        # Destroy the window.
-        del win
-class Sequence_window(wx.Dialog):
-    """The Python sequence object editor window."""
-    # The window size.
-    SIZE = (600, 600)
-    # A border.
-    BORDER = 10
-    # Sizes.
-    SIZE_BUTTON = (150, 33)
-    def __init__(self, name='', seq_type='list', value_type='str', dim=None):
-        """Set up the string list editor window.
-        @keyword name:          The name of the window.
-        @type name:             str
-        @keyword seq_type:      The type of Python sequence.  This should be 
one of 'list' or 'tuple'.
-        @type seq_type:         str
-        @keyword value_type:    The type of Python data expected in the 
sequence.  This should be one of 'float', 'int', or 'str'.
-        @type value_type:       str
-        @keyword dim:           The fixed dimension that the sequence must 
conform to.
-        @type dim:              int or None
-        """
-        # Store the args.
- = name
-        self.seq_type = seq_type
-        self.value_type = value_type
-        self.dim = dim
         # The base types.
         if value_type in ['float', 'num']:
             self.convert_from_gui = gui_to_float
@@ -367,6 +124,271 @@
             raise RelaxError("Unknown base data type '%s'." % value_type)
+        # The sequence types.
+        if seq_type == 'list':
+            self.convert_from_gui_seq = gui_to_list
+            self.convert_to_gui_seq =   list_to_gui
+        elif seq_type == 'tuple':
+            self.convert_from_gui_seq = gui_to_tuple
+            self.convert_to_gui_seq =   tuple_to_gui
+        else:
+            raise RelaxError("Unknown sequence type '%s'." % seq_type)
+        # Initialise the default element.
+        if self.element_type == 'default':
+            # Translate the read_only flag if None.
+            if read_only == None:
+                read_only = False
+            # Init.
+            sub_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+            # Left padding.
+            sub_sizer.AddSpacer(padding)
+            # The description.
+            text = wx.StaticText(parent, -1, desc, style=wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
+            text.SetFont(font.normal)
+            sub_sizer.Add(text, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 0)
+            # The divider.
+            if not divider:
+                raise RelaxError("The divider position has not been 
+            # Spacing.
+            x, y = text.GetSize()
+            sub_sizer.AddSpacer((divider - x, 0))
+            # The input field.
+            self._field = wx.TextCtrl(parent, -1, '')
+            self._field.SetMinSize((50, height_element))
+            self._field.SetFont(font.normal)
+            sub_sizer.Add(self._field, 1, 
+            # Read-only.
+            if read_only:
+                self._field.SetEditable(False)
+                colour = parent.GetBackgroundColour()
+                self._field.SetOwnBackgroundColour(colour)
+            # A little spacing.
+            sub_sizer.AddSpacer(5)
+            # The edit button.
+            button = wx.BitmapButton(parent, -1, 
wx.Bitmap(paths.icon_16x16.edit_rename, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY))
+            button.SetMinSize((height_element, height_element))
+            button.SetToolTipString("Edit the values.")
+            sub_sizer.Add(button, 0, 
+            parent.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.open_dialog, button)
+            # Right padding.
+            sub_sizer.AddSpacer(padding)
+            # Add to the main sizer.
+            sizer.Add(sub_sizer, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 0)
+            # Spacing below the widget.
+            if spacer == None:
+                sizer.AddStretchSpacer()
+            else:
+                sizer.AddSpacer(spacer)
+            # Tooltip.
+            if tooltip:
+                text.SetToolTipString(tooltip)
+                self._field.SetToolTipString(tooltip)
+            # Set the default value.
+            if self.default != None:
+                self._field.SetValue(self.convert_to_gui_seq(self.default))
+        # Initialise the combo list input field.
+        elif self.element_type == 'combo_list':
+            # Translate the read_only flag if None.
+            if read_only == None:
+                read_only = False
+            # Set up the Combo_list object.
+            self._field = Combo_list(parent, sizer, desc, 
value_type=value_type, min_length=combo_list_min, choices=combo_choices, 
data=combo_data, default=default, tooltip=tooltip, read_only=read_only, 
+        # Unknown field.
+        else:
+            raise RelaxError("Unknown element type '%s'." % 
+    def Clear(self):
+        """Special method for clearing or resetting the GUI element."""
+        # Clear the value from a TextCtrl or ComboBox.
+        if self.element_type in ['default', 'combo_list']:
+            self._field.Clear()
+    def GetValue(self):
+        """Special method for returning the sequence values of the GUI 
+        @return:    The sequence of values.
+        @rtype:     sequence type
+        """
+        # The value.
+        value = self._field.GetValue()
+        # Handle single values.
+        if self.single_value:
+            try:
+                value = self.convert_from_gui(value)
+                value_set = True
+            except:
+                value_set = False
+        # Convert to a sequence, handling bad user behaviour.
+        if not value_set:
+            try:
+                value = self.convert_from_gui_seq(value)
+            except RelaxError:
+                if self.seq_type == 'list':
+                    value = []
+                else:
+                    value = ()
+        # Handle single values.
+        if self.single_value and isinstance(value, list):
+            if self.seq_type == 'list' and not isinstance(value, list):
+                value = [value]
+            elif self.seq_type == 'tuple' and not isinstance(value, tuple):
+                value = (value,)
+        # Handle empty values.
+        if len(value) == 0:
+            return None
+        # Return the value.
+        return value
+    def ResetChoices(self, combo_choices=None, combo_data=None, 
+        """Special wizard method for resetting the list of choices in a 
ComboBox type element.
+        @param key:             The key corresponding to the desired GUI 
+        @type key:              str
+        @keyword combo_choices: The list of choices to present to the user.  
This is only used if the element_type is set to 'combo_list'.
+        @type combo_choices:    list of str
+        @keyword combo_data:    The data returned by a call to GetValue().  
This is only used if the element_type is set to 'combo_list'.  If supplied, 
it should be the same length at the combo_choices list.  If not supplied, the 
combo_choices list will be used for the returned data.
+        @type combo_data:       list
+        @keyword combo_default: The default value of the ComboBox.  This is 
only used if the element_type is set to 'combo_list'.
+        @type combo_default:    str or None
+        """
+        # The ComboBox list.
+        if self.element_type == 'combo_list':
+            self._field.ResetChoices(combo_choices=combo_choices, 
combo_data=combo_data, combo_default=combo_default)
+    def SetValue(self, value=None, index=None):
+        """Special method for setting the value of the GUI element.
+        @keyword value: The value to set.
+        @type value:    value or list of values
+        @keyword index: The index of the value to set, if the full list is 
not given.
+        @type index:    int or None
+        """
+        # The ComboBox list.
+        if self.element_type == 'combo_list':
+            self._field.SetValue(value=value, index=index)
+        # The other elements.
+        else:
+            # Handle single values.
+            if self.single_value and isinstance(value, list):
+                if len(value) == 1:
+                    value = value[0]
+                else:
+                    raise RelaxError("The list of values '%s' cannot be 
converted to a single value." % value)
+            # Convert and set the value.
+            self._field.SetValue(self.convert_to_gui(value))
+    def open_dialog(self, event):
+        """Open a special dialog for inputting a list of text values.
+        @param event:   The wx event.
+        @type event:    wx event
+        """
+        # Initialise the model selection window.
+        win = Sequence_window(, seq_type=self.seq_type, 
value_type=self.value_type, dim=self.dim)
+        # Set the model selector window selections.
+        win.SetValue(self.GetValue())
+        # Show the model selector window.
+        if status.show_gui:
+            win.ShowModal()
+            win.Close()
+        # Get the value.
+        value = win.GetValue()
+        # No sequence data.
+        if not len(value):
+            self.Clear()
+        # Set the values.
+        else:
+            self.SetValue(value)
+        # Destroy the window.
+        del win
+class Sequence_window(wx.Dialog):
+    """The Python sequence object editor window."""
+    # The window size.
+    SIZE = (600, 600)
+    # A border.
+    BORDER = 10
+    # Sizes.
+    SIZE_BUTTON = (150, 33)
+    def __init__(self, name='', seq_type='list', value_type='str', dim=None):
+        """Set up the string list editor window.
+        @keyword name:          The name of the window.
+        @type name:             str
+        @keyword seq_type:      The type of Python sequence.  This should be 
one of 'list' or 'tuple'.
+        @type seq_type:         str
+        @keyword value_type:    The type of Python data expected in the 
sequence.  This should be one of 'float', 'int', or 'str'.
+        @type value_type:       str
+        @keyword dim:           The fixed dimension that the sequence must 
conform to.
+        @type dim:              int or None
+        """
+        # Store the args.
+ = name
+        self.seq_type = seq_type
+        self.value_type = value_type
+        self.dim = dim
+        # The base types.
+        if value_type in ['float', 'num']:
+            self.convert_from_gui = gui_to_float
+            self.convert_to_gui =   float_to_gui
+        elif value_type == 'int':
+            self.convert_from_gui = gui_to_int
+            self.convert_to_gui =   int_to_gui
+        elif value_type == 'str':
+            self.convert_from_gui = gui_to_str
+            self.convert_to_gui =   str_to_gui
+        else:
+            raise RelaxError("Unknown base data type '%s'." % value_type)
         # The title of the dialog.
         title = "Edit the %s values." % name

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