mailr16747 - /branches/uf_redesign/gui/components/

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Posted by edward on June 08, 2012 - 10:01:
Author: bugman
Date: Fri Jun  8 10:01:35 2012
New Revision: 16747

Large simplifications of the relaxation data metadata list GUI element by 
using the Base_list class.


Modified: branches/uf_redesign/gui/components/
--- branches/uf_redesign/gui/components/ (original)
+++ branches/uf_redesign/gui/components/ Fri Jun  8 
10:01:35 2012
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
 # Python module imports.
 import wx
-import wx.lib.buttons
 # relax module imports.
 from graphics import fetch_icon
@@ -34,92 +33,13 @@
 from import Uf_info; uf_info = Uf_info()
 # relax GUI module imports.
-from import build_menu_item
-from gui.fonts import font
-from gui.misc import add_border
-from gui.string_conv import float_to_gui, gui_to_str, str_to_gui
+from gui.components.base_list import Base_list
+from gui.string_conv import gui_to_str, str_to_gui
 from gui.uf_objects import Uf_storage; uf_store = Uf_storage()
-class Relax_data_meta_list:
+class Relax_data_meta_list(Base_list):
     """The GUI element for listing loaded relaxation data."""
-    # Some IDs for the menu entries.
-    def __init__(self, parent=None, box=None, id=None, stretch=False):
-        """Build the relaxation data list GUI element.
-        @keyword parent:    The parent GUI element that this is to be 
attached to (the panel object).
-        @type parent:       wx object
-        @keyword data:      The data storage container.
-        @type data:         class instance
-        @keyword box:       The vertical box sizer to pack this GUI 
component into.
-        @type box:          wx.BoxSizer instance
-        @keyword id:        A unique identification string.  This is used to 
register the update method with the GUI user function observer object.
-        @type id:           str
-        @keyword stretch:   A flag which if True will allow the static box 
to stretch with the window.
-        @type stretch:      bool
-        """
-        # Store the arguments.
-        self.parent = parent
-        self.stretch = stretch
-        # Stretching.
-        self.proportion = 0
-        if stretch:
-            self.proportion = 1
-        # GUI variables.
-        self.spacing = 5
-        self.border = 5
-        # First create a panel.
-        self.panel = wx.Panel(self.parent)
-        box.Add(self.panel, self.proportion, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 0)
-        # Add a sizer to the panel.
-        panel_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-        self.panel.SetSizer(panel_sizer)
-        # A static box to hold all the widgets, and its sizer.
-        self.data_box = wx.StaticBox(self.panel, -1)
-        self.set_box_label()
-        self.data_box.SetFont(font.subtitle)
-        sub_sizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(self.data_box, wx.VERTICAL)
-        # Add the sizer to the static box and the static box to the main box.
-        panel_sizer.Add(sub_sizer, self.proportion, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 0)
-        # Add a border.
-        box_centre = add_border(sub_sizer, border=self.border)
-        # Initialise the element.
-        box_centre.AddSpacer(self.spacing)
-        self.init_element(box_centre)
-        # Build the element.
-        self.build_element()
-        # Initialise observer name.
- = 'relaxation metadata list: %s' % id
-        # Register the element for updating when a user function completes.
-        self.observer_register()
-    def Enable(self, enable=True):
-        """Enable or disable the element.
-        @keyword enable:    The flag specifying if the element should be 
enabled or disabled.
-        @type enable:       bool
-        """
     def action_relax_data_display(self, event):
         """Launch the relax_data.display user function.
@@ -213,28 +133,99 @@
ri_id=id, method=method)
-    def build_element(self):
-        """Build the relaxation data listing grid."""
-        # Execution lock, so do nothing.
-        if status.exec_lock.locked():
-            return
-        # Build the GUI element in a thread safe way.
-        wx.CallAfter(self.build_element_safe)
-    def build_element_safe(self):
-        """Build the spectra listing GUI element in a thread safe 
wx.CallAfter call."""
-        # First freeze the element, so that the GUI element doesn't update 
until the end.
-        self.element.Freeze()
-        # Update the label.
-        self.set_box_label()
-        # Delete the previous data.
-        self.element.DeleteAllItems()
+    def is_complete(self):
+        """Determine if the data input is complete.
+        @return:    The answer to the question.
+        @rtype:     bool
+        """
+        # No relaxation data.
+        if not hasattr(cdp, 'ri_ids'):
+            return True
+        # The number of IDs.
+        n = len(cdp.ri_ids)
+        # Add all the data.
+        for i in range(n):
+            # The ID.
+            id = cdp.ri_ids[i]
+            # Check the peak intensity types.
+            if not hasattr(cdp, 'exp_info') or not hasattr(cdp.exp_info, 
'peak_intensity_type') or not id in cdp.exp_info.peak_intensity_type.keys():
+                return False
+            # Check the temperature calibration methods.
+            if not hasattr(cdp, 'exp_info') or not hasattr(cdp.exp_info, 
'temp_calibration') or not id in cdp.exp_info.temp_calibration.keys():
+                return False
+            # Check the temperature control methods.
+            if not hasattr(cdp, 'exp_info') or not hasattr(cdp.exp_info, 
'temp_control') or not id in cdp.exp_info.temp_control.keys():
+                return False
+        # Data input is complete!
+        return True
+    def set_box_label(self):
+        """Set the label of the StaticBox."""
+        # Determine if the data input is complete.
+        label = self.title
+        if self.is_complete():
+            label += " (complete)"
+        else:
+            label += " (incomplete)"
+        # Set the label.
+        self.data_box.SetLabel(label)
+    def setup(self):
+        """Override the base variables."""
+        # GUI variables.
+        self.title = "Relaxation data metadata"
+        self.observer_base_name = "relaxation metadata list"
+        self.button_placement = None
+        # The column titles.
+        self.columns = [
+            "Relaxation data ID",
+            "Peak intensity type",
+            "Temperature calibration",
+            "Temperature control"
+        ]
+        # The right click popup menu.
+        self.popup_menus = [
+            {
+                'id': wx.NewId(),
+                'text': "Dis&play the relaxation data",
+                'icon': 
+                'method': self.action_relax_data_display
+            }, {
+                'id': wx.NewId(),
+                'text': "Set the peak &intensity type",
+                'icon': 
+                'method': self.action_relax_data_peak_intensity_type
+            }, {
+                'id': wx.NewId(),
+                'text': "Set the temperature &calibration",
+                'icon': 
+                'method': self.action_relax_data_temp_calibration
+            }, {
+                'id': wx.NewId(),
+                'text': "Set the temperature c&ontrol",
+                'icon': 
+                'method': self.action_relax_data_temp_control
+            }
+        ]
+    def update_data(self):
+        """Method called from self.build_element_safe() to update the list 
         # Expand the number of rows to match the number of relaxation IDs, 
and add the IDs.
         n = 0
@@ -259,192 +250,3 @@
                 # Set the temperature control methods.
                 if hasattr(cdp, 'exp_info') and hasattr(cdp.exp_info, 
'temp_control') and id in cdp.exp_info.temp_control.keys():
                     self.element.SetStringItem(i, 3, 
-        # Size the columns.
-        self.size_cols()
-        # Post a size event to get the scroll panel to update correctly.
-        event = wx.PyCommandEvent(wx.EVT_SIZE.typeId, self.parent.GetId())
-        wx.PostEvent(self.parent.GetEventHandler(), event)
-        # Set the minimum height.
-        if not self.stretch:
-            head = self.height_char + 10
-            centre = (self.height_char + 6) * n
-            foot = wx.SystemSettings_GetMetric(wx.SYS_HSCROLL_Y)
-            height = head + centre + foot
-            self.element.SetMinSize((-1, height))
-            self.element.Layout()
-        # Unfreeze.
-        self.element.Thaw()
-    def delete(self):
-        """Unregister the class."""
-        # Unregister the observer methods.
-        self.observer_register(remove=True)
-    def init_element(self, sizer):
-        """Initialise the GUI element for the relaxation data listing.
-        @param sizer:   The sizer element to pack the element into.
-        @type sizer:    wx.BoxSizer instance
-        """
-        # List of relaxation data.
-        self.element = wx.ListCtrl(self.panel, -1, 
-        # Initialise to 4 columns.
-        self.element.InsertColumn(0, str_to_gui("Relaxation data ID"))
-        self.element.InsertColumn(1, str_to_gui("Peak intensity type"))
-        self.element.InsertColumn(2, str_to_gui("Temperature calibration"))
-        self.element.InsertColumn(3, str_to_gui("Temperature control"))
-        # Properties.
-        self.element.SetFont(font.normal)
-        # Store the base heights.
-        self.height_char = self.element.GetCharHeight()
-        # Bind some events.
-        self.element.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.resize)
-        self.element.Bind(wx.EVT_COMMAND_RIGHT_CLICK, self.on_right_click)  
# For wxMSW!
-        self.element.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_UP, self.on_right_click)   # For 
-        # Add list to sizer.
-        sizer.Add(self.element, self.proportion, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 0)
-    def is_complete(self):
-        """Determine if the data input is complete.
-        @return:    The answer to the question.
-        @rtype:     bool
-        """
-        # No relaxation data.
-        if not hasattr(cdp, 'ri_ids'):
-            return True
-        # The number of IDs.
-        n = len(cdp.ri_ids)
-        # Add all the data.
-        for i in range(n):
-            # The ID.
-            id = cdp.ri_ids[i]
-            # Check the peak intensity types.
-            if not hasattr(cdp, 'exp_info') or not hasattr(cdp.exp_info, 
'peak_intensity_type') or not id in cdp.exp_info.peak_intensity_type.keys():
-                return False
-            # Check the temperature calibration methods.
-            if not hasattr(cdp, 'exp_info') or not hasattr(cdp.exp_info, 
'temp_calibration') or not id in cdp.exp_info.temp_calibration.keys():
-                return False
-            # Check the temperature control methods.
-            if not hasattr(cdp, 'exp_info') or not hasattr(cdp.exp_info, 
'temp_control') or not id in cdp.exp_info.temp_control.keys():
-                return False
-        # Data input is complete!
-        return True
-    def observer_register(self, remove=False):
-        """Register and unregister methods with the observer objects.
-        @keyword remove:    If set to True, then the methods will be 
-        @type remove:       False
-        """
-        # Register.
-        if not remove:
-            status.observers.gui_uf.register(, self.build_element)
-        # Unregister.
-        else:
-            status.observers.gui_uf.unregister(
-    def on_right_click(self, event):
-        """Pop up menu for the right click.
-        @param event:   The wx event.
-        @type event:    wx event
-        """
-        # Execution lock, so do nothing.
-        if status.exec_lock.locked():
-            return
-        # Initialise the menu.
-        menu = wx.Menu()
-        # Add some menu items for the spin user functions.
-        menu.AppendItem(build_menu_item(menu, 
id=self.MENU_RELAX_DATA_DISPLAY, text="Dis&play the relaxation data", 
-        menu.AppendItem(build_menu_item(menu, 
id=self.MENU_RELAX_DATA_PEAK_INTENSITY_TYPE, text="Set the peak &intensity 
-        menu.AppendItem(build_menu_item(menu, 
id=self.MENU_RELAX_DATA_TEMP_CALIBRATION, text="Set the temperature 
-        menu.AppendItem(build_menu_item(menu, 
id=self.MENU_RELAX_DATA_TEMP_CONTROL, text="Set the temperature c&ontrol", 
-        # Bind clicks.
-        self.element.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.action_relax_data_display, 
-        self.element.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, 
-        self.element.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, 
-        self.element.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.action_relax_data_temp_control, 
-        # Pop up the menu.
-        if status.show_gui:
-            self.element.PopupMenu(menu)
-            menu.Destroy()
-    def resize(self, event):
-        """Catch the resize to allow the element to be resized.
-        @param event:   The wx event.
-        @type event:    wx event
-        """
-        # Set the column sizes.
-        self.size_cols()
-        # Continue with the normal resizing.
-        event.Skip()
-    def set_box_label(self):
-        """Set the label of the StaticBox."""
-        # Determine if the data input is complete.
-        label = "Relaxation data metadata "
-        if self.is_complete():
-            label += "(complete)"
-        else:
-            label += "(incomplete)"
-        # Set the label.
-        self.data_box.SetLabel(label)
-    def size_cols(self):
-        """Set the column sizes."""
-        # The element size.
-        x, y = self.element.GetSize()
-        # Number of columns.
-        n = self.element.GetColumnCount()
-        # Set to equal sizes.
-        if n == 0:
-            width = x
-        else:
-            width = int(x / n)
-        # Set the column sizes.
-        for i in range(n):
-            self.element.SetColumnWidth(i, width)

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