mailr16758 - /branches/uf_redesign/gui/

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Posted by edward on June 08, 2012 - 12:35:
Author: bugman
Date: Fri Jun  8 12:35:19 2012
New Revision: 16758

Created the BMRB export window.

This includes the following elements:
    - A title with description and BMRB icons.
    - The data pipe selection element.
    - The relaxation data meta data GUI element.
    - The molecule list GUI element.
    - The software list GUI element.
    - The script list GUI element.
    - The citation list GUI element.
    - Buttons for previewing, exporting, and cancelling.


Added: branches/uf_redesign/gui/
--- branches/uf_redesign/gui/ (added)
+++ branches/uf_redesign/gui/ Fri Jun  8 12:35:19 2012
@@ -1,0 +1,424 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Edward d'Auvergne                                       
+# This file is part of the program relax.                                    
+# relax is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify              
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by       
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or          
+# (at your option) any later version.                                        
+# relax is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                   
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of             
+# GNU General Public License for more details.                               
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License          
+# along with relax; if not, write to the Free Software                       
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA  
+# Module docstring.
+"""The BMRB export wizard."""
+# Python module imports.
+import wx
+# relax module imports.
+from generic_fns.pipes import cdp_name, pipe_names, switch
+from graphics import IMAGE_PATH, fetch_icon
+from status import Status; status = Status()
+# relax GUI module imports.
+from gui.components.citations import Citations
+from gui.components.molecule import Molecule
+from gui.components.relax_data_meta import Relax_data_meta_list
+from gui.components.scripts import Scripts
+from import Software
+from gui.fonts import font
+from gui.icons import relax_icons
+from gui.input_elements.value import Value
+from gui.misc import add_border
+from gui.string_conv import gui_to_str, str_to_gui
+from gui.uf_objects import Uf_storage; uf_store = Uf_storage()
+class Export_bmrb_window(wx.Frame):
+    """The BMRB export window."""
+    def __init__(self, gui):
+        """Set up the export window.
+        @param gui:     The GUI object.
+        @type gui:      wx.Frame instance
+        """
+        # The window style.
+        style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE
+        if not status.debug and status.wx_info["os"] != 'darwin':
+            style = style | wx.MAXIMIZE
+        # Initialise the base class, setting the main GUI window as the 
+        super(Export_bmrb_window, self).__init__(gui, -1, style=style)
+        # Some default values.
+        self.size = (1200, 900)
+        self.size_min = (900, 700)
+        self.border = 5
+        self.spacer = 10
+        self.button_size = (200, 40)
+        self.button_spacing = 10
+        self.main_spacing = 20
+        # Set up the frame.
+        sizer = self.setup_frame()
+        # Add the header.
+        self.add_header(sizer)
+        # Top spacing.
+        sizer.AddSpacer(10)
+        # Add the data pipe selection element.
+        self.add_pipe(sizer)
+        # Spacing.
+        sizer.AddSpacer(self.main_spacing)
+        # Add the relaxation data metadata list GUI element.
+        self.relax_data = Relax_data_meta_list(parent=self.main_panel, 
box=sizer, id='BMRB export', stretch=True)
+        # Spacing.
+        sizer.AddSpacer(self.main_spacing)
+        # Add the molecule GUI element.
+        self.molecule = Molecule(parent=self.main_panel, box=sizer, id='BMRB 
export', stretch=True)
+        # Spacing.
+        sizer.AddSpacer(self.main_spacing)
+        # Create a horizontal layout for the software, script and citations 
GUI elements.
+        sub_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+        # Add the software GUI element.
+ = Software(parent=self.main_panel, box=sub_sizer, 
id='BMRB export', stretch=True)
+        # Vertical spacing.
+        sub_sizer.AddSpacer(self.main_spacing)
+        # Add the scripts GUI element.
+        self.scripts = Scripts(parent=self.main_panel, box=sub_sizer, 
id='BMRB export', stretch=True)
+        # Vertical spacing.
+        sub_sizer.AddSpacer(self.main_spacing)
+        # Add the citation GUI element.
+        self.citation = Citations(parent=self.main_panel, box=sub_sizer, 
id='BMRB export', stretch=True)
+        # Add the sizer.
+        sizer.Add(sub_sizer, 1, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 0)
+        # Bottom spacing.
+        sizer.AddSpacer(5)
+        # Add the buttons.
+        self.add_buttons(sizer)
+        # Open the window.
+        if status.show_gui:
+            self.Show()
+    def action_cancel(self, event=None):
+        """Cancel the export.
+        @keyword event: The wx event.
+        @type event:    wx event
+        """
+        # Close the window.
+        self.Close()
+    def action_export(self, event=None):
+        """Write out the NMR-STAR formatted data.
+        @keyword event: The wx event.
+        @type event:    wx event
+        """
+        # Execute the user function.
+        uf_store['bmrb.write'](wx_parent=self, wx_wizard_sync=True, 
+        # Close the window.
+        self.Close()
+    def action_preview(self, event=None):
+        """Preview the NMR-STAR formatted data.
+        @keyword event: The wx event.
+        @type event:    wx event
+        """
+        # Execute the user function.
+        uf_store['bmrb.display'](wx_parent=self)
+    def add_buttons(self, sizer):
+        """Build and add the bottom buttons.
+        @param sizer:   The sizer element to pack the buttons into.
+        @type sizer:    wx.Sizer instance
+        """
+        # Button sizer.
+        button_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+        sizer.Add(button_sizer, 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, 0)
+        # Preview button.
+        button = wx.lib.buttons.ThemedGenBitmapTextButton(self.main_panel, 
-1, None, " Preview")
"32x32"), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY))
+        button.SetFont(font.normal)
+        button.SetMinSize(self.button_size)
+        button_sizer.Add(button, 0, 0, 0)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.action_preview, button)
+        button.SetToolTipString("Preview the NMR-STAR formatted data.")
+        # Spacing.
+        button_sizer.AddSpacer(self.button_spacing)
+        # Export button.
+        button = wx.lib.buttons.ThemedGenBitmapTextButton(self.main_panel, 
-1, None, " Export")
+        button.SetBitmapLabel(wx.Bitmap(fetch_icon('relax.bmrb', "32x32"), 
+        button.SetFont(font.normal)
+        button.SetMinSize(self.button_size)
+        button_sizer.Add(button, 0, 0, 0)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.action_export, button)
+        button.SetToolTipString("Preview the NMR-STAR formatted data.")
+        # Spacing.
+        button_sizer.AddSpacer(self.button_spacing)
+        # Cancel button.
+        button = wx.lib.buttons.ThemedGenBitmapTextButton(self.main_panel, 
-1, None, " Cancel")
"32x32"), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY))
+        button.SetFont(font.normal)
+        button.SetMinSize(self.button_size)
+        button_sizer.Add(button, 0, 0, 0)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.action_cancel, button)
+        button.SetToolTipString("Cancel the BMRB export.")
+    def add_header(self, sizer):
+        """Build and add the header to the sizer.
+        @param sizer:   The sizer element to pack the header into.
+        @type sizer:    wx.Sizer instance
+        """
+        # Create a horizontal layout.
+        sub_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+        # Left spacing.
+        sub_sizer.AddStretchSpacer(3)
+        # Add the BMRB logo (left side).
+        logo = wx.StaticBitmap(self.main_panel, -1, 
wx.Bitmap(IMAGE_PATH+"bmrb_100x100.png", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY))
+        sub_sizer.Add(logo, 0, wx.TOP|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 0)
+        # Spacing.
+        sub_sizer.AddStretchSpacer()
+        # The text sizer.
+        text_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        # The title.
+        text = wx.StaticText(self.main_panel, -1, 'Data export for BMRB 
deposition', style=wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
+        text.SetFont(font.title)
+        text_sizer.Add(text, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 0)
+        # Spacing.
+        text_sizer.AddSpacer(15)
+        # The text.
+        main_text = 'This wizard will help in executing all of the relevant 
user functions required to convert the contents of the selected data pipe to 
the NMR-STAR format for deposition within the BioMagResBank.  Note that this 
is currently only for the deposition of model-free analysis results or simple 
NMR relaxation data.'
+        text = wx.StaticText(self.main_panel, -1, main_text, 
+        text.Wrap(600)
+        text.SetFont(font.normal)
+        text_sizer.Add(text, 0, 0, 0)
+        # Add the text sizer.
+        sub_sizer.Add(text_sizer, 0, 0, 0)
+        # Spacing.
+        sub_sizer.AddStretchSpacer()
+        # Add the BMRB logo (right side).
+        logo = wx.StaticBitmap(self.main_panel, -1, 
wx.Bitmap(IMAGE_PATH+"bmrb_100x100.png", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY))
+        sub_sizer.Add(logo, 0, wx.TOP|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 0)
+        # Right spacing.
+        sub_sizer.AddStretchSpacer(3)
+        # Add the sizer.
+        sizer.Add(sub_sizer, 0, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 0)
+        # A line with spacing.
+        sizer.AddSpacer(10)
+        sizer.Add(wx.StaticLine(self.main_panel, -1), 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 0)
+        sizer.AddSpacer(10)
+    def add_pipe(self, sizer):
+        """Build and add the data pipe selection element.
+        @param sizer:   The sizer element to pack the buttons into.
+        @type sizer:    wx.Sizer instance
+        """
+        # A sizer for the element.
+        pipe_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+        sizer.Add(pipe_sizer, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT, 0)
+        # The pipe text.
+        text = wx.StaticText(self.main_panel, -1, ' The data pipe to export: 
 ', style=wx.ALIGN_LEFT)
+        tooltip = "The name of the data pipe to export to NMR-STAR format 
for BMRB export."
+        text.SetFont(font.normal)
+        text.SetToolTipString(tooltip)
+        pipe_sizer.Add(text, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 0)
+        # Spacing.
+        pipe_sizer.AddSpacer(20)
+        # The pipe selection.
+        self.pipe_name = wx.ComboBox(self.main_panel, -1, "", 
style=wx.CB_DROPDOWN|wx.CB_READONLY, choices=[])
+        self.pipe_name.SetToolTipString(tooltip)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.update_pipes, self.pipe_name)
+        pipe_sizer.Add(self.pipe_name, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 0)
+        # Update the pipe selection.
+        self.update_pipes()
+    def handler_close(self, event):
+        """Event handler for the close window action.
+        @param event:   The wx event.
+        @type event:    wx event
+        """
+        # Unregister the observers.
+        self.observer_register(remove=True)
+        # Close the window.
+        event.Skip()
+    def observer_register(self, remove=False):
+        """Register and unregister methods with the observer objects.
+        @keyword remove:    If set to True, then the methods will be 
+        @type remove:       False
+        """
+        # Register.
+        if not remove:
+            status.observers.pipe_alteration.register('BMRB export', 
+        # Unregister.
+        else:
+            # The class methods.
+            status.observers.pipe_alteration.unregister('BMRB export')
+            # The embedded objects methods.
+            self.relax_data.observer_register(remove=True)
+            self.molecule.observer_register(remove=True)
+            self.scripts.observer_register(remove=True)
+            self.citation.observer_register(remove=True)
+    def setup_frame(self):
+        """Set up the relax controller frame.
+        @return:    The sizer object.
+        @rtype:     wx.Sizer instance
+        """
+        # Set the frame title.
+        self.SetTitle("BMRB export window")
+        # Set up the window icon.
+        self.SetIcons(relax_icons)
+        # Place all elements within a panel (to remove the dark grey in MS 
+        self.main_panel = wx.Panel(self, -1)
+        # Use a grid sizer for packing the main elements.
+        main_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        self.main_panel.SetSizer(main_sizer)
+        # Build the central sizer, with borders.
+        sizer = add_border(main_sizer, border=self.border, 
+        # Close the window cleanly (unregistering observers).
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.handler_close)
+        # Set the default size of the controller.
+        self.SetSize(self.size)
+        self.SetMinSize(self.size_min)
+        # Centre the frame.
+        self.Centre()
+        # Return the central sizer.
+        return sizer
+    def update_pipes(self, event=None):
+        """Update the spin view data pipe selector.
+        @keyword event: The wx event.
+        @type event:    wx event
+        """
+        print "update pipes!"
+        # Change the cursor to busy.
+        wx.BeginBusyCursor()
+        # Init.
+        pipe_switch = False
+        # The selected pipe.
+        if event:
+            # The name of the selected pipe.
+            pipe = gui_to_str(self.pipe_name.GetString(event.GetSelection()))
+            # A pipe change.
+            if pipe != cdp_name():
+                pipe_switch = True
+        else:
+            pipe = cdp_name()
+        if not pipe:
+            pipe = ''
+        # Clear the previous data.
+        self.pipe_name.Clear()
+        # The list of pipe names.
+        for name in pipe_names():
+            self.pipe_name.Append(str_to_gui(name))
+        # Switch data pipes.
+        if pipe_switch:
+            switch(pipe)
+        # Set the pipe name to the cdp.
+        self.pipe_name.SetValue(str_to_gui(pipe))
+        # Reset the cursor.
+        if wx.IsBusy():
+            wx.EndBusyCursor()

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