mailr17412 - /trunk/docs/latex/noe.tex

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Posted by edward on September 01, 2012 - 10:18:
Author: bugman
Date: Sat Sep  1 10:18:22 2012
New Revision: 17412

Significant update of the NOE chapter of the user manual.

The sample script used in this chapter was incredibly out of date!


Modified: trunk/docs/latex/noe.tex
--- trunk/docs/latex/noe.tex (original)
+++ trunk/docs/latex/noe.tex Sat Sep  1 10:18:22 2012
@@ -47,20 +47,30 @@
 pipe.create(`NOE', `noe') \\
 \# Load the sequence from a PDB file. \\\_pdb(name, `Ap4Aase\_new\_3.pdb') \\\_pdb(`Ap4Aase\_new\_3.pdb') \\
 structure.load\_spins(spin\_id=`@N') \\
+structure.load\_spins(spin\_id=`@NE1') \\
 \# Load the reference spectrum and saturated spectrum peak intensities. \\`ref.list', spectrum\_type=`ref') \\`sat.list', spectrum\_type=`sat') \\\_intensities(file=`ref.list', spectrum\_id=`ref\_ave', 
heteronuc=`N', proton=`HN') \\\_intensities(file=`ref.list', spectrum\_id=`ref\_ave', 
heteronuc=`NE1', proton=`HE1') \\\_intensities(file=`sat.list', spectrum\_id=`sat\_ave', 
heteronuc=`N', proton=`HN') \\\_intensities(file=`sat.list', spectrum\_id=`sat\_ave', 
heteronuc=`NE1', proton=`HE1') \\
+ \\
+\# Set the spectrum types. \\
+noe.spectrum\_type(`ref', `ref\_ave') \\
+noe.spectrum\_type(`sat', `sat\_ave') \\
 \# Set the errors. \\
-noe.error(error=3600, spectrum\_type=`ref') \\
-noe.error(error=3000, spectrum\_type=`sat') \\
+spectrum.baseplane\_rmsd(error=3600, spectrum\_id=`ref\_ave') \\
+spectrum.baseplane\_rmsd(error=3000, spectrum\_id=`sat\_ave') \\
 \# Individual residue errors. \\
-noe.error(error=122000, spectrum\_type=`ref', res\_num=114) \\
-noe.error(error=8500, spectrum\_type=`sat', res\_num=114) \\
+spectrum.baseplane\_rmsd(error=122000, spectrum\_type=`ref', res\_num=114) \\
+spectrum.baseplane\_rmsd(error=8500, spectrum\_type=`sat', res\_num=114) \\
+ \\
+\# Peak intensity error analysis. \\
+spectrum.error\_analysis() \\
 \# Deselect unresolved residues. \\`unresolved', res\_num\_col=1, spin\_name\_col=2) \\
@@ -109,14 +119,17 @@
 The first thing which need to be completed prior to any spin specific 
command is to generate the molecule, residue and spin data structures for 
storing the spin specific data.  In the sample script above this is generated 
from a PDB file, however a plain text file with the sequence information can 
be used instead (see the \texttt{} user function on 
page~\pageref{uf:} for more details).  In the case of the 
sample script, the command
-\example{\_pdb(name, `Ap4Aase\_new\_3.pdb')}
 will load the PDB file `Ap4Aase\_new\_3.pdb' into relax.  Then
-will generate the molecule, residue, and spin sequence for the current data 
pipe.  In this situation there will be a single spin system per residue 
generated corresponding to the backbone amide nitrogens.  Although the PDB 
coordinates have been loaded into the program, the structural information 
serves no purpose when calculating NOE values.
+structure.load\_spins(spin\_id=`@N') \\
+will generate the molecule, residue, and spin sequence for the current data 
pipe.  In this situation there will be a single spin system per residue 
generated corresponding to the backbone amide nitrogens as well as $^{15}$N 
spins set up for the tryptophan indole NH.  Although the 3D coordinates have 
been loaded into the program from the PDB, the structural information serves 
no purpose when calculating NOE values.
 % Loading the data.
@@ -124,14 +137,18 @@
 \subsection{Loading the data}
-The two commands
-\begin{exampleenv}`ref.list', spectrum\_type=`ref') \\`sat.list', spectrum\_type=`sat')
-will load the peak heights\index{peak!height} of the reference and saturated 
NOE experiments (although the volume\index{peak!volume} could be used 
instead).  The keyword argument \texttt{format} has not been specified hence 
the default format of a Sparky\index{software!Sparky} peak list (saved after 
typing \texttt{`lt'}) is assumed.  If the program XEasy\index{software!XEasy} 
was used to analyse the spectra the argument \texttt{format=`xeasy'} is 
necessary.  The first column of the file should be the Sparky assignment 
string and it is assumed that the 4$^\textrm{th}$ column contains either the 
peak height or peak volume.  For example:
+The commands
+\begin{exampleenv}\_intensities(file=`ref.list', spectrum\_id=`ref\_ave', 
heteronuc=`N', proton=`HN') \\\_intensities(file=`ref.list', spectrum\_id=`ref\_ave', 
heteronuc=`NE1', proton=`HE1') \\\_intensities(file=`sat.list', spectrum\_id=`sat\_ave', 
heteronuc=`N', proton=`HN') \\\_intensities(file=`sat.list', spectrum\_id=`sat\_ave', 
heteronuc=`NE1', proton=`HE1')
+will load the peak heights\index{peak!height} of the reference and saturated 
NOE experiments (although the volume\index{peak!volume} could be used 
instead).  relax will automatically determine the format of the peak list.  
Currently only Sparky\index{software!Sparky}, XEasy\index{software!XEasy}, 
NMRView\index{software!NMRView} and a generic columnar formatted text file 
are supported.
+In this case, relax will determine from the file contents that these are 
Sparky\index{software!Sparky} peak lists (saved after typing \texttt{`lt'}).  
The first column of the file should be the Sparky assignment string and it is 
assumed that the 4$^\textrm{th}$ column contains either the peak height or 
peak volume.  For example:
 {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
      Assignment         w1         w2   Data Height
@@ -146,6 +163,8 @@
        GLY12N-HN    110.525      9.028        90144
+For subsequent usage of the data in relax, assuming a 3D structure exists, 
it is currently advisable to use the same residue and atom numbering as found 
in the PDB file.
 If you have any other format you would like read by relax please send an 
email to the relax development mailing list\index{mailing list!relax-devel} 
detailing the software used, the format of the file (specifically where the 
residue number and peak intensity\index{peak!intensity} are located), and 
possibly attaching an example of the file itself.
@@ -158,17 +177,20 @@
 In this example the errors where measured from the base plain noise.  The 
Sparky\index{software!Sparky} RMSD\index{RMSD} function was used to estimate 
the maximal noise levels across the spectrum in regions containing no peaks.  
For the reference spectrum the RMSD was approximately 3600 whereas in the 
saturated spectrum the RMSD was 3000.  These errors are set by the commands
-noe.error(error=3600, spectrum\_type=`ref') \\
-noe.error(error=3000, spectrum\_type=`sat')
+spectrum.baseplane\_rmsd(error=3600, spectrum\_id=`ref\_ave') \\
+spectrum.baseplane\_rmsd(error=3000, spectrum\_id=`sat\_ave')
 For the residue G114, the noise levels are significantly increased compared 
to the rest of the protein as the peak is located close to the water signal.  
The higher errors for this residue are specified by the commands
-noe.error(error=122000, spectrum\_type=`ref', res\_num=114) \\
-noe.error(error=8500, spectrum\_type=`sat', res\_num=114)
+spectrum.baseplane\_rmsd(error=122000, spectrum\_type=`ref', res\_num=114) \\
+spectrum.baseplane\_rmsd(error=8500, spectrum\_type=`sat', res\_num=114)
+There are many other ways of setting the errors, for example via spectral 
duplication, triplication, etc.  See the documentation for the 
\texttt{spectrum.error\_analysis} user function on page~\pageref{uf: 
spectrum.error_analysis} for all possible options.  This user function needs 
to be executed at this stage to correctly set up the errors for all spin 
 % Unresolved spins.
@@ -209,22 +231,22 @@
 will create a file called \texttt{noe.out} with the NOE values and errors.  
The force flag will cause any file with the same name to be overwritten.  An 
example of the format of \texttt{noe.out} is
-{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
-Num  Name  Value                         Error
-1    GLY   None                          None
-2    PRO   None                          None
-3    LEU   None                          None
-4    GLY   0.12479588727508535           0.020551827436105764
-5    SER   0.42240815792914105           0.02016346825976852
-6    MET   0.45281703194372114           0.026272719841642134
-7    ASP   0.60727570079478255           0.032369427242382849
-8    SER   0.63871921623680161           0.024695665815261791
-9    PRO   None                          None
-10   PRO   None                          None
-11   GLU   None                          None
-12   GLY   0.92927160307645906           0.059569089743604184
-13   TYR   0.88832516377296256           0.044119641308479306
-14   ARG   0.84945042565860407           0.060533543601110441
+{\scriptsize \begin{verbatim}
+# mol_name            res_num    res_name    spin_num    spin_name    value  
+Ap4Aase_new_3_mol1    1          GLY         1           N            None   
+Ap4Aase_new_3_mol1    2          PRO         11          N            None   
+Ap4Aase_new_3_mol1    3          LEU         28          N            None   
+Ap4Aase_new_3_mol1    4          GLY         51          N            
-0.038921946984531344    0.019031770246176943    
+Ap4Aase_new_3_mol1    5          SER         59          N            
-0.312404225679127       0.018596937298386886    
+Ap4Aase_new_3_mol1    6          MET         71          N            
-0.42850831873249773     0.02525856323041225     
+Ap4Aase_new_3_mol1    7          ASP         91          N            
-0.5305492810313481      0.027990623144176396    
+Ap4Aase_new_3_mol1    8          SER         104         N            
-0.5652842977581912      0.021706121467731133    
+Ap4Aase_new_3_mol1    9          PRO         116         N            None   
+Ap4Aase_new_3_mol1    10         PRO         133         N            None   
+Ap4Aase_new_3_mol1    11         GLU         150         N            None   
+Ap4Aase_new_3_mol1    12         GLY         167         N            
-0.7036626368123614      0.04681370194503697     
+Ap4Aase_new_3_mol1    13         TYR         175         N            
-0.747464566367261       0.03594640051809186     
+Ap4Aase_new_3_mol1    14         ARG         200         N            
-0.7524129557634996      0.04957018638401278     

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