mailr20490 - /branches/relax_disp/lib/dispersion/

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Posted by edward on July 31, 2013 - 16:56:
Author: bugman
Date: Wed Jul 31 16:56:37 2013
New Revision: 20490

Converted the lib.dispersion.tp02 module from Matlab code to Python.

The code has also been made fail-safe and repetitive calculations have been 
shifted outside of the
loop to speed things up.


Modified: branches/relax_disp/lib/dispersion/
--- branches/relax_disp/lib/dispersion/ (original)
+++ branches/relax_disp/lib/dispersion/ Wed Jul 31 16:56:37 2013
@@ -32,52 +32,74 @@
     - Martin Tollinger,
-function residual = funTrottPalmer(optpar)
-% TrottPalmer's equ. acc. to Korzhnev (JBiomolNMR, 26, 39-48, 2003)
-global nu_0 x y Rcalc rms nfields offset w1 R1_51 R1_81
-for k=1:nfields
-    % we assume that A resonates at 0 [s^-1], without loss of generality
-    dw=nu_0(k)*optpar(3)*2*pi;         % [s^-1]
-    Wa=0*2*pi;                         % Larmor frequ. [s^-1]
-    Wb=dw;                             % Larmor frequ. [s^-1]
-    Wsl=offset*2*pi;                           % Larmor frequ. of spin lock 
-    W=pa*Wa+pb*Wb;                     % pop-averaged Larmor frequ. [s^-1]
-    da=Wa-Wsl;                         % offset of sl from A
-    db=Wb-Wsl;                         % offset of sl from B
-    d =W -Wsl;                                 % offset of sl from 
-    waeff2=w1.^2+da.^2;                        % effective field at A
-    wbeff2=w1.^2+db.^2;                        % effective field at B
-    weff2=w1.^2+d.^2;                  % effective field at pop-average
-    theta=atan(w1/d);
-    theta_degrees=atan(w1/d)*360/(2*pi);       % not used, just to check
-    Rinf=optpar(3+k);
-    xx=pa*pb*dw^2*kex;
-    yytrottpalmer=waeff2.*wbeff2./weff2+kex^2;
-    %keyboard
-   if k==1; 
-   end
-   if k==2; 
-   end
+# Python module imports.
+from math import atan, cos, pi, sin
+def r1rho_TP02(r1rho_prime=None, pA=None, pB=None, dw=None, kex=None, 
theta=pi/2, R1=0.0, spin_lock_fields=None, back_calc=None, num_points=None):
+    """Calculate the R1rho' values for the TP02 model.
-if (size(Rcalc)==size(y))
-    residual=sum(sum((y-Rcalc).^2)); 
-    rms=sqrt(residual/(size(y,1)*size(y,2)));
+    See the module docstring for details.  This is the Trott and Palmer 
(2002) equation according to Korzhnev (J. Biomol. NMR (2003), 26, 39-48).
+    @keyword r1rho_prime:       The R1rho_prime parameter value (R1rho with 
no exchange).
+    @type r1rho_prime:          float
+    @keyword pA:                The population of state A.
+    @type pA:                   float
+    @keyword pB:                The population of state B.
+    @type pB:                   float
+    @keyword dw:                The chemical exchange difference between 
states A and B in rad/s.
+    @type dw:                   float
+    @keyword kex:               The kex parameter value (the exchange rate 
in rad/s).
+    @type kex:                  float
+    @keyword theta:             The rotating frame tilt angle.
+    @type theta:                float
+    @keyword R1:                The R1 relaxation rate.
+    @type R1:                   float
+    @keyword spin_lock_fields:  The CPMG nu1 frequencies.
+    @type spin_lock_fields:     numpy rank-1 float array
+    @keyword back_calc:         The array for holding the back calculated 
R1rho values.  Each element corresponds to one of the spin-lock fields.
+    @type back_calc:            numpy rank-1 float array
+    @keyword num_points:        The number of points on the dispersion 
curve, equal to the length of the spin_lock_fields and back_calc arguments.
+    @type num_points:           int
+    """
+    # Repetitive calculations (to speed up calculations).
+    Wa = 0.0                    # Larmor frequency [s^-1].
+    Wb = dw                     # Larmor frequency [s^-1].
+    sin_theta2 = sin(theta)**2
+    R1_cos_theta2 = R1 * cos(theta)**2
+    R1rho_prime_sin_theta2 = r1rho_prime * sin_theta2
+    # The numerator.
+    numer = pA * pB * dw**2 * kex
+    # Loop over the dispersion points, back calculating the R1rho values.
+    for i in range(num_points):
+        # Catch zeros (to avoid pointless mathematical operations).
+        if numer == 0.0:
+            back_calc[i] = R1_cos_theta2 + R1rho_prime_sin_theta2
+            continue
+        # We assume that A resonates at 0 [s^-1], without loss of generality.
+        Wsl = spin_lock_fields[i] * 2.0 * pi     # Larmor frequency of spin 
lock [s^-1].
+        W = pA*Wa + pB*Wb           # Pop-averaged Larmor frequency [s^-1].
+        da = Wa - Wsl               # Offset of spin-lock from A.
+        db = Wb - Wsl               # Offset of spin-lock from B.
+        d = W - Wsl                 # Offset of spin-lock from pop-average.
+        waeff2 = w1**2 + da**2      # Effective field at A.
+        wbeff2 = w1**2 + db**2      # Effective field at B.
+        weff2 = w1**2 + d**2        # Effective field at pop-average.
+        theta = atan(w1/d) 
+        # Denominator.
+        denom = waeff2 * wbeff2 / weff2 + kex**2
+        #denom_extended = waeff2*wbeff2/weff2+kex**2-2*sin_theta2*pA*pB*dw**2
+        # Avoid divide by zero.
+        if denom == 0.0:
+            back_calc[i] = 1e100
+            continue
+        # R1rho calculation.
+        back_calc[i] = R1_cos_theta2 + R1rho_prime_sin_theta2 + sin_theta2 * 
numer / denom

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