mailr25473 - in /trunk/test_suite/shared_data/curve_fitting/numeric_topology:

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Posted by tlinnet on August 30, 2014 - 18:06:
Author: tlinnet
Date: Sat Aug 30 18:06:02 2014
New Revision: 25473

First try to make a test script for estimating effienciency on R2eff error 

task #7822( Implement user function to 
estimate R2eff and associated errors for exponential curve fitting.


      Sat Aug 30 18:06:02 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+# Calculate the R and I0 errors via bootstrapping.
+# As this is an exact solution, bootstrapping is identical to Monte Carlo 
+# Python module imports.
+from minfx.generic import generic_minimise
+from numpy import array, arange, asarray, diag, dot, exp, eye, float64, log, 
multiply, ones, sqrt, sum, std, transpose, where
+from numpy.linalg import inv, qr
+from random import gauss, sample, randint, randrange
+from collections import OrderedDict
+#import pickle
+import cPickle as pickle
+# Create and ordered dict, which can be looped over.
+dic = OrderedDict()
+# The real parameters.
+R = 1.0
+I0 = 1000.0
+params = array([R, I0], float64)
+# Number of simulations.
+sim = 2
+# Create number of timepoints. Between 3 and 10 for exponential curve 
+nt_min = 3
+nt_max = 4
+# Produce range with all possible time points.
+# Draw from this.
+all_times = arange(0.1, 1.1, 0.1)
+# Define error level on intensity.
+# Intensity with errors at 1 % error level, which themselves fluctuates with 
+I_err_level = I0 / 100
+I_err_std = I_err_level / 10
+# Now produce range with all possible error sigmas.
+all_errors = []
+for j in range(len(all_times)):
+    error = gauss( I_err_level, I_err_std)
+    all_errors.append(error)
+# Convert to numpy array.
+all_errors = asarray(all_errors)
+# Store to dic
+dic['R'] = R
+dic['I0'] = I0
+dic['params'] = params
+dic['sim'] = sim
+dic['nt_min'] = nt_min
+dic['nt_max'] = nt_max
+dic['all_times'] = all_times
+dic['I_err_level'] = I_err_level
+dic['I_err_std'] = I_err_std
+dic['all_errors'] = all_errors
+########### Define functions ##################################
+def func_exp(params=None, times=None):
+    """Calculate the function values of exponential function."""
+    # Unpack
+    r2eff, i0 = params
+    return i0 * exp( -times * r2eff)
+def est_x0_exp(times=None, I=None):
+    """Estimate starting parameter x0 = [R, I0], by converting the 
exponential curve to a linear problem.  Then solving by linear least squares 
of: ln(Intensity[j]) = ln(I0) - time[j]* R.
+    """
+    # Convert to linear problem.
+    ln_I = log(I)
+    x = - 1. * times
+    n = len(times)
+    # ln_I = R (-t) + ln(i0)
+    # f(x) = a x + b 
+    # Solve by linear least squares.
+    a = (sum(x*ln_I) - 1./n * sum(x) * sum(ln_I) ) / ( sum(x**2) - 1./n * 
(sum(x))**2 )
+    b = 1./n * sum(ln_I) - a * 1./n * sum(x)
+    # Convert back from linear to exp function. Best estimate for parameter.
+    R = a
+    I0 = exp(b)
+    # Return.
+    return [R, I0]
+def est_x0_exp_weight(times=None, I=None, errors=None):
+    """Estimate starting parameter x0 = [R, I0], by converting the 
exponential curve to a linear problem.  Then solving by linear least squares 
of: ln(Intensity[j]) = ln(I0) - time[j]* R.
+    """
+    # Convert to linear problem.
+    ln_I = log(I* 1. / errors)
+    x = - 1. * times
+    n = len(times)
+    # ln_Iw = R (-t) + ln(i0 / errors)
+    # f(x) = a x + b 
+    # Solve by linear least squares.
+    a = (sum(x*ln_I) - 1./n * sum(x) * sum(ln_I) ) / ( sum(x**2) - 1./n * 
(sum(x))**2 )
+    b = 1./n * sum(ln_I) - a * 1./n * sum(x)
+    # Convert back from linear to exp function. Best estimate for parameter.
+    R = a
+    I0 = exp(b) * errors
+    # Return.
+    return [R, I0]
+def point_r2eff_err(times=None, I=None, errors=None):
+    """Calculate the R2 error for relaxation time data.
+                        1        / / sigma_I[1] \ 2     / sigma_I[2] \ 2     
       / sigma_I[n] \ 2
+        sigma_R_i =  -------    /  | --------   |   +   | --------   |    +  
       | --------   | 
+                     times[i] \/   \   I[1]     /       \    I[2]    /       
....   \    I[j]    /
+    where n is number of time points.
+    """
+    sigma_R = []
+    n = len(times)
+    for i, time in enumerate(times):
+        sigma_sum = 0
+        for j in range(n):
+            sigma_sum += (errors[j] / I[j])**2
+        sqrt_sigma_sum = sqrt(sigma_sum)
+        sigma_R_i = 1. / time * sqrt_sigma_sum
+        sigma_R.append(sigma_R_i)
+    return asarray(sigma_R)
+def func_exp_chi2(params=None, times=None, I=None, errors=None):
+    """Target function for minimising chi2 in minfx, for exponential fit."""
+    # Calculate.
+    back_calc = func_exp(params=params, times=times)
+    # Calculate and return the chi-squared value.
+    return chi2(data=I, back_calc=back_calc, errors=errors)
+def chi2(data=None, back_calc=None, errors=None):
+    """Function to calculate the chi-squared value."""
+    # Calculate the chi-squared statistic.
+    return sum((1.0 / errors * (data - back_calc))**2)
+def func_exp_grad(params=None, times=None, errors=None):
+    """The gradient (Jacobian matrix) of func_exp for Co-variance 
+    # Unpack the parameter values.
+    r2eff = params[0]
+    i0 = params[1]
+    # Make partial derivative, with respect to r2eff.
+    d_exp_d_r2eff = -i0 * times * exp(-r2eff * times)
+    # Make partial derivative, with respect to i0.
+    d_exp_d_i0 = exp(-r2eff * times)
+    # Define Jacobian as m rows with function derivatives and n columns of 
+    jacobian_matrix_exp = transpose(array( [d_exp_d_r2eff , d_exp_d_i0] ) )
+    # Return Jacobian matrix.
+    return jacobian_matrix_exp
+def multifit_covar(J=None, weights=None):
+    """This is the implementation of the multifit covariance."""
+    # Make a square diagonal matrix.
+    eye_mat = eye(weights.shape[0])
+    # Form weight matrix.
+    W = multiply(eye_mat, weights)
+    # Calculate step by step, by matrix multiplication.
+    Jt = transpose(J)
+    Jt_W = dot(Jt, W)
+    Jt_W_J = dot(Jt_W, J)
+    # Invert matrix by QR decomposition.
+    Q, R = qr(Jt_W_J)
+    # Form the covariance matrix.
+    Qxx = dot(inv(R), transpose(Q) )
+    return Qxx
+########### Do simulations ##################################
+# Loop over sims.
+for i in range(sim):
+    # Create index in dic.
+    dic[i] = OrderedDict()
+    # Create random number of timepoints. Between 3 and 10 for exponential 
curve fitting.
+    nt = randint(nt_min, nt_max)
+    dic[i]['nt'] = nt
+    # Create time array, by drawing from the all time points array.
+    times = asarray( sample(population=all_times, k=nt) )
+    dic[i]['times'] = times
+    # Get the indexes which was drawn from.
+    indexes = []
+    for time in times:
+        indexes.append( int(where(time == all_times)[0]) )
+    dic[i]['indexes'] = indexes
+    # Draw errors from same indexes.
+    errors = all_errors[indexes]
+    dic[i]['errors'] = errors
+    # Calculate the real intensity.
+    I = func_exp(params=params, times=times)
+    dic[i]['I'] = I
+    # Now produce Intensity with errors.
+    I_err = []
+    for j, error in enumerate(errors):
+        I_error = gauss(I[j], error)
+        I_err.append(I_error)
+    # Convert to numpy array.
+    I_err = asarray(I_err)
+    dic[i]['I_err'] = I_err
+    # Now estimate with no weighting.
+    R_e, I0_e = est_x0_exp(times=times, I=I_err)
+    dic[i]['R_e'] = R_e
+    dic[i]['I0_e'] = I0_e
+    # Now estimate with weighting.
+    R_ew, I0_ew = est_x0_exp_weight(times=times, I=I_err, errors=errors)
+    dic[i]['R_ew'] = R_e
+    dic[i]['I0_ew'] = I0_e
+    # Now estimate errors for parameters.
+    sigma_R = point_r2eff_err(times=times, I=I_err, errors=errors)
+    dic[i]['sigma_R'] = sigma_R
+    # Minimisation.
+    args = (times, I_err, errors)
+    min_algor = 'simplex'
+    x0 = array([R_e, I0_e])
+    params_minfx, chi2_minfx, iter_count, f_count, g_count, h_count, warning 
= generic_minimise(func=func_exp_chi2, args=args, x0=x0, min_algor=min_algor, 
full_output=True, print_flag=0)
+    R_m, I0_m = params_minfx
+    dic[i]['R_m'] = R_m
+    dic[i]['I0_m'] = I0_m
+    # Estimate errors from Jacobian
+    jacobian = func_exp_grad(params=params, times=times, errors=errors)
+    dic[i]['jacobian'] = jacobian
+    weights = 1. / errors**2
+    dic[i]['weights'] = weights
+    # Covariance matrix.
+    pcov = multifit_covar(J=jacobian, weights=weights)
+    dic[i]['pcov'] = pcov
+    sigma_R_p, sigma_I0_p = sqrt(diag(pcov))
+    dic[i]['sigma_R_p'] = sigma_R_p
+    dic[i]['sigma_I0_p'] = sigma_I0_p
+# Write to pickle.
+pickle.dump( dic, open( "estimate_errors.p", "wb" ) )

      Sat Aug 30 18:06:02 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Calculate the R and I0 errors via bootstrapping.
+# As this is an exact solution, bootstrapping is identical to Monte Carlo 
+# Python module imports.
+from collections import OrderedDict
+#import pickle
+import cPickle as pickle
+# Open data.
+dic = pickle.load( open( "estimate_errors.p", "rb" ) )
+# Make plots?
+make_plots = False
+if make_plots:
+    from pylab import show, plot
+#    if make_plots:
+#        plot(times, I, 'b.', label='I')
+#        plot(times, I_err, 'r.', label='I_err')
+# Loop over dic.
+if False:
+    for i, i_dic in dic.iteritems():
+        print i, i_dic
+if make_plots:
+    show()

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