mailr25488 - /trunk/test_suite/shared_data/curve_fitting/numeric_topology/

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Posted by tlinnet on August 31, 2014 - 20:57:
Author: tlinnet
Date: Sun Aug 31 20:56:59 2014
New Revision: 25488

Added relax analysis script, to profile distribution of errors drawn in 
relax, and from python module "random".

It seems that relax draw a lot more narrow distribution of Intensity with 
errors, than python module "random".
This has an influence on estimated parameter error.

This is a potential huge error in relax.
A possible example of a catastrophic implementation of Monte-Carlo 

task #7822( Implement user function to 
estimate R2eff and associated errors for exponential curve fitting.


        Sun Aug 31 20:56:59 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+# Python module imports.
+from collections import OrderedDict
+#import pickle
+import cPickle as pickle
+from numpy import array, asarray, diag, ones, std, sqrt
+from numpy.random import normal
+from minfx.generic import generic_minimise
+from os import getcwd, makedirs, path, sep
+from random import gauss
+from tempfile import mkdtemp, NamedTemporaryFile
+# relax imports
+from status import Status; status = Status()
+import dep_check
+from pipe_control.mol_res_spin import generate_spin_string, return_spin, 
+from import average_intensity, 
check_intensity_errors, generate_r20_key, get_curve_type, 
has_exponential_exp_type, has_r1rho_exp_type, loop_exp_frq, 
loop_exp_frq_offset_point, loop_exp_frq_offset_point_time, loop_time, 
return_grace_file_name_ini, return_param_key_from_data
+from import check_intensity_errors
+from specific_analyses.relax_disp.variables import MODEL_R2EFF
+# C modules.
+if dep_check.C_module_exp_fn:
+    from specific_analyses.relax_fit.optimisation import func_wrapper, 
dfunc_wrapper, d2func_wrapper
+    from target_functions.relax_fit import jacobian, jacobian_chi2, setup
+    # Call the python wrapper function to help with list to numpy array 
+    func = func_wrapper
+    dfunc = dfunc_wrapper
+    d2func = d2func_wrapper
+# Open data.
+dic_s = pickle.load( open( "estimate_errors_data_settings.cp", "rb" ) )
+# Extract
+R = dic_s['R']
+I0 = dic_s['I0']
+params = dic_s['params']
+np = dic_s['np']
+sim = dic_s['sim']
+nt_min = dic_s['nt_min']
+nt_max_list = dic_s['nt_max_list']
+all_times = dic_s['all_times']
+I_err_level = dic_s['I_err_level']
+I_err_std = dic_s['I_err_std']
+all_errors = dic_s['all_errors']
+# Make plots?
+make_plots = True
+make_peak_lists = True
+if make_plots:
+    from pylab import show, plot, legend, figure, title, subplots
+    from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
+    fontP = FontProperties()
+    fontP.set_size('small')
+# Set which data to open for.
+nt_max = 10
+# Open data.
+dic = pickle.load( open( "estimate_errors_data_nt%i.cp"%nt_max, "rb" ) )
+##### Relax
+data_path = status.install_path + 
+pipe_name = 'base pipe'
+pipe_bundle = 'relax_disp'
+pipe_type = 'relax_disp'
+# Create the data pipe.
+pipe.create(pipe_name=pipe_name, bundle=pipe_bundle, pipe_type=pipe_type)
+# Read the spins.
+plist = "ntmax_%i_disp_%i.ser" % (nt_max, 0)
+spectrum.read_spins(file=plist, dir=data_path)
+# Name the isotope for field strength scaling.
+centerPPM_N15 = 110.000
+, dir=data_path)
+#for i in range(np):
+for i in range(1):
+    nt = dic[i]['nt']
+    errors = dic[i]['errors']
+    times = dic[i]['times']
+    # Load the peak intensities.  First create how spectrums should be named.
+    spectrum_id_list = []
+    for j in range(nt):
+         spectrum_id_list.append('%iZ_A%i'%(i, j))
+    file_name = "ntmax_%i_disp_%i.ser" % (nt_max, i)
+    spectrum.read_intensities(file=file_name, dir=data_path, 
spectrum_id=spectrum_id_list, int_method='height', int_col=range(nt))
+    for j in range(nt):
+        spectrum_id = '%iZ_A%i'%(i, j)
+        # Set the peak intensity errors, as defined as the baseplane RMSD.
+        error = errors[j]
+        spectrum.baseplane_rmsd(error=error, spectrum_id=spectrum_id)
+        # Set the relaxation dispersion experiment type.
+        relax_disp.exp_type(spectrum_id=spectrum_id, exp_type='R1rho')
+        # Set The spin-lock field strength, nu1, in Hz
+        spin_lock_field_strength = 1000. + i
+        relax_disp.spin_lock_field(spectrum_id=spectrum_id, 
+        # Set The spin-lock offset, omega_rf, in ppm.
+        relax_disp.spin_lock_offset(spectrum_id=spectrum_id, offset=120.0)
+        # Set the relaxation times (in s).
+        time = times[j]
+        relax_disp.relax_time(spectrum_id=spectrum_id, time=time)
+        # Set the spectrometer frequency.
+        spectrometer.frequency(id=spectrum_id, frq=800.1, units='MHz')
+# Set the model.
+# Check if intensity errors have already been calculated.
+# Do a grid search.
+minimise.grid_search(lower=None, upper=None, inc=11, constraints=False, 
+# Minimise.
+minimise.execute(min_algor='Newton', constraints=False, verbosity=0)
+grace_file_path = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False).name
+grace_dir_name = path.dirname(grace_file_path)
+grace_file_name = path.basename(grace_file_path)
+relax_disp.plot_exp_curves(file=grace_file_name, dir=grace_dir_name, 
force=True, norm=True)
+print("Grace intensity file is: %s in %s for file %s"%(grace_file_path, 
grace_dir_name, grace_file_name))
+## Estimate R2eff errors.
+# Do boot strapping ?
+do_boot = True
+min_algor = 'Newton'
+min_options = ()
+sim_boot = 100000
+scaling_list = [1.0, 1.0]
+# Start dic.
+my_dic = OrderedDict()
+# Get the data.
+for cur_spin, mol_name, resi, resn, spin_id in spin_loop(full_info=True, 
return_id=True, skip_desel=True):
+    # Add key to dic.
+    my_dic[spin_id] = OrderedDict()
+    # Generate spin string.
+    spin_string = generate_spin_string(spin=cur_spin, mol_name=mol_name, 
res_num=resi, res_name=resn)
+    for exp_type, frq, offset, point, ei, mi, oi, di in 
+        # Generate the param_key.
+        param_key = return_param_key_from_data(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq, 
offset=offset, point=point)
+        # Add key to dic.
+        my_dic[spin_id][param_key] = OrderedDict()
+        # Get the value.
+        r2eff = getattr(cur_spin, 'r2eff')[param_key]
+        my_dic[spin_id][param_key]['r2eff'] = r2eff
+        #r2eff_err = getattr(cur_spin, 'r2eff_err')[param_key]
+        i0 = getattr(cur_spin, 'i0')[param_key]
+        #i0_err = getattr(cur_spin, 'i0_err')[param_key]
+        my_dic[spin_id][param_key]['i0'] = i0
+        if do_boot:
+            values = []
+            errors = []
+            times = []
+            for time in loop_time(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq, offset=offset, 
+                values.append(average_intensity(spin=cur_spin, 
exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq, offset=offset, point=point, time=time))
+                errors.append(average_intensity(spin=cur_spin, 
exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq, offset=offset, point=point, time=time, 
+                times.append(time)
+            # Convert to numpy array.
+            values = asarray(values)
+            errors = asarray(errors)
+            times = asarray(times)
+            R_m_sim_l = []
+            I0_m_sim_l = []
+            for j in range(sim_boot):
+                if j in range(0, 100000, 100):
+                    print("Simulation %i"%j)
+                # Start minimisation.
+                # Produce errors
+                I_err = []
+                for j, error in enumerate(errors):
+                    I_error = gauss(values[j], error)
+                    I_err.append(I_error)
+                # Convert to numpy array.
+                I_err = asarray(I_err)
+                x0 = [r2eff, i0]
+                setup(num_params=len(x0), num_times=len(times), 
values=I_err, sd=errors, relax_times=times, scaling_matrix=scaling_list)
+                params_minfx_sim_j, chi2_minfx_sim_j, iter_count, f_count, 
g_count, h_count, warning = generic_minimise(func=func, dfunc=dfunc, 
d2func=d2func, args=(), x0=x0, min_algor=min_algor, min_options=min_options, 
full_output=True, print_flag=0)
+                R_m_sim_j, I0_m_sim_j = params_minfx_sim_j
+                R_m_sim_l.append(R_m_sim_j)
+                I0_m_sim_l.append(I0_m_sim_j)
+            my_dic[spin_id][param_key]['r2eff_array_boot'] = 
+            my_dic[spin_id][param_key]['i0_array_boot'] = asarray(I0_m_sim_l)
+            # Get stats on distribution.
+            sigma_R_sim = std(asarray(R_m_sim_l), ddof=1)
+            sigma_I0_sim = std(asarray(I0_m_sim_l), ddof=1)
+            my_dic[spin_id][param_key]['r2eff_err_boot'] = sigma_R_sim
+            my_dic[spin_id][param_key]['i0_err_boot'] = sigma_I0_sim
+# Now do relax monte carli
+minimise.execute(min_algor=min_algor, constraints=False)
+# Get the data.
+for cur_spin, mol_name, resi, resn, spin_id in spin_loop(full_info=True, 
return_id=True, skip_desel=True):
+    # Generate spin string.
+    spin_string = generate_spin_string(spin=cur_spin, mol_name=mol_name, 
res_num=resi, res_name=resn)
+    for exp_type, frq, offset, point, ei, mi, oi, di in 
+        # Generate the param_key.
+        param_key = return_param_key_from_data(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq, 
offset=offset, point=point)
+        # Loop over all sim, and collect data.
+        r2eff_sim_l = []
+        i0_sim_l = []
+        for i, r2eff_sim in enumerate(cur_spin.r2eff_sim):
+            i0_sim = cur_spin.i0_sim[i]
+            r2eff_sim_i = r2eff_sim[param_key]
+            r2eff_sim_l.append(r2eff_sim_i)
+            i0_sim_i = i0_sim[param_key]
+            i0_sim_l.append(i0_sim_i)
+        my_dic[spin_id][param_key]['r2eff_array_sim'] = asarray(r2eff_sim_l)
+        my_dic[spin_id][param_key]['i0_array_sim'] = asarray(i0_sim_l)
+        # Take the standard deviation of all values.
+        r2eff_sim_err = std(asarray(r2eff_sim_l), ddof=1)
+        i0_sim_err = std(asarray(i0_sim_l), ddof=1)
+        my_dic[spin_id][param_key]['r2eff_err_sim'] = r2eff_sim_err
+        my_dic[spin_id][param_key]['i0_err_sim'] = i0_sim_err
+if make_plots:
+    fig_nr = 1
+    for cur_spin, mol_name, resi, resn, spin_id in spin_loop(full_info=True, 
return_id=True, skip_desel=True):
+        for exp_type, frq, offset, point, ei, mi, oi, di in 
+            # Create figure
+            fig = figure(num=fig_nr, figsize=(20, 8))
+            # Generate the param_key.
+            param_key = return_param_key_from_data(exp_type=exp_type, 
frq=frq, offset=offset, point=point)
+            # Original solution
+            r2eff = my_dic[spin_id][param_key]['r2eff']
+            # Extraxt from boot
+            r2eff_array_boot = my_dic[spin_id][param_key]['r2eff_array_boot']
+            r2eff_err_boot = my_dic[spin_id][param_key]['r2eff_err_boot']
+            gauss_ref_boot = normal(loc=r2eff, scale=r2eff_err_boot, 
+            # Extract from relax Monte-Carlo
+            r2eff_array_sim = my_dic[spin_id][param_key]['r2eff_array_sim']
+            r2eff_sim_err = my_dic[spin_id][param_key]['r2eff_err_sim']
+            gauss_ref_sim = normal(loc=r2eff, scale=r2eff_sim_err, 
+            # Plot histogram
+            # For boot
+            ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
+            #ax1.hist(r2eff_array_boot, bins=100, histtype='stepfilled', 
normed=False, color='b', alpha=0.9, label='%i boot'%sim_boot)
+            ax1.hist(r2eff_array_boot, bins=100, histtype='stepfilled', 
normed=True, color='b', alpha=0.9, label='%i boot'%sim_boot)
+            ax1.hist(gauss_ref_boot, bins=100, histtype='step', normed=True, 
color='r', alpha=0.5, label='boot gauss')
+            ax1.set_xlim([0.9,1.1])
+            ax1.set_xlabel('R')
+            ax1.legend(loc='upper left', shadow=True, prop = fontP)
+            # For Monte-Carlo
+            ax1 = fig.add_subplot(122)
+            #ax1.hist(r2eff_array_sim, bins=100, histtype='stepfilled', 
normed=False, color='b', alpha=0.9, label='%i MC'%sim_boot)
+            ax1.hist(r2eff_array_sim, bins=100, histtype='stepfilled', 
normed=True, color='b', alpha=0.9, label='%i MC'%sim_boot)
+            ax1.hist(gauss_ref_sim, bins=100, histtype='step', normed=True, 
color='r', alpha=0.5, label='MC gauss')
+            ax1.set_xlim([0.9,1.1])
+            ax1.set_xlabel('R')
+            ax1.legend(loc='upper left', shadow=True, prop = fontP)
+            fig_nr += 1
+if make_plots:
+    show()

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