mailr26112 - /trunk/pipe_control/structure/

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Posted by edward on October 01, 2014 - 19:44:
Author: bugman
Date: Wed Oct  1 19:44:24 2014
New Revision: 26112

Implemented the structure.align user function backend.

This is similar to the structure.superimpose user function, however the 
coordinate data structure
only contains atoms which are in common to all structures.


Modified: trunk/pipe_control/structure/
--- trunk/pipe_control/structure/        (original)
+++ trunk/pipe_control/structure/        Wed Oct  1 19:44:24 2014
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 from pipe_control import molmol, pipes
 from pipe_control.interatomic import interatomic_loop
 from pipe_control.mol_res_spin import check_mol_res_spin_data, create_spin, 
generate_spin_id_unique, linear_ave, return_spin, spin_loop
-from pipe_control.pipes import check_pipe
+from pipe_control.pipes import check_pipe, get_pipe
 from pipe_control.structure.mass import pipe_centre_of_mass
 from status import Status; status = Status()
 from target_functions.ens_pivot_finder import Pivot_finder
@@ -101,6 +101,133 @@
     # Add a model.
     print("Created the empty model number %s." % model_num)
+def align(pipes=None, models=None, method='fit to mean', atom_id=None, 
centre_type="centroid", centroid=None):
+    """Superimpose a set of related, but not identical structures.
+    @keyword pipes:         The data pipes to include in the alignment and 
+    @type pipes:            list of str
+    @keyword models:        The list of models to for each data pipe 
superimpose.  The number of elements must match the pipes argument.  If set 
to None, then all models will be used.
+    @type models:           list of lists of int or None
+    @keyword method:        The superimposition method.  It must be one of 
'fit to mean' or 'fit to first'.
+    @type method:           str
+    @keyword atom_id:       The molecule, residue, and atom identifier 
string.  This matches the spin ID string format.
+    @type atom_id:          str or None
+    @keyword centre_type:   The type of centre to superimpose over.  This 
can either be the standard centroid superimposition or the CoM could be used 
+    @type centre_type:      str
+    @keyword centroid:      An alternative position of the centroid to allow 
for different superpositions, for example of pivot point motions.
+    @type centroid:         list of float or numpy rank-1, 3D array
+    """
+    # Check the method.
+    allowed = ['fit to mean', 'fit to first']
+    if method not in allowed:
+        raise RelaxError("The superimposition method '%s' is unknown.  It 
must be one of %s." % (method, allowed))
+    # Check the type.
+    allowed = ['centroid', 'CoM']
+    if centre_type not in allowed:
+        raise RelaxError("The superimposition centre type '%s' is unknown.  
It must be one of %s." % (centre_type, allowed))
+    # The data pipes to use.
+    if pipes == None:
+        pipes = [pipes.cdp_name()]
+    # Checks.
+    for pipe in pipes:
+        check_pipe(pipe)
+    # Initialise the models data structure.
+    if models == None:
+        models = []
+        for i in range(len(pipes)):
+            models.append(None)
+    # Assemble the atomic coordinates of all structures.
+    atom_ids = []
+    atom_pos = []
+    atom_elem = []
+    for pipe_index in range(len(pipes)):
+        # The data pipe object.
+        dp = get_pipe(pipes[pipe_index])
+        # Validate the models.
+        dp.structure.validate_models(verbosity=0)
+        # The selection object.
+        selection = dp.structure.selection(atom_id=atom_id)
+        # Create a list of all models for this pipe.
+        if models[pipe_index] == None:
+            models[pipe_index] = []
+            for model in dp.structure.model_loop():
+                models[pipe_index].append(model.num)
+        # Loop over the models.
+        for model in models[pipe_index]:
+            # Extend the lists.
+            atom_ids.append([])
+            atom_pos.append({})
+            atom_elem.append({})
+            # Add all coordinates and elements.
+            for mol_name, res_num, res_name, atom_name, elem, pos in 
dp.structure.atom_loop(selection=selection, model_num=model, 
mol_name_flag=True, res_num_flag=True, res_name_flag=True, 
atom_name_flag=True, pos_flag=True, element_flag=True):
+                # A unique identifier.
+                id = "#%s:%s&%s@%s" % (mol_name, res_num, res_name, 
+                if id == "#uniform_mol1:1&NH@N":
+                    print id, pos[0]
+                atom_ids[-1].append(id)
+                atom_pos[-1][id] = pos[0]
+                atom_elem[-1][id] = elem
+    # Set up the structures for the superimposition algorithm.
+    num = len(atom_ids)
+    coord = []
+    elements = []
+    for i in range(num):
+        coord.append([])
+        elements.append([])
+    # Find the common atoms and create the coordinate data structure.
+    for id in atom_ids[0]:
+        # Is the atom ID present in all other structures?
+        present = True
+        for i in range(num):
+            if id not in atom_ids[i]:
+                present = False
+                break
+        # Not present, so skip the atom.
+        if not present:
+            continue
+        # Add the atomic position to the coordinate list and the element to 
the element list.
+        for i in range(num):
+            coord[i].append(atom_pos[i][id])
+            elements[i].append(atom_elem[i][id])
+    # Convert to a numpy array.
+    coord = array(coord, float64)
+    for i in range(num):
+        print coord[i][0]
+    # The different algorithms.
+    if method == 'fit to mean':
+        T, R, pivot = fit_to_mean(models=range(num), coord=coord, 
centre_type=centre_type, elements=elements, centroid=centroid)
+    elif method == 'fit to first':
+        T, R, pivot = fit_to_first(models=range(num), coord=coord, 
centre_type=centre_type, elements=elements, centroid=centroid)
+    # Update to the new coordinates.
+    for pipe_index in range(len(pipes)):
+        for model in models[pipe_index]:
+            # Translate the molecule first (the rotational pivot is defined 
in the first model).
+            translate(T=T[i], model=model, pipe_name=pipes[pipe_index])
+            # Rotate the molecule.
+            rotate(R=R[i], origin=pivot[i], model=model, 
 def check_structure_func():

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