mailr26396 - /branches/frame_order_cleanup/test_suite/shared_data/frame_order/sim_vs_pred_matrix/

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Posted by edward on November 01, 2014 - 12:36:
Author: bugman
Date: Sat Nov  1 12:36:07 2014
New Revision: 26396

Added some old relax scripts for both simulating and predicting the frame 
order matrix elements.

These were used for the initial implementation of the pseudo-ellipse frame 
order model back in July
2010.  The scripts will be extended for all frame order models.  The 
simulated values could then be
used in unit tests of the frame order matrix code in lib.frame_order.


  Sat Nov  1 12:36:07 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+# relax script!
+# Python module imports.
+from math import cos, pi, sin, sqrt
+from numpy import array, cross, dot, eye, float64, outer, transpose, zeros
+from numpy.linalg import det, inv, norm
+from string import lower
+import sys
+# relax module imports.
+from generic_fns.angles import wrap_angles
+from maths_fns.rotation_matrix import R_random_hypersphere, R_to_euler_zyz
+# Variables.
+SAMPLE_SIZE = 1000000
+TAG = 'out_of_frame'
+# Angular restrictions.
+THETA_X = pi / 4
+THETA_Y = 3 * pi / 8
+THETA_Z = pi / 6
+INC = 18
+VAR = 'Y'
+# The frame order eigenframe - I.
+if TAG == 'in_frame':
+    EIG_FRAME = eye(3)
+# The frame order eigenframe - rotated.
+if TAG == 'out_of_frame':
+    EIG_FRAME = array([[ 2, -1,  2],
+                       [ 2,  2, -1],
+                       [-1,  2,  2]], float64) / 3.0
+# The frame order eigenframe (and tag) - original isotropic cone axis [2, 1, 
+elif TAG == 'axis2_1_3':
+    # Generate 3 orthogonal vectors.
+    vect_z = array([2, 1, 3], float64)
+    vect_x = cross(vect_z, array([1, 1, 1], float64))
+    vect_y = cross(vect_z, vect_x)
+    # Normalise.
+    vect_x = vect_x / norm(vect_x)
+    vect_y = vect_y / norm(vect_y)
+    vect_z = vect_z / norm(vect_z)
+    # Build the frame.
+    EIG_FRAME = zeros((3, 3), float64)
+    EIG_FRAME[:,0] = vect_x
+    EIG_FRAME[:,1] = vect_y
+    EIG_FRAME[:,2] = vect_z
+class Frame_order:
+    def __init__(self):
+        """Calculate the frame order at infinity.
+        This is when the starting positions are random.
+        """
+        # The tag.
+        self.tag = '_%s_theta_%s_ens%s.agr' % (TAG, lower(VAR), SAMPLE_SIZE)
+        # Set the initial storage structures.
+        self.init_storage()
+        # Init.
+        index, type, round = 0, 0, 0
+        char = ['/', '-', '\\', '|']
+        # Loop over random starting positions.
+        while 1:
+            # Print out.
+            if not index % 200:
+                # Sim number.
+                sys.stdout.write("\b"*100 + "Sim: %-9i %s" % (index, 
+                sys.stdout.flush()
+                # Twirly thing index.
+                type += 1
+                round += 1
+                if type == 4: type = 0
+            # Get the random rotation.
+            R_random_hypersphere(self.rot)
+            # Rotate the frame.
+            frame = dot(self.rot, EIG_FRAME)
+            # The rotation in the eigenframe.
+            rot_eig = dot(transpose(EIG_FRAME), frame)
+            # Loop over the angle incs.
+            for i in range(INC):
+                # Inside the cone.
+                if not self.full[i] and self.inside(i, rot_eig):
+                    # Sum of rotations and cross products.
+                    self.first_frame_order[i] = self.first_frame_order[i] + 
+                    self.second_frame_order[i] = self.second_frame_order[i] 
+ outer(self.rot, self.rot)
+                    # Increment the counter.
+                    self.count[i] = self.count[i] + 1
+                    # Full.
+                    if self.count[i] == SAMPLE_SIZE:
+                        sys.stdout.write("\b"*100 + "The angle restriction 
of %s deg is complete.\n" % self.get_angle(i, deg=True))
+                        self.full[i] = 1
+            # Increment the global index.
+            index = index + 1
+            # Break out.
+            if sum(self.full) == INC:
+                break
+        # Average.
+        self.first_frame_order = self.first_frame_order / float(SAMPLE_SIZE)
+        self.second_frame_order = self.second_frame_order / 
+        # Write the data.
+        self.write_data(legends=True)
+    def get_angle(self, index, deg=False):
+        """Return the angle corresponding to the incrementation index."""
+        # The angle of one increment.
+        inc_angle = pi / INC
+        # The angle of the increment.
+        angle = inc_angle * (index+1)
+        # Return.
+        if deg:
+            return angle / (2*pi) * 360
+        else:
+            return angle
+    def init_storage(self):
+        """Initialise the storage structures."""
+        # Create the average rotation matrix (first order).
+        self.first_frame_order = zeros((INC, 3, 3), float64)
+        # Create the frame order matrix (each element is ensemble averaged 
and corresponds to a different time step).
+        self.second_frame_order = zeros((INC, 9, 9), float64)
+        # Init the rotation matrix.
+        self.rot = zeros((3, 3), float64)
+        # Some data arrays.
+        self.full = zeros(INC)
+        self.count = zeros(INC)
+    def inside(self, i, frame):
+        """Determine if the frame is inside the limits."""
+        # The new limits.
+        theta_x, theta_y, theta_z = self.limits(i)
+        # Decompose the frame into the zyz Euler angles.
+        alpha, beta, gamma = R_to_euler_zyz(frame)
+        # Sanity check!
+        if beta > pi or beta < 0:
+            raise NameError, "A beta value of %s is not possible!" % beta
+        # Convert to tilt and torsion angles (properly wrapped).
+        theta = beta
+        phi = wrap_angles(gamma, -pi, pi)
+        sigma = wrap_angles(alpha + gamma, -pi, pi)
+        # Check for a torsion angle violation.
+        if sigma < -theta_z or sigma > theta_z:
+            return False
+        # Check for a tilt angle violation.
+        theta_max = 1.0 / sqrt(cos(phi)**2 / theta_x**2 + sin(phi)**2 / 
+        if theta > theta_max:
+            return False
+        # Inside.
+        return True
+    def limits(self, i):
+        """Determine the angular restrictions for the increment i."""
+        # Get the angle for the increment.
+        theta = self.get_angle(i)
+        # Vary X.
+        if VAR == 'X':
+            return theta, THETA_Y, THETA_Z
+        # Vary Y.
+        elif VAR == 'Y':
+            return THETA_X, theta, THETA_Z
+        # Vary Z.
+        elif VAR == 'Z':
+            return THETA_X, THETA_Y, theta
+        # Simulate the isotropic cone.
+        elif VAR == 'ISO':
+            return theta, theta, pi
+    def write_data(self, legends=False):
+        """Dump the data to files."""
+        # Open the files.
+        file_1st = open('Sij' + self.tag, 'w')
+        file_2nd = open('S2ijkl' + self.tag, 'w')
+        # Legends.
+        if legends:
+            # Header for first order matrix.
+            graph_num = 0
+            for i in range(3):
+                for j in range(3):
+                    # Legend.
+                    file_1st.write('@    s%i legend \"<\qc\s%s%s\N>\"\n' % 
(graph_num, i+1, j+1))
+                    # Inc.
+                    graph_num = graph_num + 1
+            # Header for second order matrix.
+            graph_num = 0
+            for i in range(3):
+                for j in range(3):
+                    for k in range(3):
+                        for l in range(3):
+                            # Legend.
+                            file_2nd.write('@    s%i legend 
\"<c%s%s.c%s%s>\"\n' % (graph_num, i+1, j+1, k+1, l+1))
+                            # Inc.
+                            graph_num = graph_num + 1
+        # Loop over the first rotation matrix index.
+        graph_num = 0
+        for i in range(3):
+            # Loop over the second rotation matrix index.
+            for j in range(3):
+                # Header.
+                file_1st.write('@target G0.S%i\n' % graph_num)
+                file_1st.write('@type xy\n')
+                # Loop over each time point.
+                for k in range(INC):
+                    # Get the angle.
+                    angle = self.get_angle(k, deg=True)
+                    # Write.
+                    file_1st.write('%s %s\n' % (angle, 
self.first_frame_order[k, i, j]))
+                # Footer.
+                file_1st.write('&\n')
+                # Inc.
+                graph_num = graph_num + 1
+        # Loop over the first frame order index.
+        graph_num = 0
+        for i in range(9):
+            # Loop over the second frame order index.
+            for j in range(9):
+                # Header.
+                file_2nd.write('@target G0.S%i\n' % graph_num)
+                file_2nd.write('@type xy\n')
+                # Loop over each time point.
+                for k in range(INC):
+                    # Get the angle.
+                    angle = self.get_angle(k, deg=True)
+                    # Write.
+                    file_2nd.write('%s %s\n' % (angle, 
self.second_frame_order[k, i, j]))
+                # Footer.
+                file_2nd.write('&\n')
+                # Inc.
+                graph_num = graph_num + 1
+# Calculate the frame order.

  Sat Nov  1 12:36:07 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+# relax script!
+# Python module imports.
+from math import cos, pi, sin, sqrt
+from numpy import array, cross, dot, eye, float64, outer, transpose, zeros
+from numpy.linalg import det, inv, norm
+from string import lower
+import sys
+# relax module imports.
+from generic_fns.angles import wrap_angles
+from maths_fns.frame_order_matrix_ops import 
compile_1st_matrix_pseudo_ellipse, compile_2nd_matrix_pseudo_ellipse
+# Variables.
+TAG = 'in_frame'
+# Angular restrictions.
+THETA_X = pi / 4
+THETA_Y = 3 * pi / 8
+THETA_Z = pi / 6
+INC = 18
+VAR = 'Z'
+# The frame order eigenframe - I.
+if TAG == 'in_frame':
+    EIG_FRAME = eye(3)
+# The frame order eigenframe - rotated.
+if TAG == 'out_of_frame':
+    EIG_FRAME = array([[ 2, -1,  2],
+                       [ 2,  2, -1],
+                       [-1,  2,  2]], float64) / 3.0
+# The frame order eigenframe (and tag) - original isotropic cone axis [2, 1, 
+elif TAG == 'axis2_1_3':
+    # Generate 3 orthogonal vectors.
+    vect_z = array([2, 1, 3], float64)
+    vect_x = cross(vect_z, array([1, 1, 1], float64))
+    vect_y = cross(vect_z, vect_x)
+    # Normalise.
+    vect_x = vect_x / norm(vect_x)
+    vect_y = vect_y / norm(vect_y)
+    vect_z = vect_z / norm(vect_z)
+    # Build the frame.
+    EIG_FRAME = zeros((3, 3), float64)
+    EIG_FRAME[:,0] = vect_x
+    EIG_FRAME[:,1] = vect_y
+    EIG_FRAME[:,2] = vect_z
+class Frame_order:
+    def __init__(self):
+        """Calculate the frame order at infinity.
+        This is when the starting positions are random.
+        """
+        # The tag.
+        self.tag = '_%s_theta_%s_back_calc.agr' % (TAG, lower(VAR))
+        # Set the initial storage structures.
+        self.init_storage()
+        # Loop over the angle incs.
+        for i in range(INC):
+            # Get the angle for the increment.
+            theta = self.get_angle(i)
+            # Vary X.
+            if VAR == 'X':
+                theta_x = theta
+                theta_y = THETA_Y
+                theta_z = THETA_Z
+            # Vary Y.
+            elif VAR == 'Y':
+                theta_x = THETA_X
+                theta_y = theta
+                theta_z = THETA_Z
+            # Vary Z.
+            elif VAR == 'Z':
+                theta_x = THETA_X
+                theta_y = THETA_Y
+                theta_z = theta
+            # Calculate the frame order matrices.
+            compile_1st_matrix_pseudo_ellipse(self.first_frame_order[i], 
theta_x, theta_y, theta_z)
+            compile_2nd_matrix_pseudo_ellipse(self.second_frame_order[i], 
theta_x, theta_y, theta_z)
+        # Write the data.
+        self.write_data(legends=True)
+    def get_angle(self, index, deg=False):
+        """Return the angle corresponding to the incrementation index."""
+        # The angle of one increment.
+        inc_angle = pi / INC
+        # The angle of the increment.
+        angle = inc_angle * (index+1)
+        # Return.
+        if deg:
+            return angle / (2*pi) * 360
+        else:
+            return angle
+    def init_storage(self):
+        """Initialise the storage structures."""
+        # Create the average rotation matrix (first order).
+        self.first_frame_order = zeros((INC, 3, 3), float64)
+        # Create the frame order matrix (each element is ensemble averaged 
and corresponds to a different time step).
+        self.second_frame_order = zeros((INC, 9, 9), float64)
+        # Init the rotation matrix.
+        self.rot = zeros((3, 3), float64)
+        # Some data arrays.
+        self.full = zeros(INC)
+        self.count = zeros(INC)
+    def write_data(self, legends=False):
+        """Dump the data to files."""
+        # Open the files.
+        file_1st = open('Sij' + self.tag, 'w')
+        file_2nd = open('S2ijkl' + self.tag, 'w')
+        # Legends.
+        if legends:
+            # Header for first order matrix.
+            graph_num = 0
+            for i in range(3):
+                for j in range(3):
+                    # Legend.
+                    file_1st.write('@    s%i legend \"<\qc\s%s%s\N>\"\n' % 
(graph_num, i+1, j+1))
+                    # Inc.
+                    graph_num = graph_num + 1
+            # Header for second order matrix.
+            graph_num = 0
+            for i in range(3):
+                for j in range(3):
+                    for k in range(3):
+                        for l in range(3):
+                            # Legend.
+                            file_2nd.write('@    s%i legend 
\"<c%s%s.c%s%s>\"\n' % (graph_num, i+1, j+1, k+1, l+1))
+                            # Inc.
+                            graph_num = graph_num + 1
+        # Loop over the first rotation matrix index.
+        graph_num = 0
+        for i in range(3):
+            # Loop over the second rotation matrix index.
+            for j in range(3):
+                # Header.
+                file_1st.write('@target G0.S%i\n' % graph_num)
+                file_1st.write('@type xy\n')
+                # Loop over each time point.
+                for k in range(INC):
+                    # Get the angle.
+                    angle = self.get_angle(k, deg=True)
+                    # Write.
+                    file_1st.write('%s %s\n' % (angle, 
self.first_frame_order[k, i, j]))
+                # Footer.
+                file_1st.write('&\n')
+                # Inc.
+                graph_num = graph_num + 1
+        # Loop over the first frame order index.
+        graph_num = 0
+        for i in range(9):
+            # Loop over the second frame order index.
+            for j in range(9):
+                # Header.
+                file_2nd.write('@target G0.S%i\n' % graph_num)
+                file_2nd.write('@type xy\n')
+                # Loop over each time point.
+                for k in range(INC):
+                    # Get the angle.
+                    angle = self.get_angle(k, deg=True)
+                    # Write.
+                    file_2nd.write('%s %s\n' % (angle, 
self.second_frame_order[k, i, j]))
+                # Footer.
+                file_2nd.write('&\n')
+                # Inc.
+                graph_num = graph_num + 1
+# Calculate the frame order.

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