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Posted by Pavel Kaderavek on December 12, 2008 - 14:47:
we have embodied into the Relax program possibility to perform the analysis with consideration of the asymmetric character of the CST and also all dipole-dipole interactions arising from the spins in the proximity to the studied S-I spin pair. This should be taken into the account for the dynamic studies of the fully labeled nucleic acid (Poster 118 at 23rd ICMBRS meeting in San Diego) and we would like to add this feature to the public version of the Relax program.

These changes can be done by the addition of new terms into the equations for the relaxation rates. The description of the relaxation due to the fully anisotropic CST can be written in concordance with the article by Goldman M, J magn. Reson 60, 437-452 (1984). The CST tensor is splitted into two axially symmetric subtensors which both contribute to the relaxation. Such approach has advantage that the spectral density function do not change the form used in Relax program. The calculation is done in the same manner using only different input orientation. The function for chi^2 calculation and minimalization procedure is not affected.

Definition additional input information:
The orientation of the CS tensor is defined in the new input file containing for each studied nucleus three Euler angles in separate columns defining the orientation of the CS tensor with respect to the PDB frame (these values are then stored in the variable called CSEA). Separate file contains three columns with the eigenvalues of the chemical shielding tensor (these values are then stored in the variable called CST). The choice of atom responsible for the significant dipole-dipole interaction with the studied nuclei is done in the PDB file. Atoms, which are to be considered in the calculations, should be marked in the PDB file by adding the distance to the studied nuclei (in the 1e-10m unit) after the z coordinate. Other atoms should have zero distance instead. So far only atoms from the same residuum may be taken into the account.

Suggested changes in the code:
generic_fns/ added function for setting gyromagnetic ratios for selected atoms Y (atoms dipole-dipole interaction should be considered in the calculation) and ratio of gyromagnetic ratios of atoms Y and X (nucleus which relaxation is studied) generic_fns/ added function for calculating XY unit vector from the structure
   generic_fns/ added 'mf_csa' model name
prompt/interpreter and other files in prompt directory added code for accessing Csa_data and Model_free_csa functions prompt/ added csa extended model_free code (according to
   prompt/ Class for manipulating CST and CSEA csa data.
specific_fns/ added csa extended model_free code (according to
   specific_fns/ Class for manipulating CST and CSEA csa data.

Instead of the only file in the original version of the Relax program we added files: (calculate the spectral density function for the first CS subtensor) (calculate the spectral density function for the second CS subtensor) (calculate the cross correlation spectral density function between both CS subtensors) (calculate the vector of the spectral density functions for the dipole-dipole interactions to all nuclei Y, i.e. each component of vector correspond to the individual dipole-dipole interaction) (calculate direction cosines of the principal axis of the two CS pseudo tensors and first and second derivations of the directions cosines with respect to the angles defining the orientation of the diffusion tensor) (calculate direction cosines of the principal axis of the dipole-dipole interactions to atoms Y and first and second derivations of the directions cosines with respect to the angles defining the orientation of the diffusion tensor, data are store as a vector, in which each component correspond to the individual dipole-dipole interaction) (calculate the coefficient necessary to calculate the spectral density function for the first CS subtensor) (calculate the coefficient necessary to calculate the spectral density function for the second CS subtensor) (calculate the coefficient necessary to calculate the cross correlation spectral density function of the first and second CS subtensor ... the form of the equation is slightly different to previous) (calculate the coefficient necessary to calculate the spectral density function for the first CS subtensor) (analogy of, redirect the calculation according to the setup and initialize all necessary parameter) (analogy to, prepare the linear combination of the spectral density functions and the constants corresponding to the each type of the relaxation mechanism
i.e. instead of only
   data.dip_jw_comps_func[i] ("i" goes over residues)
   data.csa_jw_comps_func[i] ("i" goes over residues)
is necessary to introduce:
   data.dip_jw_comps_func[i] ("i" goes over residues)
data.dipY_jw_comps_func[j][i] ("i" goes over residues, "j" over atoms Y interacting with atom X)
   data.csa1_jw_comps_func[i] ("i" goes over residues)
   data.csa2_jw_comps_func[i] ("i" goes over residues)
   data.csaC_jw_comps_func[i] ("i" goes over residues)
and similarly for constants:
   data.dip_const_func by function comp_dip_const_func
data.dipY_const_func[i] by function comp_dipY_const_func ("j" over atoms Y interacting with atom X) data.csa1_const_func[i] by function comp_csa1_const_func ("i" goes over spectrometer frequencies) data.csa2_const_func[i] by function comp_csa2_const_func ("i" goes over spectrometer frequencies) data.csaC_const_func[i] by function comp_csaC_const_func ("i" goes over spectrometer frequencies) similarly for gradients and Hessian. So far the fitting the distance to the selected neighbouring nuclei and the fitting of parameters of CS tensor is not included. (analogy of, but relaxation rates, gradients and Hessians comprises all terms calculated by ) (analogy to, but again the number of variables is enlarged by those introduced previously)
All comments or suggestions are welcomed.
Pavel Kaderavek, Petr Novak

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