mailMultiple field relaxation dispersion data handling

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Posted by Sébastien Morin on June 03, 2009 - 21:10:

I am currently trying to do some work on the relaxation dispersion branch which has been on idle mode for somehow a long time...

Executing the system tests for relaxation dispersion, one of the current problems concerns the way multiple field data is handled. It is now having troubles at the very beginning, i.e. data input stage. This could be bypassed and a single magnetic implementation be created, but I would prefer implementing relaxation dispersion directly with multiple field facilities since it is known that multiple field data is a pre-requisite for reliable extraction of dynamics information from relaxation dispersion experiments.


So, the way I started to implement it was that peak amplitudes would be first read into relax for all fields and R2eff would be extracted for these respective fields. Hence, the following commands would be issued (as in the system test script: 'test_suite/system_tests/scripts/'):

import sys

# Create the data pipe.
pipe.create('rex', 'relax_disp')

# The path to the data files.
data_path_1 = sys.path[-1] + '/test_suite/shared_data/curve_fitting_disp/Hansen/500_MHz' data_path_2 = sys.path[-1] + '/test_suite/shared_data/curve_fitting_disp/Hansen/800_MHz'

# Load the sequence.'', dir=sys.path[-1] + '/test_suite/shared_data/curve_fitting_disp/Hansen')

# Name the spins so they can be matched to the assignments.'N')

# Set the relaxation dispersion experiment type.

# Set the relaxation dispersion curve type.

# Relaxation dispersion magnetic field (in Hz).
frq.set(id='500', frq=500.0 * 1e6)
frq.set(id='800', frq=800.0 * 1e6)

# Spectrum names.
names = ['reference.in_sparky', '66.667.in_sparky', '1000.in_sparky', '133.33.in_sparky', '933.33.in_sparky', '200.in_sparky', '866.67.in_sparky', '266.67.in_sparky', '800.in_sparky', '333.33.in_sparky', '733.33.in_sparky', '400.in_sparky', '666.67.in_sparky', '466.67.in_sparky', '600.in_sparky', '533.33.in_sparky', '', '', '']

# Relaxation dispersion CPMG constant time delay T (in s).
relax_disp.cpmg_delayT(id='500', delayT=0.030)
relax_disp.cpmg_delayT(id='800', delayT=0.030)

# Relaxation dispersion CPMG frequencies (in Hz).
cpmg_frq = [None, 66.667, 1000, 133.33, 933.33, 200, 866.67, 266.67, 800, 333.33, 733.33, 400, 666.67, 466.67, 600, 533.33, 133.33, 933.33, 533.33]

# Loop over the spectra.
for i in xrange(len(names)):
   # Load the peak intensities.
spectrum.read_intensities(file=names[i], dir=data_path_1, spectrum_id=names[i], int_method='height') spectrum.read_intensities(file=names[i], dir=data_path_2, spectrum_id=names[i], int_method='height')

However, the script crashes at this point where the second magnetic field data are read into relax. It crashes because the names of the spectra are the same for both magnetic fields:

File "/home/semor/pse-4/collaborations/relax/relax-1.3--relax_disp/test_suite/system_tests/scripts/", line 83, in <module> spectrum.read_intensities(file=names[i], dir=data_path_2, spectrum_id=names[i], int_method='height') File "/home/semor/pse-4/collaborations/relax/relax-1.3--relax_disp/prompt/", line 493, in read_intensities, dir=dir, spectrum_id=spectrum_id, heteronuc=heteronuc, proton=proton, int_col=int_col, int_method=int_method, mol_name_col=mol_name_col, res_num_col=res_num_col, res_name_col=res_name_col, spin_num_col=spin_num_col, spin_name_col=spin_name_col, sep=sep, ncproc=ncproc) File "/home/semor/pse-4/collaborations/relax/relax-1.3--relax_disp/generic_fns/", line 831, in read raise RelaxError, "The spectrum identification string '%s' already exists." % spectrum_id RelaxError: RelaxError: The spectrum identification string 'reference.in_sparky' already exists.

So what should be done to avoid this ?

Should a magnetic field variable (something like 'frq') be added to the spectrum.read_intensities() function in order for it to treat the different magnetic field data separately ? This might be much unnecessary work...

Should a loop be inserted in order to extract R2eff values from peak intensities at one magnetic field at a time, before storing these informations and, finally, doing the multiple field curve fitting of relaxation dispersion ? I guess this would be the best option...

Should the complete approach be changed ?

Any suggestion ?

Séb  :)

Sébastien Morin
PhD Student
S. Gagné NMR Laboratory
Université Laval & PROTEO
Québec, Canada

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